· Jan 8 1m read

What Version is My Image?

If you want to find out what exact version your Docker image is (and since the latest image tagging scheme you cannot just rely on the image tag; and assuming you don't want to actually run it just in order to find out) you can run this docker command:

docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.intersystems.platform-version" }}'

(of course adapt the image you are referring to)

And the output will be, for example:


I found this useful for example to compare what version I am running vs. other possible available versions. This would be important with minor maintenance releases of EM versions, and, like in my example above, with Developer Preview releases.

Note this docker inspect command is a similar approach as @Dmitry Maslennikov shared here to get the default ports the container uses, and inline with the documentation referring to discovering image defaults (like in Dmitry's case).

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