If I wanted to build a web-based dashboard that monitored various HIE transactions where would I start?

Examples of measures would be Provide & Registers by Facility, Patient Views by facility or even PHR related data.

I have a successful POC that uses nodejs, html and SQL but I think it makes more sense to use Intersystems technology all the way around, I just don't know where to begin.

0 10
0 552
· Sep 26, 2021
Modifying %Stream contents

I have a %Stream that I want to insert some text into the middle of. I create a new stream called pNewContentStream from the original stream, then I do a MoveTo in pNewContentStream to get to the byte position I want to insert into but when I do my Write, my pNewContentStream gets obliterated with only the text that I wrote, the original content goes away and all I'm left with is my Write text.

0 17
0 548

I need some help with unescaping a value in TXA 2 of an MDM message that I am writing to a variable, to be used in a filename for a PF. Would I use the method Unescape(pData) if so how can I use it in a transform to set the variable? The reason I need to do this is I need to use the name as file name when writing the PDF to a directory. The escape characters and invalid for file names .

0 5
0 548

Is Cache the preferred database source for extracting data elements for use in Health Share Patient Index or is there a significant benefit in sourcing data from a warehouse, data mart, or MV? I realize that could be a loaded question with 100 other questions that may follow, however, if there is a known advantage to extracting data from a particular data storage type, the answer may highlight that point.

0 1
0 541

Hello All,

I am receiving this error when attempting to place a file in a local SFTP server.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '101320210700.RAW' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/healthshare/mgr/Temp/VPacx9a1eq0b5g.iostream','/SFTP/unmhsmcsa/OUT/101320210700.RAW') ERROR #7504: Timeout',code=0)

Any help is appreciated.

Below are my settings

0 4
0 540

Hello all,

I have a problem where one of our 3rd party systems is only able to accept HL7 messages with UTF-8 encoding but the originating messages have Windows 1252 encoding. Does anyone know a way in which I can change the encoding for the entire message from Windows 1252 to UTF-8? I have only been able to find the CONVERT method to change individual charachters but we would like to change the entire HL7 message encoding.


1 1
0 538
· Oct 12, 2018
Healthshare/Ensemble Learning


I'm wondering what the path is to learning healthshare & ensemble? I've looked on the learning page and its minimally helpful. I've found that as a long time mumps programmer that new jobs are requiring this. I've just been using mumps to assist with epic emr. Everything I'm seeing is either VistA or Healthshare. Does someone know where do I go to learn these apps? Seems like a catch 22. You need to know these prior to getting a job but you can't get a job where you can learn them. Frustrating.

0 4
0 530

I need to create a document with a root like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RCMR_IN200002FI01 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" ITSVersion="XML_1.0">


However, the CreateDocument in %XML.Document only allows namespace as an additional argument.

I did override this method, but trying to do something like

Do document.SetAttribute("ITSVersion",,"XML_1.0") only results an empty document with the <?xml> declation only.


0 1
0 529


I was wondering whether anyone can help I would like to know what is the underlying method that is used for exporting lookup tables from within studio. I would like to do this programmatically. The export function provided with Ens.Util.LookupTable is not compatible with studio.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


0 4
0 526

For a HL7 production, How will I be able to use two different segment level transformation (sub transform) in the main transform.

For Ex:
Few mappings from source PID --> target ZAX segment (subtransform 1)
Few mappings from source PV1 --> target ZAX segment (subtransfrom 2),

In the main mappings, I have used subtransform 1 followed by subtransform 2. It doesn't seem working fine.

Any suggestions please. Thanks:)

0 2
0 523
· Jun 16, 2020
CCR deployment Util class

Hi ,

Can anyone share some good sample custom CCR Utility classes that would be called by ImplementCCR routines / CCR event hooks to help bootstrap a HealthShare (2020.1) environment or specific change?


1 5
0 516
· Mar 10, 2022
Visual Studio Code Development

Please, I am having trouble connecting to one of several Health Share servers using ISC's Visual Studio Code add-on.

Installation seemed to go smoothly. I have InterSystems's Studio and was able to automatically pull in my existing connections. However when I try to make a connection it fails.

Here is a configuration of one connection slightly edited for security:

"xxxx-hsiecommon-base": {

"description": "This has been created by the CCR system export.",

"username": "therock",

0 3
0 514
· Oct 10, 2018
WebTerminal : blank screen

I just downloaded and installed the latest WebTerminal into my local copy of Healthshare 2016.2.1

I installed via studio and everything compiled without error.

However when I run it I just see a black screen. The help window at the bottom of the screen pops open when I type '/' but I just can't get any response.

Any suggestions as to how to trouble shoot this?


0 11
0 511
· Jan 3, 2022
JSON - NULL Properties

So I've been reviewing a lot of questions posted in the InterSystems community regarding NULL properties in JSON. I've also been reviewing the JSON documentation. None of these things have been able to help me so far.

1. We don't seem to have the %JSON.Adaptor class available for us to use in our system.

2. I'm not really confident enough to create JSON Type classes or backporting code, etc.

0 2
0 509
· Apr 22, 2020
FTP adapter

Hi community,

I am now working with an ftp adapter. I have no problem connecting to the FTP server, but there are problems with interacting with files. Has anyone had any experience with an FTP adapter, such as getting/modifying/deleting files?

2 4
0 508

Hello -

I was curious as to if there is any online documentation for TrakCare on how to default collapse this encounter timeline graph? I can't seem to find anything online so I figured I would reach out here. Instead of the timeline auto-expanding, I would simply like for it to be collapsed when opening up a patient's record.

0 2
0 505

In the HL7 Annotations available in the Management Portal, at the message type and message structure levels, there are columns for 'Explicit Usage' and 'Implicit Usage'. In nearly all cases, the values in these two columns match, but at least for message types RAS and RGR, they don't.

What's the meaning of explicit and implicit in the annotations?


0 1
0 505


We have a system that gives an AE 'Error' response for warnings, that we want to transform to AA codes when returning the Application ACK.

MSA|AE|fbwZaoKW/USAdFI3IGLU||||0^Nothing To Update^^W
ERR|||0^Nothing To Update|W|

Fortunately they include a warning code in MSA:6.4 and ERR:4

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0 502