· Feb 7

Visual Studio Code eating licenses

Windows 10/Windows Server 2016:

I am currently monitoring our license use with a new rest-service I am implementing when I noticed my licenses on my instance being consumed and never released by Visual Studio Code.

For this I restarted my Instance, watched the licenses for a while, which remained at 1 during idle (I am guessing my MMGT Portal session uses 1) 
But when I connect to my Instance using Visual Studio Code (with my Instance setup in the extension already), suddenly 2 licenses are used. (I am guessing 1 for the "studio" and 1 for a terminal session, so far so good) 

But then when I open any file in the project, another license is used. 

All of them have User-IDs and the "CSP" type. No Grace time and stay active.  

So 3 licenses per active developer.


Now here's the problem:
If I do that on a new machine, with a InterSystems IRIS 2024.2 Entree - Concurrent Users for x86-64 (Microsoft Windows):5, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Develop license 

Even AFTER CLOSING VS Code, 2 of the 3 licenses are still in use. When I reopen VSCode, I get "service unavailable" because I ran out of licenses.

Is this normal behaviour? Do I need more than 5 licenses to program with 2 developers on a new machine? 


Product version: IRIS 2024.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:37:07 EDT
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