Hello developers,

In this article, I'll show you how to run code at compile time with ObjectScript macros.

Here's a use case that recently led me to use this feature:

As part of a medical application developed for more than 20 years, we have a large number of parameters. Although we have procedures for documenting these settings, it can be helpful to have a quick view of which settings are actually used by the application code.

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I have created a service in Node.js which interacts with IRIS using APIs. The current implementation uses basic auth. I want to implement OAuth 2, to make the communication between the node.js service and IRIS secure. I want my service to act as client and IRIS as Authorization and Resource server. I don't know how to do that. Anyone who has implemented OAuth using IRIS can you help me out or point me in the right direction on about how to implement it?

Thank you for your help :)

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InterSystems announces its fourth preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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Hi Friends,

We have a requirement to read pdf text in ensemble object script code. As object script doesn't have direct solution , i tried to implement python code , but

iris 2020 , there is no support for python in object script.

so I have found one java utill using pdfbox api.

Now I have created jar and want to register into iris and want to make a call to mymethod to read pdf text.

please help me to way forward to achieve it.

java code:


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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to leverage embedded (server-side) source control in a build pipeline using the git- source-control package and other additional tools:

Embedded Source Control with Git & Containers @ Global Summit 2023

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can set individual error pages for the following Web Gateway error messages/system responses:

  • server error
  • server busy
  • server unavailable
  • server timeout
  • connection closed

Settings are made on the Web Gateway Management screen ([Management Portal] > [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [Web Gateway Management] > [Configuration] > [Default Parameters]).

In the Error Page section of the Default Parameters menu, set the filename of the html page to display or the URL to redirect to when an error occurs.

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· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

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This article introduces using the langchain framework supported by IRIS for implementing a Q&A chatbot, focusing on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). It explores how IRIS Vector Search within langchain-iris facilitates storage, retrieval, and semantic search of data, enabling precise and up-to-date responses to user queries. Through seamless integration and processes like indexing and retrieval/generation, RAG applications powered by IRIS enable the capabilities of GenAI systems for InterSystems developers.

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The 2023.2 releases of InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and InterSystems IRIS Studio are now Generally Available (GA).


2023.2 is a Continuous Delivery (CD) release. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2023.2:

Private Web Server

Starting with this release:

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I found myself in the not-so-comfortable situation of working with a Linux system on which someone had accidentally disabled user access to the Linux shell. HealthConnect was running, servicing hundreds of interfaces. To resolve the access issue, though, we needed to bring the host down for the application of a fix.

Without the shell, the iris command is not available to control the instance, so we were faced with the potential of shutting down the server ungracefully. We wanted to avoid that if possible ...

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We have JSON type data in a Dynamic Object. Is there a simple way to export / dump that data to a delimited string or file?


Results={"ClassA":{"ClassName":"ClassA","ACount":367191880,"BCount":367191880,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}
"ClassB":{"ClassName":"ClassB","ACount":5352149227,"BCount":5352149227,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}}

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For my Embedded Python ONLY demo package I need some user input.
Similar to ObjectScript

read "say somthing",reply

I use the Python equivalent

reply = input("say something")

And this works excellent without problems from Terminal or Doker console

with WebTermnial ObjectSscript works fine, but embedded Python fails badly.

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Our objective

Today we continue expanding our last article by sharing information about some features we added to our portal. We will include a pinch of CSS to visualize the available data better and export it. Finally, we will study how to add some filtering and ordering options. By the end of this article, you should be able to display a complete simple query beautifully.

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Welcome dear members of the Community to the presentation and first article of a small project that will demonstrate the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS to provide full backup functionality for a web application developed in Angular. This article will be limited to presenting the concept as well as the InterSystems IRIS functionalities used in a general way, going into more detail in subsequent articles.

Welcome to QuinielaML!

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I usually receive complains from our customers about the BPL and DTL web pages automatic refreshes, it's a common problem among newbies users but for veteran developers too, they forget to save the changes regularly and automatically the web page is reloaded, losing all the work done.

Maybe an autosave would fix this problem that produces a deep feeling of hate and resentment against InterSystems technology among our customers. I've added an idea in our portal, so feel free to vote it!

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