Last time we deployed a simple IRIS application to the Google Cloud. Now we’re going to deploy the same project to Amazon Web Services using its Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

We assume you’ve already forked the IRIS project to your own private repository. It’s called <username>/my-objectscript-rest-docker-template in this article. <root_repo_dir> is its root directory.

Before getting started, install the AWS command-line interface and, for Kubernetes cluster creation, eksctl, a simple CLI utility. For AWS you can try to use aws2, but you’ll need to set aws2 usage in kube config file as described here.

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Hey Community,

We're excited to announce that Community webinars are back!

Let us invite you all to @Ron Sweeney's webinar on Scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with ECP.

Join this webinar to make a technical deep dive, see a demonstration, and benchmark horizontal scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP).

Date & Time: Thursday, August 18, 8 AM ET | 2:00 PM CEST
👨‍🏫 Speaker: @Ron Sweeney, Full Stack Architect at Integration Required
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Hi Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Embedded Python with Interoperability
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About this article:

In InterSystems IRIS, the default form of access to the management portal is HTTP, which means that if the client is in the office and the server is in the cloud, many clients probably desire to encrypt their traffic in some way.

Thus, we would like to show you some ways to encrypt your traffic to and from the IRIS management portal (or various REST services) running on AWS.

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Hi Developers,

A new video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Creating an HL7 v2 to FHIR Transformation Pipeline with S3 Target
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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Creating an HL7 v2 to FHIR Transformation Pipeline with HealthLake Target
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AWS has officially released their second-generation Arm-based Graviton2 processors and associated Amazon EC2 M6g instance type, which boasts up to 40% better price performance over current generation Intel Xeon based M5 instances.

A few months ago, InterSystems participated in the M6g preview program, and we ran a few benchmarks with InterSystems IRIS that showed compelling results. This led us to support ARM64 architectures for the first time.

Now you can try InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health on Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g instances for yourselves through the AWS Marketplace!

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Hey developers,

The registration period for the FHIR Accelerator programming contest is in full swing! We invite all FHIR developers to build new or test existing applications using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) on AWS.

And now you have a great opportunity to get FREE access to the FHIRaaS on AWS! So, to take the first step in mastering the FHIRaaS, you need to register on our FHIR Portal using this link:


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Hey Developers,

We decided to extend the registration period for the InterSystems FHIR Accelerator Programming Contest and voting will start only on Thursday, June 3! The voting period will last until Sunday, June 6.

So, don't forget to support the best solutions built using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) on AWS.

➡️ Vote here from June 3rd to June 6th!

How to vote and what's new?

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I'm new to Iris for Health and I'm trying to get some experience using it. I've subscribed to the Intersystems Iris for Health software in AWS marketplace. I successfully spun up the EC2 instance with the default security group. The try-iris instance is healthy and successfully starts within EC2. I've also successfully changed the default password too.

However, I'm unable to authenticate into the management portal. The portal launches okay though I keep getting an access denied. I'm also unable to authenticate into a session from the EC2 instance.

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Hello fellow community members,

I would like to offer my services as an Intersystems Professional and am available to work on projects.

I have more than a decade experience into Intersystems stack of technologies including IRIS, Ensemble, Healthshare, Healthconnect, Cache Objectscript, Mumps, Zen, Analytics etc. with companies spread over US and UK involved in multiple domains.

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Hi everyone,

Learn how to build FHIR applications in the cloud using S3, Azure AD, and a FHIR service:

Build FHIR Provider & Patient-Facing Applications in the Cloud
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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud on June 30 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we’ll focus on using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud. We’ll start with an overview of FHIR, which stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and is a next generation standards framework for working with healthcare data.

You'll learn how to:

  • provision the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server in the cloud;
  • integrate your own data with the FHIR server;
  • use SMART on FHIR applications and enterprise identity, such as Active Directory, with the FHIR server.

We will discuss an API-first development approach using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server. Plus, we’ll cover the scalability, availability, security, regulatory, and compliance requirements that using InterSystems FHIR as a managed service in the AWS Cloud can help you address.

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So I've got the IRIS AMI spun up in AWS EC2; it seems to be running fine.

I've added an EBS volume to it for persistent storage, and now I'm pondering how to make it actually do something useful.

What's the best way to do deploy code to this instance? I can think of a few ways to do it, but what's the least painful way? Push my code to an S3 bucket and figure out how to load it at system start? Github project?

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Breaking news!

InterSystems just announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform across the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure marketplaces.

With access to InterSystems unified data platform on all three major cloud providers, developers and customers have flexibility to rapidly build and scale the digital applications driving the future of care on the platform of their choice.

To learn more please follow this link.

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Hi Community,

We'll look at moving InterSystems workload to the public cloud, then take a deep dive into the current architectures on the InterSystems cloud platform:

InterSystems Solutions in AWS
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· Mar 20, 2017
AWS API calls

This question is about calling AWS REST APIs. Based on:

AWS requires REST clients to call their APIs using Signature Version 4 which in case you don't know what I am talking about is a pain in the neck. Here comes the question:

Has anybody, by any chance implemented the v4 signing alg. in COS? If yes, would she or he have the kind heart to share?



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