· Nov 15

stream.Read() only reading in chunks of 1K

I use the following code to calculate the SHA1 of a file :

set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
do stream.LinkToFile(filename)
write $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode($SYSTEM.Encryption.SHA1HashStream(stream))

This code is called thousands of time and performance is critical. I have tried to code same logic in another language (which is lower level) and it's almost twice as fast. It's unclear why so I started investigating.

Using Process Monitor, it shows that files are read in chunks of 1024 bytes (1K) which is suboptimal. Reading a file of 1MB while require 1024 file system calls. Usually bigger buffer is used (eg : 4096 or 81920).

The SHA1HashStream() function is implemented this way : 

do $System.Encryption.SHAHashReset(160)
set sc=stream.Rewind() If $$$ISERR(sc) Quit ""
while 'stream.AtEnd {
	do $System.Encryption.SHAHashInput(160, stream.Read(32000,.sc))
	if $$$ISERR(sc) Quit
quit $System.Encryption.SHAHashResult(160)

stream.Read(32000) will do the following call :


So I except it to read the file in chunks of 32000 bytes, but that's not the case.

Is this excepted behavior ? Is there a way to change this ?

EDIT: I have been able to force 1024 bytes reads in the other language implementation and it's still about twice faster so performance issue is probably due to something else.

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2023.1.3 (Build 517U) Wed Jan 10 2024 13:36:58 EST
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The documentation for the Read method says "Some stream classes use this to optimize the amount of data returned to align this with the underlying storage of the stream." I take this to mean that for a file stream, it might be trying to read in a way that aligns with how the drive is formatted. Can you run the command below and see if the Bytes Per Cluster is 1024?

C:\Windows\System32>fsutil fsinfo ntfsInfo C:
NTFS Volume Serial Number :        0x0060ba3960ba356e
NTFS Version      :                3.1
LFS Version       :                2.0
Total Sectors     :                997,918,719  (475.8 GB)
Total Clusters    :                124,739,839  (475.8 GB)
Free Clusters     :                 96,063,960  (366.5 GB)
Total Reserved Clusters :              893,290  (  3.4 GB)
Reserved For Storage Reserve :         884,043  (  3.4 GB)
Bytes Per Sector  :                512
Bytes Per Physical Sector :        512
Bytes Per Cluster :                4096  (4 KB)
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment    :  1024
Clusters Per FileRecord Segment :  0
Mft Valid Data Length :            512.50 MB
Mft Start Lcn  :                   0x00000000000c0000
Mft2 Start Lcn :                   0x0000000000000002
Mft Zone Start :                   0x0000000001d59580
Mft Zone End   :                   0x0000000001d65da0
MFT Zone Size  :                   200.13 MB
Max Device Trim Extent Count :     256
Max Device Trim Byte Count :       0xffffffff
Max Volume Trim Extent Count :     62
Max Volume Trim Byte Count :       0x40000000
Resource Manager Identifier :      BBA1AD65-C5EC-11EE-8ED5-D0AD0854D65E

Hello, I got the same as you (4096) : 

D:\>fsutil fsinfo ntfsInfo D:
NTFS Volume Serial Number :        0x52a864f9a864dd4b
NTFS Version   :                   3.1
LFS Version    :                   2.0
Number Sectors :                   0x000000003e7be7ff
Total Clusters :                   0x0000000007cf7cff
Free Clusters  :                   0x0000000000f5785c
Total Reserved :                   0x0000000000000400
Bytes Per Sector  :                512
Bytes Per Physical Sector :        512
Bytes Per Cluster :                4096
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment    :  1024
Clusters Per FileRecord Segment :  0
Mft Valid Data Length :            0x0000000089b00000
Mft Start Lcn  :                   0x00000000000c0000
Mft2 Start Lcn :                   0x0000000000000002
Mft Zone Start :                   0x0000000006cb4d40
Mft Zone End   :                   0x0000000006cb7320
Max Device Trim Extent Count :     64
Max Device Trim Byte Count :       0x7fe00000
Max Volume Trim Extent Count :     62
Max Volume Trim Byte Count :       0x40000000
Resource Manager Identifier :     F59E5B7C-C569-11ED-B0AE-AC1F6B365CAA