· Jul 9, 2021

Video: Creating an HL7 v2 to FHIR Transformation Pipeline with S3 Target

Hi Developers,

A new video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ Creating an HL7 v2 to FHIR Transformation Pipeline with S3 Target
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Transform HL7 version 2 messages to HL7 FHIR R4 resources, and deposit the resources into a cloud-based healthcare data repository using InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service and s3 Buckets.

simple step-by-step guide on how you can sign up for a free AWS account and a free InterSystems Cloud Portal account and exercise the powerful functionality of the transformation services. For more information, read about InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service in InterSystems documentation.

✌️ We want your feedback!

Stay tuned! 

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