· Mar 17 3m read

Having trouble connecting your Visual Studio Code to your IRIS instance via WebGateway? Here are some tips!

As you may know, the so-called Private Web Server that came with every IRIS installation has been eliminated, making an external web server necessary.

For Docker deployments, it's most common to use the webgateway image (available here) along with the IRIS image to seamlessly access the management portal. This image can be configured to access via HTTPS without any issues by configuring the certificates.

Problem 1: Unable to verify the first certificate

Your SSL connection through the web gateway may have a self-signed certificate configured, and Visual Studio Code is attempting to verify it. Well, let's remove that verification:

By accessing the Settings menu  and searching for http, you'll find the Proxy Strict SSL  option . Uncheck it to prevent it from attempting to validate the certificate. In Proxy Support, select Off .

Problem 2: /api/atelier web application not found

You may be wondering what Atelier is...well, it's very simple, it was the old InterSystems development environment based on Eclipse and it has become a bit of a "legacy" in the IRIS configuration.

This shouldn't be very common, but it's caused by the /api/atelier web application being disabled. To do this, go directly to the management portal and search for the web application administration screen. From the  Administration > Security > Applications > Web Applications  menu , search for /api/atelier.

Indeed, the app is not enabled. To change this, go to its settings by clicking on its name, then select Enabled App.

With that activation the problem should be solved.

Problem 3: Server unavailable

After configuring everything the server is still not accessible, displaying a message like this:

Most likely, the WebGateway has CSPSystems configured as the access user for your IRIS instance, which appears by default with the name LOCAL. To access the WebGateway console, you can do so from the Management Portal ( Administration > Configuration > Web Gateway Management ) or directly through the URL (https://WEBGATEWAY_IP:WEBGATEWAY_PORT/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw). Remember that the access user is CSPSystem  (with the password specified during installation).

The first screen we will see will be the following:

From here we must access Server Access  which will show you the following screen:

As you can see, we only have one server configured, labeled LOCAL, which allows us to directly access the Management Portal (in my case, with the URL  https://localhost/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen ). Let's look at the configuration:

Indeed, the configured user is CSPSystem and our Visual Studio Code configuration uses superuser to access, let's change the configuration to use superuser and see what happens:

Bingo! Problem solved. We're now connected to our IRIS from the Visual Studio Code WebGateway.

I hope you find it useful.

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A useful article, but I have a couple of comments:

1. I think "fallback" is a better choice for the "http.proxySupport" setting than "off", and it should still have the desired effect.

2. I'd like to understand exactly why you find it necessary to make the web gateway connect to IRIS as SuperUser rather than as CSPSystem (the default). On my test environments this isn't necessary, but I'm not using SSL/TLS as the Connection Security Level.

About the CSPSystem, I had some troubles to connect when I used the superuser from VSC and the webgateway had the CSPSystem user configured, It solved when I changed the user to superuser.

Probably you are right and is not necessary to change the CSPSystem (my current configuration it's using CSPSystem and works fine) it just was pure chance.