· Jul 8, 2024 2m read
Configuring IRIS autostart on Linux

For practical reasons, it may be desirable that after a Linux server restart, the IRIS instance is automatically started.

Below you will find the steps to follow to automate the startup of IRIS during a reboot of the Linux server, via systemd :

1. Create an iris.service file in /etc/systemd/system/iris.service containing the following information

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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· Feb 23, 2024 5m read
Using an Azure bot to access IRIS

I have challenged to create a bot application using Azure Bot that can retrieve and post data to IRIS for Health.

A patient's data has already been registered in the FHIR repository of IRIS for Health.

The patient's MRN is 1001. His name is Taro Yamada. (in Japanese :山田 太郎)

This bot can post new pulse oximeter readings as an observation resource linked to the patient.

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When using InterSystems IRIS as an interoperability engine, we all know and love how easy it is to use the Message Viewer to review message traces and see exactly what's going on in your production. When a system is handling millions of messages per day, you may not know exactly where to begin your investigation though.

Over my years supporting IRIS productions, I often find myself investigating things like...

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· Oct 17, 2024 2m read
ORU to MDM with large HL7 v2 messages.

I was working on a DTL but kept getting ERROR #5002... MAXSTRING errors. The problem was that most of the DTL GUI action steps only support the string data type when working with the segments. A %String has a limit of 3,641,144 characters and my OBX5.1 was 5,242,952 characters long as the example provided. Of course PACS admin stated ultra high quality up to and including 4K resolution files were needed, so we could not get the vendor to compress or reformat these files to compressed jpg or something similar.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To remove InterSystems products installed on your Windows system, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel (in Windows 10, select Apps from Windows Settings).

Since we will be making changes to the system, you will need to log in as a user with administrator privileges.

1) Log in to the system as an administrator.

2) From the system tray, exit the launcher of the InterSystems product instance you want to uninstall (click launcher → exit).

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· Jul 4, 2024 1m read
How to find your imported XSD file

Have you ever imported an XML schema from an XSD file? You might want to look at the original file again sometime later, but forgot where you put it.

Do not worry, that information is being kept as part of the import process.

The whole imported XSD schema is being kept in the ^EnsEDI.XML.Schema global. That global holds all the imported XSDs in your namespace. The first subscript is the name of the schema that you see in the portal.

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An effective source control solution allows organizations to manage complex codebases, facilitate seamless collaboration within development teams, and streamline deployment processes.

Sonic Healthcare, a leading provider of pathology, radiology, general practice, and corporate medical services, has significantly enhanced visibility and control over its complex environment by implementing Deltanji source control. The tight integration Deltanji provides with InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health has been central in achieving these improvements.

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Prefer not to read? Check out the demo video I created:
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Monitor incremental changes in the database through scheduled tasks, display change trends through charts, set alarm thresholds, and write information to messages.log

How to use it

You can install it through Docker or ZPM

Deploying with Docker Prerequisites

Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

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A nice feature that we recently added to version 2.12.6 of the VS Code ObjectScript extension is controlled by this new setting:


When set true in JSON, or checked in the Settings Editor, a server-side file will be read-only if the source control class for the namespace reports that it is not editable.

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The Istio Service Mesh is commonly used to monitor communication between services in applications. The "battle-tested" sidecar mode is its most common implementation. It will add a sidecar container to each pod you have in your namespace that has Istio sidecar injection enabled.

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Not sure there are many that connect to MS SQL to execute queries, stored procedures, etc, but our Healthsystem has many different MS SQL based databases we use within the Interoperability environment for various reasons.

With the push to moving from on-prem to the Cloud we ran into some difficulties with our SQL Gateway connections and knowing how to config them to use Microsoft Entra for Active Directory Authentication.

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In this article, exceptions are covered.

Working with Exceptions

Instead of returning a %Status response, you can raise and throw an Exception. You are then responsible for catching the exception and validating it. IRIS provides five main classes to handle exceptions effectively. Additionally, you can create custom exception class definition based on your needs.

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· Feb 7 4m read
IRIS %Status and Exceptions

You may encounter errors during any point of program execution, and there are several ways to raise and handle these exceptions. In this article, we'll explore how exceptions are handled efficiently in IRIS.

One of the most commonly used return types is %Status, which is used by methods to indicate success or failure. Let's begin by discussing %Status values.

Working with %Status

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· Feb 13 4m read
Bulk FHIR Step by Step

FHIR repositories, applications and servers typically serve clinical data in small quantities, whether to return data about a patient, their medications, vaccines, allergies, among other information. However, it is common for a large amount of data in FHIR/JSON format to be requested to be used to load into Data Lakes, identifying study cohorts, population health, or transferring data from one EHR to another. To meet these business scenarios that require large extractions and loads of data, it is recommended to use the FHIR Bulk Data Access feature provided by HL7 institution.

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