Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video specially recorded by InterSystems Product Manager @Bob Kuszewski for the 3rd InterSystems Online Programming Contest on InterSystems IRIS Native API:

Using the IRIS Native API GitHub Template

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What’s the contest about?

In the last year, InterSystems added and expanded Native APIs for Java, .NET, Python, and Node.js. The Native API provides high speed access to globals, the ability to instantiate and use ObjectScript objects, and fine-grained control over transactions.

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I've always worked with typical web applications (a bunch of code files that sit in a server that connects to an RDS). Now our team is responsible for different IRIS for Health environments. We are currently working to set up the local dev environment and this is the current scenario:

* IRIS for Health local development server is running in a container

* Developers are using VSCode with the objectScript plugin

* GitHub as a version control system for the code and configuration.

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Hi Developers,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🎯 Creating REST API with InterSystems IRIS, ObjectScript and Docker

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1 452

Hi Developers!

This is yet another short post that is intended to simplify developers' life. Now we'll talk about how to make GitHub run unit tests with every push to the repository by adding just one file to the repo. For free. On Github Cloud. Sounds great, isn't it?

It is possible and very easy to do. Credit goes to @Dmitry Maslennikov (and his repo), ZPM Package Manager, and GitHub Actions. Let's see how this all works!

Something for Nothing by Robert Sheckley - YouTube

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0 448

Is anyone like me, and felt really jealous that they didn't have enough points to acquire the IRIS-based Raspberry Pi system when it was offered? Do you have a spare Raspberry Pi 4 handy? If so, I'll walk you through setting up Docker and IRIS on your Raspberry Pi so you can have the smallest IRIS computer in town!

Things you'll need:

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While starting the development with IRIS we have a distribution kit or in case of Docker we are pulling the docker image and then often we need to initialize it and setup the development environment. We might need to create databases, namespaces, turn on/off some services, create resources. We often need to import code and data into IRIS instance and run some custom code to init the solution.

Lajos Simicska declares war on Viktor Orban: "It's either him or me!" - The  Budapest Beacon

And there plenty of templates on Open Exchange where we suggest how to init REST, Interoperability, Analytics, Fullstack and many other templates with ObjectScript. What if we want to use only Python to setup the development environment for Embedded Python project with IRIS?

So, the recent release of Embedded Python template is the pure python boilerplate that could be a starting point for developers that build python projects with no need to use and learn ObjectScript. This article expresses how this template could be used to initialize IRIS. Here we go!

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3 421

¡Hi everybody!

As you likely are aware, the new version of InterSystems IRIS for Health (I4H) it's already available in Docker Hub. It's the Community version and is free and fully functional. There have been comments about it in other articles and posts,... so today I won't add anything about features. Here I want to explore "the mistery about the disappearance, or better, absence of our persistent data when we run a container with the durable option" (I didn't find a terrifying font to emphasize the thriller... post editor is not terrific for styling smiley ) .

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2 410

Hi All,

Who, in the age of digital transformation, doesn't want to reap more benefits out of any process, procedure, and resource we have? At InterSystems Solution Developers Conference (part of InterSystems Global Summit 2018) we will have sessions on how to improve the way applications are built with modern tools like Docker containers, Gitlab, Circle CI, Travis, etc., how continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes can help us deliver more value quickly to the end-user, and how we can start thinking about modernizing traditional applications.

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (https://www.python.org/about/apps/)

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Hi developer folks!

Thanks to all of you who start the development with InterSystems IRIS from the basic development template!

Recently, thanks to @Dmitry Maslennikov's contributions I've updated the Dockerfile to make the development simpler, images lighter and the building process faster. And it looks more beautiful too ;)

Here is what changed:

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Hi Community!

The registration phase for InterSystems Online Programming Contest ends today and we will start the voting week!

Now we have 20 applications - so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote?

This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts nomination or in Community nomination.

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I am running InterSystems iris 2021.1 from the container and I have version 2020.1.1 is installed locally. While running studio locally I am getting below error message:

"Version mismatch. Studio version 2020.1.1 unable to connect to server version 2021.1
Upgrade to a later version of the client to resolve this error"

Looking Forward


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Hi Everyone!

One more session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS in a Container

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0 384

Trying to make some scripts to do some IRIS initialization during startup, I noticed that iris start and particularly stop takes too much time, and it starts to many processes in the background.

nostu is mostly useless for system initialization but could help in some scenarios, such as setup passwords, but it is still too slow

irisowner@4ea1bfb50b7f:~$ time iris start iris nostu
Starting IRIS
Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

Starting Control Process
Global buffer setting requires attention.  Auto-selected 25% of total memory.
Allocated 7417MB shared memory
6002MB global buffers, 600MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 99 megabytes of data
InterSystems IRIS is started in single user mode.
To log into InterSystems IRIS, type:
    iris session IRIS -B

real    0m0.513s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.207s

For instance, I have no idea why it starts so many AUX processes, even during NOSTU. With a normal start with no extra volumes attached, just plain start, I see no reasons to have so many AUX processes as well.

2011 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb -s/usr/irissys/mgr/ -w/usr/irissys/mgr/ -cc -B -Enostu -C/usr/irissys/iris.cpf*IRIS
 2052 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb WD                                                                                 
 2053 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb GC                                                                                 
 2054 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb JD                                                                                 
 2055 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX2                                                                               
 2056 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX1                                                                               
 2057 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX5                                                                               
 2058 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX7                                                                               
 2059 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX4                                                                               
 2060 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX3                                                                               
 2061 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX6                                                                               
 2062 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb DBXD

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· Sep 22, 2022
Testing MergeCPF feature

For quite some time InterSystems IRIS supports such thing as Merging CPF. So, with help of this it should be possible to define only desired changes in configuration. And get them applied even with vanilla Docker image.

And I though it could be useful when used with Dockerfile. Use this way to configure IRIS during docker build instead of using Installer manifest.

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Hi all, I am having problems trying to get Docker to run correctly on my Linux Mint machine.

I did the following:

1. Installed Docker.

docker --version

Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c

docker-compose -v

docker-compose version 1.17.1, build unknown

2. Downloaded zip from https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-fullstack-template/tree/42f9c174a9a4e63cb5eb3eb646abf3930a6e4d31

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In a fast-paced clinical environment, where quick decision-making is crucial, the lack of streamlined document storage and access systems poses several obstacles. While storage solutions for documents exist (e.g, FHIR), accessing and effectively searching for specific patient data within those documents meaningfully can be a significant challenge.

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS Containers for Developers

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· Jun 29, 2023 3m read
IRIS Api Tester

Hello Community!!

I just upload my lastest application "IRIS Api Tester" to the Open Exchange.

It's a docker project with InterSystems IRIS + Newman that will allow you to test your Postman Collections in a quick and easy way..

It's ready to work out of the box, you just have to clone the repo: https://github.com/daniel-aguilar-garcia/irisapitester

Run the docker-compose file:

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I have Iris4Health community version (using for some development) running in a docker container and trying to enable TLS/SSL/HTTPS in the container. I have created the SSL cert chain (root ca/web site cert) via open SSL have the http.conf and http-local.conf file loaded on a durable volume. I have also loaded the root CA in the trusted root cert store on the device that is connecting.

After inspecting the logs it looks like apache has loaded the certs and is listening on the correct port, but I am unable to connect to the mgmt portal via SSL.

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1 368

Hi Everyone,

I've been working on deploying an IRIS for Health environment in EKS. There is a video session in the InterSystems learning portal about this feature but I have not succeeded in finding the proper documentation and resources to use this in my Kubernetes cluster.

Has this been deprecated/discontinued? Any idea where can I find the resources? Should I stick to StatefulSets instead of using the IrisCluster resource type provided by this operator?

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As a former JAVA developer it has always been a challenge to decide which database was the most suitable for the project we were going to develop, one of the main criteria I used was their performance, as well as their HA configuration capabilities ( high availability). Well, now is the time to put IRIS to the test with respect to some of the most commonly used databases, so I've decided to create a small Java project based on SpringBoot that connects via JDBC with a MySQL database, another of PostgreSQL and finally with IRIS.

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