· Feb 29, 2024

WebTerminal is not working


I've just installed WebTerminal to my IRIS system (Linux SUSE).

I go url:


But it just times out

My management portal address is:


The port 57772 is not being listened to [ ss -l|grep LISTEN|grep 57772] 

The doco for WebTerminal says to use this port number in "1.1.3 Launching WebTerminal"

How can I fix this?

Is there some process that needs starting?

Is there further configuration eg. apache web server setup?




This install was done from the *.xml (WebTerminal-v4.9.5.xml) using the Management Portal:

System Explorer -> Classes -> Import

["Compile imported items - Compile Flag cuk]

There were no errors


System Explorer -> Classes with Namespace of USER shows classes



System Administration->Security -> Applications -> Web Applications

shows there are entries



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