One of the pain points for maintaining HL7 interfaces is the need to run a reliable regression test upon deployment to new environments and after upgrades. The %UnitTest class allows unit tests to be created and packaged alongside interface code. Test data can also be maintained within the unit test class, allowing for quick and easily repeatable smoke-testing and regression testing.


  • Standard %UnitTest class

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0 146

Hello everyone, could you please advise me on how to solve this error :
ERROR #6085: Unable to write to socket with SSL/TLS configuration 'HTTPSCert', error reported 'SSL/TLS error in SSL_connect(), SSL_ERROR_SSL: protocol error, error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number' + ERROR #6034: SMTP server connection failed during init command: <READ>GetResponse+5^%Net.SMTP.1.
my SSL config :

0 1
0 145


I have an odd problem that occurs when I'm trying to import lookup tables in the XML format into Studio.

I store my files in in C:\CodeRepository.

I can manually import these lookup tables using "Import local..." option in the InterSystems Studio.

However, when I'm trying to import them using command in terminal: do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("C:\CodeRepository\","ck")

I'm getting the following error:

0 1
0 144

I am trying to locate a method that would allow me to differentiate between InterSystems preinstalled/system namespaces and "our own" namespaces. I am interested both in Cache and Iris answers if they are different. Yes, I can list what to disregard, like if not HSLIB or if not DOCBOOK but hoping for a more universal and elegant answer.

0 3
0 141

Hi Guys,

I'm new to IRIS and I'm converting from Ensemble 2018 to IRIS but not sure how to convert my file to IRIS.dat, I copied my to a new folder then went to IRIS management portal and created a new database and specified the directory to where my and saved and I thought that IRIS will automatically convert cache.dat to IRIS.dat but instead it created a new empty IRIS.dat, I guess I was wrong in my assumptions !?

0 4
0 140

Hi all ,

I just started learning objectScript . Online TEST instance is not opening terminal.

Management Portal (system configuration, direct SQL access, reporting)

Server Address:
Web Terminal:
InterSystems Username: tech
InterSystems Password: demo

IDE Connections (VS Code)

Host Server Address:
Host Server Web Port: 80

External Connections (InterSystems Studio)

0 2
0 142

I'm using a customised IRIS Community Edition Docker Container: Node.js has been added and the Native API for Node.js directory moved to a node_modules folder in /home/irisowner. I've changed the _SYSTEM password using the Management Portal (which connects to IRIS just fine)

If I shell into the running container and try to connect with a JS script file containing this:

const IRISNative = require('intersystems-iris-native');

let connectionInfo = {

host: 'localhost',

port: 1972,

ns: 'USER',

0 2
0 141

Hi, I was working with %sStream.FileBynary and following the doc when I find an info that I'm not sure of.
In the part of the doc where it talks about saving streams, it does not precise where it is saved.
I tried to fill my stream, then rewind, then set the file and finally saved.
And it puts in my default directory with the temporary name.
If I do a zwrite of my stream, I get these properties about the file and directory.
(StoreFile) = ""
(NormalizedDirectory) = "C:\InterSystems\Community\mgr\user\stream\"

0 6
0 135

Occasionally, in VSCode, compile errors stop displaying. I'll be getting errors on compile all along (expected, and it compiles while saving using CTRL+S), until they'll suddenly stop. I haven't found any solution, including restarting VSCode and restarting my user session in Fedora. I'm running IRIS locally on Fedora and running VSCode also on the same machine. The only solution I've found is to restart IRIS. It's a solo dev environment and relatively small, so restarting isn't anything but an annoyance.

Are there any known bugs around this or any other solutions?

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0 140

Trying to write multiple records to a file via Record Mapper from a single inbound DFT transaction with multiple FT1 segments. DTL with HL7 DFT inbound and Record Mapper outbound checks field values in both FT1 segment and PV1 segment within a "foreach" loop, and if criteria are met for a particular FT1 then the target fields in the record map are set with values from multiple segments (MSH, PID, PV1, and FT1). Currently in this setup, only the last qualifying FT1 segment's fields will write to the file (if there is more than one qualifying FT1 segment)....How can I set it up so that a ne

0 2
0 139


I am trying to connect to a web socket endpoint that potentially has a number of different IP addresses for load balancing purposes.

I have been asked whether it's possible to use a DNS name to resolve the IP address rather than statically assigning one specific IP address in the TCP Operation.

If it's not possible to resolve on a DNS name directly on the TCP operation, then I wondered whether it was possible to provide multiple IP addresses.

0 2
0 136

01/10/24-09:00:54:225 (14316) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1
01/10/24-09:00:58:210 (5096) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1

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