· Feb 29, 2024

Reminder: Exam Design Feedback for InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional Exam Closes March 8

Hi All,

On February 8, 2024, we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Friday, March 8, 2024. If you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

How can I access the survey? You can access it here

  • Survey does not work well on mobile devices - you can access it, but it will involve a lot of scrolling
  • Survey can be resumable if you return to it on the same device in the same browser - answers save with the Save/Next button
  • Survey will close on March 8, 2024

InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional

back-end software developer who:

  • writes and executes efficient, scalable, maintainable, and secure code on (or adjacent to) InterSystems IRIS using best practices for the development lifecycle,
  • effectively communicates development needs to systems and operations teams (e.g., database architecture strategy),
  • integrates InterSystems IRIS with modern development practices and patterns, and
  • is familiar with the different data models and modes of access for InterSystems IRIS (ObjectScript, Python, SQL, JDBC/ODBC, REST, language gateways, etc.).

At least 2 years of experience developing with InterSystems IRIS is recommended. Any code samples that include InterSystems IRIS classes will have methods displayed in both ObjectScript and Python (or SQL). 

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