I am looking into creating a ZSTOP as you probably have seen from my previous posts, is there a way to capture the type of shutdown that occurred? So say if there was an unknown hardware failure (forced), vs a user shutdown? Mainly looking for user or system shutdown when we force another destination to become the primary in the mirror. So if a user shutdown the production to do.,... Task A, Task B etc..



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Hi all,

I'm very new to this ecosystem so please bear with me:

I've startted learning online and have installed everything I need. I have VS code and I have most definitely installed the pack (3 packages) needed for working on it with ObjectScript. Even though this is the case I'm running into 2 problems:

1. when I type "class" I only get 4 option for auto complete. no "class with multiple inheritances" or anything of the sort. In fact, no Class at all, only ClassMethod. ClassResponse etc.

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· Nov 21, 2021

Hello, are there any alternative choices for creating forms with a different tool and then integrating them with Intersystems? I want to use Angular to construct forms and integrate the code with Intersystems. Is there anyone out there who might have an idea?

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· Apr 30, 2022


I'm trying to serialize property of type %TimeStamp in SQL statement with JSON_OBJECT, but I get a raw string instead of JSON DateTime format string. %JSONExport method on the same object works fine.

Any ideas?


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0 237

I'm trying to update the hosts file on Windows in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

I know that in Linux if you update the hosts file, you sometimes need to restart the Network Manager for the changes to take effect.

So my question is that is there a similar thing that we need to do on Windows or do the changes take effect as soon as the file is saved?

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· Feb 20, 2020
ECP status via $system.ECP


I'm trying to get the ECP status of 2 servers using $system.ECP.GetProperty("ServerStats") and $system.ECP.GetProperty("ClientStats"), but I'm not able to find the documentation of the values returned:

For example, on the server side I execute this:

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· Dec 8, 2020
SQL Query execution plan

Is it possible see the execution plan of a SQL sentence in IRIS?

Like this:

explain plan for
select  e.ename,r.rname
from    employees  e
join    roles       r on (r.id = e.role_id)
join    departments d on (d.id = e.dept_id)
where   e.staffno <= 10
and     d.dname in ('Department Name 1','Department Name 2');

That returns this:

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1 400

Is there a way to add/substract from a pivot variable?

I have this MDX:

  NON EMPTY [DateOfSale].[Actual].[YearSold].&[$variable.Year] ON 0,
  NON EMPTY [Product].[P1].[Product Name].Members ON 1

And with pivot variable Year equal to, say, 2016 it works:

Now I want to add previous year first with one pivot variable and one explicit reference. It also works:

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0 121

Hi Friends,

In my production already we have business components (business service , process, operations) and all are working fine.

Now I have change the package structure of few classes and want to update the references in settings for Business components in Management portal.

As this class field is read only , Any other way to update the class reference, instead of creating new business component?

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0 155

Hi Friends ,

I have created inbound DB adapter business service. Now my requirement to trigger this service at 10am daily.

I used scheduler , but I don't know when should i configure for stop. this not suits for my requirement.

Is there any other way , where I need to trigger service only once , in configured times.



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Do you know if there is any way to disable the automatic tuning IRIS is doing every time a class is altered? It just takes too long in our case and is holding the system, so I'd like to tune the tables when I decide it (again).

I've seen in the documentation that for 2023 version there is an option present in the backend. But not for 2022, so I assume a flag is needed somewhere.

Many thanks!

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We currently have a couple of Shell scripts we have written to EnableConfigItem from a Unix (Red Hat) command line, so we can control when a Service/Operation is running via the cron in Unix. We do this by calling

:>iris session xxxxx

using _system user.

During our Security audit it was mentioned that we need to lock down some of the cache users.

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