· Oct 8, 2024

Performance tuning techniques - Emmanuel Katto Uganda

Hi everyone, My name is Emmanuel Katto. What performance tuning techniques have you found most effective when working with InterSystems IRIS? Any specific metrics to monitor?


I look forward to your tips/suggestions.

Thanks in advance!


Emmanuel Katto

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Hi Emmanuel,

Regarding monitoring of the general performance there are many metrics available. 

I found it very useful to set up an automated 24 hours system performance report ^SystemPerformance | HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1 ( and then generating performance charts using YASPE  yaspe/ at main · murrayo/yaspe · GitHub. This should give you good insights of how your system is dealing with the load. Next you may want to check Scale Vertically | HealthShare Health Connect 2021.1 ( to find out if more resources are required to be added to improve the performance. 

Are there any specific problems you're experiencing that you'd like to resolve?


That is a big question and it depends on what you are doing.

If you are writing SQL queries, then look at the SQL performance statistics in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATEMENT_DAILY_STATS. 

If you are using an interoperability production, look at the activity and volume statistics.

For general database activity, you could use ^SystemPerformance as described, but with that you have to process the data with an extra tool and it is difficult to interpret. I suggest you enable the History Monitor. It will give you almost everything ^SystemPerformance gives you, with a fraction of the effort. You just look at the DB and CPU stats with SQL.