I've recently encountered a HS Caché that won't start informing that Collation 30 is not available, but I have not found an easy way of knowing what collation is 30.

I've found that the following command returns the ones from the current locale, but not from all locales:

Set Rset = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Library.Collate:CollationList")

d Rset.Execute()

While (Rset.Next()) {zw Rset.Number_": "_Rset.Name}

Thank you

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I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but the Management Console causes the browser to refresh periodically. If you're in a form or an editor such as the DTL or Routing Rule editors, you may lose work unless you save frequently. This did not occur in Caché 2018 and earlier releases.

I've had a couple of incidents where I've created a number of rules in the DTL editor, answered the phone or stepped away for a few minutes, then come back to find any work since the last save erased.

I've noticed this in both 2019 and 2020 releases of IRIS.

Heads up!

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will InterSystems fix the Transaction-Handling for the .Net Connection Provider?

Nor the Property IsTransactionAcvtive nor TransactionLevel is set on the Connection when using BeginTransaction.

Latest PreView will give me problem as InterSystems removed removed the TStart() Option to create the Transaction that way which gave back a TransactionObject whith working versions...

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1 302

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann:

⏯ Supporting All Tools for Development in InterSystems IRIS

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AnalyzeThis is a tool for getting a personalized preview of your own data inside of InterSystems BI. This allows you to get first hand experience with InterSystems BI and understand the power and value it can bring to your organization. In addition to getting a personalized preview of InterSystems BI through an import of a CSV file with your data, Classes and SQL Queries are now supported as Data Sources in v1.1.0!

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0 575

Hello Community,

Thank you all for your continued feedback and support of our ad hoc reporting platform, VDM. There's been some questions around setting up a non-ODBC connection for InterSystems platforms. We published a new YouTube video showing the steps necessary to connect to InterSystems Caché and InterSystems IRIS with BridgeWorks VDM.

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Hi Community,

New video, recorded by @Raj Singh, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ What Keeps Developers Up at Nigh

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I have two namespaces

  1. In the first one, I have defined a class which Extends (%Persistent, Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods), we'll call it NSOne.Msg.Req
  2. In the second namespace NSTwo, I want to use the previous class with something like SET pInput = ##class(NSOne.Msg.Req).%New()

I mapped the NSOne.Msg.Req package in namespace NSOne. In Atelier, I can see NSOne.Msg.Req in my NSOne. But, when I try to execute line 2 above, it tells me :

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we're planning some work on our SQL Query Plan functionality for a future release of InterSystems IRIS and are interested to hear how you're using them today, or what'd keep you from using them. Rather than try and fit everything in a rigid survey, I thought a simple thread on our beloved DC might also reveal some use patterns that we support or could do a better job on.

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· Dec 19, 2019
%New error handling


On a persistent class, I have defined an %OnNew method that validate some properties with appropriate status code for each kind of error.
Question is: how do you catch the specific error when %New is called on this class?

Surrounding %New method with a try-catch not seems to work.


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0 521

I'm trying to tie IRIS (2019.1) into our Concord Fax cloud-based email-to-fax workflow. We have some sites that require a fax be sent to multiple locations based upon certain data (ie Radiology and Emergency departments). Unfortunately, CC-ing does not work with Concord Fax so I need a way to send the email, change the recipient, and then send it again if certain criteria are met. Is this possible? Do I need to duplicate and rename the method, calling the second one in the MessageMap?

Here's what my code currently looks like:

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0 237

Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Install and Use ObjectScript Package Manager with InterSystems IRIS

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· Mar 14, 2018 10m read
REST Design and Development


For many in today's interoperability landscape, REST reigns supreme. With the overabundance of tools and approaches to REST API development, what tools do you choose and what do you need to plan for before writing any code?
This article focuses on design patterns and considerations that allow you to build highly robust, adaptive, and consistent REST APIs. Viable approaches to challenges of CORS support and authentication management will be discussed, along with various tips and tricks and best tools for all stages of REST API development. Learn about the open-source REST APIs available for InterSystems IRIS Data Platform and how they tackle the challenge of ever-increasing API complexity.
The article is a write-up for a recent webinar on the same topic.

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6 2.8K

Hi Community,

New video, recorded by @Benjamin De Boe, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ What Developers Love About InterSystems IRIS

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InterSystems IRIS ML Toolkit adds the power of InterSystems IntegratedML to further extend convergent scenario coverage into the area of automated feature and model type/parameter selection. The previous "manual" pipelines now collaborate within the same analytic process with "auto" pipelines that are based on automation frameworks, such as H2O.

Automated classification modeling in InterSystems IRIS ML Toolkit

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1 514

Hi Community,

New video, recorded by @Eduard Lebedyuk, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Python Gateway: Jupyter Support - extended

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Hi Developers!

Recently we published on Docker Hub images for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS Community for Health containers.

What is that?

There is a repository that publishes it, and in fact, it is the same container IRIS Community Edition containers you have on official InterSystems listing which have the pre-loaded ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) client.

So if you run this container with IRIS CE or IRIC CE for Health you can immediately start using ZPM and install packages from Community Registry or any others.

What does this mean for you?

It means, that anyone can deploy any of your InterSystems ObjectScript application in 3 commands:

  • run IRIS container;
  • open terminal;
  • install your application as ZPM package.

It is safe, fast and cross-platform.

It's really handy if you want to test a new interesting ZPM package and not harm any of your systems.

Suppose, you have docker-desktop installed. You can run the image, which wiil pull the latest container if you don't have it locally:

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0 299

Hi Developers!

Many of you are looking for samples on how to work with InterSystems IRIS Analytics, formerly known as DeepSee.

There is a Samples BI module with Patients and Holefoods examples which is available on Github with source code. The installation steps are clear but take time.

Recently we added the option to run IRIS Community Edition containers with ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) on board. This simplifies the installation to the "run-one-command" step for the modules submitted to ZPM Community Registry. And thus we can benefit the Samples BI installation with ZPM.

And here is how you can run it on your laptop. Let's go!

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