(Originally posted by @Ben Spead on June 25, 2014)

This code snippet generates a list of Ensemble Lookup Tables and Schema documents in the user's current namespace. Run the code by running the class method "test":

Class benspead.EnsTablesSchema
    classmethod test() {
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument") {
            // only supported in Ensemble 2012.1+
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble Lookup Tables..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument") {
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble HL7 Schemas..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""

Here's a link to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/code-snippets/blob/master/src/...

1 3
0 784

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone had got this working.

In the documentation it says to set the username and password properties of the connection object but these properties don't exist and without authentication I can't connect to the MQ queue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Dave Moss

0 4
0 342


I have a global that holds users name and date of birth.

I would like to loop through them and check if the date of birth is more than 2 years based on todays date

so I have ^checker("under2", "Eric David", "02-05-2018")

I want to check the birthdate based on todays date to see if it is greater than 2. How do I access the birthdate in the global

Please can you advice

I tried :

0 9
0 1.2K
· Nov 19, 2018
Copy csv data into a global object

Hi, I have a CSV file with a list of 5000 records in the following format

Name, Acc, division

Eric, 1234, 567

John, 1235, 987

Peter, 3214, 879

I just want to copy the Acc, division to a global so eventually the global would be like the following:

^People("Customers", "Acc.division")

Can you advice on how I can perform this from the terminal? This is a one time task. I want to read all the values from the csv file and insert them into the global



0 7
0 924
· Dec 19, 2018
How to deal with Large PDF


We have a few large PDFs coming into our engine - when it goes thru the Process and hits the Data Transformation it gets cut off before it sends it outbound to the receiving system.

Whats the best way to handle large PDFs?

0 4
0 486


I'm working on my first SQL service using the SQL inbound adaptor, and I'm having trouble.

I've been following the documentation but it errors on set req=##class(ESQL.request).%New()

Would anyone be kind enough to share a working example?

Kind regards,


0 1
0 449

I want to test automatically that HL7 business operation works correctly in error conditions. One is to test CE acknowledgement. I have planned to implement test production which includes business services for different situations (AA, AE, CA, CE, timeout, late response etc).

How should I implement HL7 business service that always returns CE (commit error)? I have tried but it keeps returning "AA".

1 2
0 327
· Dec 17, 2018
Adding fault to a wsdl


The fault message definition is missing from my service WSDL. I would like to add these bold styled text to my WSDL. How can I do that? The aim is when I get the WSDL of MyService with ?wsdl URL the response contains the bold styled text.

For example:

0 3
0 2.5K


I'm looking to find if there is a datatype convert equivalent in Object Script to SQL convert function. Have a VarBinary string coming in from source application (which is really performing a SQL dump). The source application uses the standard SQL convert function to convert from varchar to varbinary on their side.

I know &sql(Convert()) should work in Object Script, but am wondering if there is a better way of doing this.

Getting data in via flat file (Record Map), then using data transform to transpose this data to SDA3.

0 4
0 687


I have a delimited flat file that I need to read and then generate an HL7 A08 message from the fields in the file. I used the Management Portal's Record Mapper to generate the Map.Record class, then used drag & drop to map fields in the delimited flat-file to an A08 message.

But when I try testing this in the test tool, I'm getting an ERROR #6254: Tag expected . XML input. ... is not in proper format as child of Record (ending at line 2 character 11).

0 2
0 407
· Oct 1, 2018 4m read
Profiling code using Caché Monitor

Not everyone knows that InterSystems Caché has a built-in tool for code profiling called Caché Monitor.

Its main purpose (obviously) is the collection of statistics for programs running in Caché. It can provide statistics by program, as well as detailed Line-by-Line statistics for each program.

Using Caché Monitor

Let’s take a look at a potential use case for Caché Monitor and its key features. So, in order to start the profiler, you need to go to the terminal and switch to the namespace that you want to monitor, then launch the %SYS.MONLBL system routine:

3 1
7 929
· Dec 11, 2018
Websockets issue


I'm trying to use Websockets and understand how it works. To do so, I tried to follow the sample in here :


I opened studio, connected to my server into the USER namespace and use the Tools -> Import Local in order to add the 3 files (app.js.xml, index.html.xml and WebSockets.Main.cls )

I compile without error and use the View -> Web Page and it doesn't work as expected

0 2
0 254
· Dec 5, 2018
Schema not appearing on Mirror

Hi, I updated the schema on our live node, but the change did not occur on the mirror server. Is there some setting that I need to enable? Everything else seems to be updating but the schema has not

Can you advice on what I could be missing or is this something that is known?



0 2
0 263


I am pretty stuck here and would appreciate any help or advice on an approach to this...

I have a single claim file, ingested that has 7 claims inside of it, I am pulling each claim out based on a qualifier, then want to remove all of the others and do something with the one that is left over.

My problem is I cant seem to figure out how to Remove the Claims programatically...

0 1
0 236

In looking at the Production monitor within Ensemble, I was wondering if there is a way we could customize it for our use. I notice it is basically a dashboard.

For example I would only like to truly display those Services, Processes, and Operations that are truly in dire need of attention. The Monitor out of the box just seems too busy, and I would like to simplify it.

0 2
3 788

Hi, all.

I know this is basic, and I think I have done this before, but I haven't been successful this time.

In a Routing Rule, I would like to take the value of MSH:9.2, see if that value does NOT exist in a lookup table, and ultimately return out of the rule if true.

So, if my message is an "A05", but "A05" is not in a particular lookup table, then it evaluates to 1, and I execute my action of "Return" and the rule ceases processing.

Is there something incorrect with my sample code below?

0 1
0 357

Good morning,

Background to task: Shut down Ensemble from a task in Task Manager.

I have a batch file that shuts down Ensemble when run as administrator. I can confirm this works, as it brings up the shutdown/restart prompt for Ensemble, however I now need to plug this into Ensemble's Task Scheduler so it can be run on-demand.

At present I am trying to use: do ^execute: %windir%\system32\cmd.exe Z:\Scripts\shutdown.lnk

0 19
1 1.7K

I created a connector of type "Services" having for name of class "EnsLib.File.PassthroughService". In the parameters, the value "FileSpec " was "*" and the "FilePath " pointed to my directory " .... Documents "; whereas "TargetConfigNames" was empty.

Much to my surprise, as soon as I activated this connector, all the files were deleted.

These are not in the dushbin of Windows. -

Do you know a way to get back them? Are they in the system of the ESB?

I know that programs can undelete files. I have already used this type of programs.

Thank you in advance.

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0 371