· Nov 15, 2022 6m read
How to develop in Logi

Today we will talk about InterSystems Reports. This is a BI system that provides you with tools to create static reports and export them to different file formats. We will see how it works using the DC Analytics public analytical sample as an example. In this article, we will examine how to familiarize yourself with the reports available in the repository, how to make a new report based on a ready-made data structure, and how to prepare a data structure from scratch.

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I would like to define an advanced filter within my pivot table that allows me to look at diagnosis codes, or at procedure codes - but I do not want to hard code values within the pivot table definition (get the %OR defined).

I would like to be able to allow my dashboard user to chose what specific diagnosis codes or procedure codes they are interested in. So for example one user may want to look for # of patients with cancer dx or patients who have had a radiation procedure.

How can I accomplish this OR feature using dashboard filters?

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Developers, we have prepared a tutorial to get you started with InterSystems Adaptive Analytics powered by AtScale. In it, in addition to setting up AtScale and working with data cubes, we will also touch on methods of working with InterSystems Reports and other analytical systems.

Now the course is ready and we want to conduct a pilot training course on a small group of volunteers (3-5 people).

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Today we will talk about Adaptive Analytics. This is a system that allows you to receive data from various sources with a relativistic data structure and create OLAP cubes based on this data. This system also provides the ability to filter and aggregate data and has mechanisms to speed up the work of analytical queries.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reporting & Business Intelligence: What's New? @ Global Summit 2022
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When we work with IRIS, we usually have the ability to quickly deploy a ready-to-use infrastructure for BI (data, analytical cubes, and IRIS BI dashboards) using modules. When we start using Adaptive Analytics, we typically want to have the same functionality. Adaptive Analytics has all the tools that we need. The documentation contains a description of how to work with an open web API. All interactions between the user interface and the engine also occur via the internal web API and can be emitted.

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When we are at the starting stage of BI project development, we must remember that it is crucial to select the right tool for its implementation. Today we want to show you how one of the principal functionality of dashboards is implemented in different BI systems. Let's talk about drill down from both points of view: the dashboard development, and the convenience and clarity for the end user. We will touch on the applications of this technology in IRIS BI, Power BI and Tableau.

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· Sep 9, 2022 1m read
DC Analytics Open Application

InterSystems Developer Community analytics. Project made with InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee), Power BI and Logi Report Designer to visualize and analyze members, articles, questions, answers, views and other pieces of content and activity on InterSystems Developer Community.

You can see your own activity, articles and questions. Track how your contribution changes developer community.

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Power BI dashboards provide us with a good way to analyze aggregated information. We can even choose time periods for aggregation (you can find more details regarding it in our article about drill down). However, we might still be interested in a detailed look at specific data points. With the right data filling, we can display detailed data for any column of the chart with all filters applied to that chart.

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I am still trying to figure that Calculated Measure stuff and I hope to learn from you. I have several cubes I am trying to create calculated measures using the Calculated Member Expression.

I have a cube called Cards. There is a measure called count that give total cards count of 15,000. There are two dimensions I am considering. One is the CreditGrade (A, B, C, D, nograde) and the other is the date of the scoredate.(2000-2015).

The CreditGrade dimension has two hierarchies. H1 being the creditnumber and H2 being the CreditGrade (The one I need).

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I have 3 simple tables: Encounter, Patient and Immunizations. Encounter makes a reference to Patient, and Patient contains a list of Immunization objects.

I've tried using PowerBI to access IRIS (using ODBC connector, not InterSystems BI connector), PowerBI reports the error:

Expression.Error: The column 'Patient' of the table wasn't found.

it does this for two of the three tables I need only (Patient and Encounter), but not for Immunization IRIS table..

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What is Selective Build?

Selective Build is a BI feature in InterSystems IRIS (introduced in version 2020.1). Selective Build allows you to build specific elements of your cube while keeping your cube online.

What is special about Selective Build?

Before getting into the details of Selective Build, a brief recap of the different phases during a regular cube build is important. Here are the phases in a regular cube build:
1) Delete existing data in cube
2) Populate cube with full set of data
3) Build all indices in the cube

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I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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· Sep 11, 2021 5m read

I regret getting a late start in the InterSystems Analytics contest. I had tried a couple of times before to use Analytics, but I had not gotten too far. I have been recording financial transactions in Excel workbook ever since I had to retire Microsoft Money. Since my iris-for-money was not fully functional, I created a worksheet per account I was tracking. I had developed a CSP page in iris-for-money to import transactions by reading a CSV file.

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Previously I have already tried to play with Google Data Studio when I connected it to InterSystems FHIRaaS. It has quite a nice UI, with a few chart types available out of the box, it can be quite easily connected to some plain tables (stored as CSV or JSON, for instance), and gives the ability to build quite flexible analytics over it. So, I have decided to implement a new connector to InterSystems Analytics (DeepSee), with the ability to select a cube and do some queries on it.

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Analytics contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

Adaptive Analytics (AtScale) Cubes usage - 4 points
InterSystems Adaptive Analytics provides the option to create and use AtScale cubes for analytics solutions.

You can use the AtScale server we set up for the contest (URL and credentials can be collected in the Discord Channel) to use cubes or create a new one and connect to your IRIS server via JDBC.

The visualization layer for your Analytics solution with AtScale can be crafted with Tableau, PowerBI, Excel, or Logi.

Documentation, AtScale documentation


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· Aug 13, 2021 4m read
Building Analytics Solution with IRIS

Hi developers!

How to build an analytics solution with InterSystems IRIS?

To begin with, let's agree on the points of what is the analytics solution - and this could be a very wide topic. Let's limit the set of solutions to those you can present in the Analytics contest.

There are three kinds of analytics solutions that we will review here: monitoring, interactive analytics, and reporting.


The typical monitoring solution consists of an online dashboard with KPIs that are being actively updated.

The key use case is of monitoring is to visually observe the KPI of fresh data every moment to react in case of an emergency.

Interactive Analytics

This solution supposes a set of interactive dashboards with filters and drill-downs.

The key use case is to explore the data with filters and drill-downs making business decisions upon graph and table data visualization.


Reporting solution provides a set of static (usually) reports in a form of HTML or pdf documents that deliver the data in graph and text form in a predesigned form and could be sent via email.

The typical use case of a reporting system is to obtain reports on a given period that will illustrate the status of the product, process, service, sales, etc that is crucial for the business.

How InterSystems products could be used to build such solutions? Let's discuss this below!

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When you have been using cubes for business intelligence in a namespace for some time, you may find that there are many cubes in the namespace, only some of which are actively being used. However, it can be difficult to tell which cubes users are or are not querying, and maintaining unused cubes can be costly both in terms of storage and of computation to keep them up to date. This article provides some suggestions and examples for monitoring which cubes are in active use, and for removing cubes that you determine are no longer necessary.

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When creating pivots in DeepSee, there is the ability to group date dimensions by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year. For some of our reporting the Week option is desired. However the display looks like the image shown below. Notice the "YYYYW##" formatting.

Is there any ability within DeepSee to modify the display of grouped week dates? E.g. instead of 2020W14 it could be 03/30/2020-04/05-2020, or even just the start or end date, etc.

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Dear Folks,

I have recently studied deepsee and developed few dashboards needed for our web app users. I am trying to embed them in our existing web app which uses angular with delegated user access. I need to embed the native IRIS dashboard into it. ( I can't use Highcharts or any other js tools).

How do I setup the dashboards to work with delegated authentication (Without providing access to management portal or other parts) ? Also should I use the default csp/{Namespace}/_DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer.zen? or any other web application URL ?


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