Hi community,

We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.

The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.

My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.

I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.

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In this article, I am demonstrating how to create a table column(formerly known as properties) with your custom datatype classes by using User defined DDL. Properties are the crucial member of the persistent class definition. Datatypes are essential to define types of values that are stored in a table column. In general, the datatype names of SQL different from Intersystems datatypes, such as VARCHAR = %String.

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Currently, I'm working on a script using %SYS.Journal API.

My journal files are compressed, following the documentation the compression is zstd.

I tried to unzip a file with zstd tool, ex:

apt-get update
apt-get install zstd

zstd -d 20230806.001z -o 20230806.001

20230806.001z        : 92.03%   (909312 => 836859 bytes, 20230806.001) 

Unfortunately, the unzipped file is invalid:

Write ##class(%SYS.Journal.File).IsValidJournal("/usr/irissys/mgr/journal/20230806.001")

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· Feb 26, 2023
Sql Dump


Could someone help me with a solution, for example "dump" to IRIS.DAT, I mention that it is difficult to manipulate a file of ~ 200 GB. I would be interested in generating an IRIS.DAT file containing the "schema" without any information.

Thanks !

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0 189

Hi All,

I am a beginner in cache. I need to extract data from multiple tables (4-5) tables based on an SQL query . The data is more than 9 lakhs of records (i checked using count). The total number columns is 16.

When I am running this SQL query through management portal, I am getting time out exception. Could you please suggest how I can retrieve those records. Which way will be good (Dynamic query using %SQL.Statement or Embedded SQL (not known to me) or Writing to a global will help or not).

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0 277


searching messages in our Message Bank is quite slow, often runs into timeout.

I wanted to perform a tune table on Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank.MessageHeader because this apparently has not been done yet - the Tune Table utility shows no entries for selectivity, etc.

I tried

 w $SYSTEM.SQL.Stats.Table.GatherTableStats("""Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank"".MessageHeader")

and got this error message

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I am calling a stored procedure over an ODBC connection and every time I call it there are several warnings written to the log event {Found no Parameter 1 (used as 1) for query}.I seem to be getting this on every query executed and that seems to happen a number of times the query parameters are per query and its filling up my disc.

1) Is there a way to suppress these warnings as the query seems to be executed and data written to the database?

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0 193
· Feb 20, 2022
Maximum Global Size ?

Dear people,

I (really) spent hours on finding the maximum size a Global is allowed to be (for Windows, if that matters). All I seem to run into are database sizes (derived from a max number of blocks and block size), but I refuse to believe that is correct because too small to be realistic. surprise

1 11
0 526

Found one interesting behaviour in one system with Ensemble. Some Request class has a property with type %XML.CharacterStream by design, this class is the heaviest request in the system, and with profiling journal files, it got about 40% of the file. When I counted all the sizes of such streams per one day and found that the real stored data is three times less.

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0 331


We have a need to track Database changes over time - down to the SQL level of granularity if possible. Such as: User xyz runs routine ^abc and we get something similar to a changelog that tells us: table A had this value updated, insert, update etc....

Is that possible using IRIS level tools (Audit Log, Journal File, etc...) , is there a way to convert the global sets and kills from the journals into SQL level changes?

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Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming "Speed Test: ESG Labs Database Performance Test" webinar on August 5 at 9:30 AM EDT!

Join our live webinar with Mike Leone, senior analyst with Enterprise Strategy Group’s Validation Services, to learn about a speed test that measures and compares the concurrent real-time data ingest and query performance of InterSystems IRIS® data platform, a leading in-memory database, a cloud relational database, and a traditional relational database.

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I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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0 591

We have a new requirement being push down by our Data Security to no longer use Local SQL Accounts to access our Databases. So they asked me to create a Service Account that is on the Domain for our connections to each database.

I tried just changing my JDBC connection to using this Service Account and Password but I am not having any luck trying to connect to the database.

" Connection failed.
Login failed for user 'osumc\CPD.Intr.Service'. ClientConnectionId:ade97239-c1c8-4ed1-8230-d274edb2e731 "

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0 3.6K

Hi I am getting below error while upgrading cache instance. Please suggest.

Error: ERROR #70: *** Error while formatting volume because
ERROR #18: failed creating a new volume initializing CACHETEMP, /*****/databases/cachetemp/ - Shutting down the system
An error was detected during Cache startup.
** Startup aborted **

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