· Jun 29, 2023
The idea for iris-user-manager

I want to deploy IRIS apps running in containers in Kubernetes with user accounts configured.

I have a %ZSTART routine which looks for an XML file with Users export data and if the %ZSTART routine finds this file, it imports it. This Users export data can be obtained by running a class method.

I have defined a task which can be scheduled or run on demand. This tasks imports user data from an XM file.

In Kubernetes I can provide a ConfigMap to stage the Users data for the %ZSTART routine.

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Make sure you have git installed.

I created a git folder inside the IRIS mgr directory. I right clicked the git folder and chose Git Bash Here from the context menu.

git clone https://github.com/oliverwilms/csp-log-tutorial.git

Clone my csp-log-tutorial GitHub repo if you like to try it out for yourself.

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InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL is a fully managed cloud service that brings the power of InterSystems IRIS relational database capabilities used by thousands of enterprise customers to a broad audience of application developers and data professionals. InterSystems IRIS Cloud IntegratedML is an option to this database-as-a-service that offers easy access to powerful Automated Machine Learning capabilities in a SQL-native form, through a set of simple SQL commands that can easily be embedded in application code to augment them with ML models that run close to the data.

Today, we announce the Developer Access Program for these two offerings. Application developers can now self-register for the service, create deployments and start building composable applications and smart data services, with all provisioning, configuration and administration taken care of by the service.

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· Jun 30, 2023
[Video] Managing Database Size

Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to expand or truncate a database using the Management Portal in InterSystems IRIS data platform, and learn about the best times to do each:

Managing Database Size

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Am just plain curious about how people may be approaching this area.

The Question

The %SYSTEM.License API wraps an IRIS key that is specific to a range of InterSystems products with

  • Platform features
  • Platform behaviors
  • Expiry date
  • Capacity / Usage limits

If a company is implementing deployed products that:

  • run on top of IRIS
  • optionally support other vendor IRIS products

For example:

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· Oct 11, 2022 2m read
ZPM Simple Implementation Cookbook

ZPM is designed to work with applications and modules for InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. It consists of two components, the ZPN Client which is a CLI to manage modules, and The Registry which is a database of modules and meta-information. We can use ZPM to search, install, upgrade, remove and publish modules. With ZPM you can install ObjectScript classes, Frontend applications, Interoperability productions, IRIS BI solutions, IRIS Datasets or any files such as Embedded Python wheels.

Today this cookbook will go through 3 sections:

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Hi all

I need to do hardware maintenance on a physical HealthConnect server which forms one half of a mirrored pair, and It will require multiple restarts.

So, I will need to prevent any HealthConnect services from restarting until all maintenance is completed. Is this just a case of disabling the service "HealthConnect Controller for <SERVERNAME>", or is there anything else I need to be aware of?


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InterSystems FAQ rubric

For volatile tables (tables with many INSERTs and DELETEs), storage for bitmap indexes can become inefficient over time.

For example, suppose that there are thousands of data with the following definition, and the operation of bulk deletion with TRUNCATE TABLE after being retained for a certain period of time is repeatedly performed.

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Hi folks!

How can I refer to a classmethod of the same class while coding another classmethod with Embedded python?

I know that I can call it with iris.cls(classname).MethodName(), but it's more cumbersome even comparing with ObjectScript, where I can call ..MethodName().

Compare ObjectScript:

do ..SetupGame()

and the same call in EmbeddedPython:



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Hi All,
I was creating a unit test directory with the below script. But it not creating any directory as mentioned in code. I am working on MacBook with irisusr User as standard installation process.

if '$data(^UnitTestRoot) {

set mainFolder = "UnitTest\NewDir\"

set st = ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(mainFolder _ testSuite)

if $$$ISOK(st) { set ^UnitTestRoot = mainFolder }

else {

write !, "UnitTestRoot folder could not be created. Consult with instructor."

do $system.Status.DisplayError(st)



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0 226

Getting INVALID OREF error while unit testing. Also ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size() these are working fine getting 7 value from both. but still it is not working.

do $$$AssertEquals(ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size(), "Validation for Headers")

error - INVALID OREF>TestAccountSearchWithoutAccount+6

0 1
0 253

Hi All,

I am trying to execute my SQL query using ExecDirect() method and it returns a ResultSet. No doubt it works fine after this I am trying to fetch each value using a loop code below. But before that, I am also checking for %SQLCODE = 100 which is for an empty resultset I think. However, It is not working as desired. In the case of an empty resultset also I am getting %SQLCODE = 0 until result.%Next() is called. Also, %ROWCOUNT is giving 0 in a case where my query is return 1 result row. I am so confused about this.
while resultset.%Next() {

// code


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Has anyone come across a good using Embedded Python to convert a Python List object to an IRIS %List object?

My use case is I want to open an SQL entry with an Objectscript class method, then pass some information from that row into a separate Python class method which will then create a Python List object, then have the Python class method return that list back to the Objectscript class method in such a way that the Python List can be converted to an IRIS %List object for me to then use in the Objectscript code.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Why Horizontal Scalability Is Like Teamwork @ Global Summit 2022

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· Feb 23, 2023 15m read
IoT with InterSystems IRIS

IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of interconnected things, including vehicles, machines, buildings, domestic devices or any other thing with embedded TCP/IP remote connection available, allowing it to receive and send execution instructions and data. Each thing provides one or more services to the IoT network. For instance, smart light bulbs provide services of turning off and turning on the lights; smart air conditioners maintain the environment temperature; smart cameras send notifications when capturing movement.

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Looking for some guidance on setting up IRIS to use single sign on to authenticate with ADFS.

We have a request for users to automatically launch IRIS without the need to login, the user will be authenticated by Single Sign on (SSO) against ADFS.

Do we need to have a authorization server as well as a client, ADFS will handle all the authentication side, so would it be a case of configuring IRIS client up to communicate with ADFS, following the link below?

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Our team is working on building dashboard for internal reference and monitoring.

We would like to have details like Interface Name, Current Status, Last Messages Processed at, IP & Port, Serve/Instance/Production Environment name etc.

If there is any built-in service which we can utilize or any pre-compiled code that we can utilize to build such dashboard.

At this moment want to keep it basic, but moving forward will enhance with more advance features.

Please suggest, any help will be appreciated.



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· Jun 19, 2023 8m read
Open AI integration with IRIS

As you all know, the world of artificial intelligence is already here, and everyone wants to use it to their benefit.

There are many platforms that offer artificial intelligence services for free, by subscription or private ones. However, the one that stands out because of the amount of "noise" it made in the world of computing is Open AI, mainy thanks to its most renowned services: ChatGPT and DALL-E.

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