So I've got the IRIS AMI spun up in AWS EC2; it seems to be running fine.

I've added an EBS volume to it for persistent storage, and now I'm pondering how to make it actually do something useful.

What's the best way to do deploy code to this instance? I can think of a few ways to do it, but what's the least painful way? Push my code to an S3 bucket and figure out how to load it at system start? Github project?

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0 235


I'm new to Iris for Health and I'm trying to get some experience using it. I've subscribed to the Intersystems Iris for Health software in AWS marketplace. I successfully spun up the EC2 instance with the default security group. The try-iris instance is healthy and successfully starts within EC2. I've also successfully changed the default password too.

However, I'm unable to authenticate into the management portal. The portal launches okay though I keep getting an access denied. I'm also unable to authenticate into a session from the EC2 instance.

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0 463
· Mar 20, 2017
AWS API calls

This question is about calling AWS REST APIs. Based on:

AWS requires REST clients to call their APIs using Signature Version 4 which in case you don't know what I am talking about is a pain in the neck. Here comes the question:

Has anybody, by any chance implemented the v4 signing alg. in COS? If yes, would she or he have the kind heart to share?



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1 1.4K
· Sep 1, 2021


We are using AWS SSO authentication in our application to validate the users. For validating the users, we are passing the username and password from AWS SSO to our application. We need to validate the user in our application without using the password.

We developed the login class using zenPage. We used <loginForm> tag in the login page which is used for the automatic validation.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

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0 285

Hi guys

Im trying to use an API running in AWS API Gateway.
This API is over https and i am using the SSL/TLS config of Caché.

set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set httpRequest.Server = server
set httpRequest.Https=1
set httpRequest.SSLConfiguration = "SSLPadraoAdapcon"

do httpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type","application/json")
do httpRequest.EntityBody.Write(json)
do httpRequest.Post("/dev/router")

But im getting this error:

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0 1.3K

I am designing the software architecture for an Ensemble/Healthshare production to be deployed on Amazon AWS EC2 servers (2 mirrored m4.large - 4 vCPUs / 16 GiB RAM running RedHat Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 and Healthshare for RHEL 64-bit 2016.2.1). It's a rather CPU-intensive production involving massive XSLT 2.0 transformations (massive both in terms of size and volume). I was wondering if anyone has experience configuring Ensemble productions on EC2 servers. My question or concern has to do with the following statement in the Ensemble documentation:

0 2
0 806

We have a requirement to write to an AWS S3 bucket from Cache.

We haven't upgrade to IRIS yet, but are looking at doing so in the future. This requirement cannot wait for the upgrade to happen, unfortunately.

Will appreciate if any one can share any example code, that enables cache to write to an AWS S3 bucket?

0 8
1 773

Hey folks,

I am new to IRIS and cloud platforms. I've done the InterSystems IRIS Experience on the learning site and read a lot of the online documentation. What I am unable to figure out is which type of package or option you will use on the cloud provider.

AWS for example, has AWS EC2, Elastic Beanstalk and some other products geared towards Docker containers.
Azure has Kubernetes and some other options.

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0 588

I am just curious if someone has used this service to send Alert emails through AWS / Ensemble

I have verified 2 email ids - One to send. One to receive

Have also configured an access key for the email smtp server and added the credential to ensemble

but I get this error

ERROR #6033: Error response to SMTP MAIL FROM: 530 Authentication required.


So my first opinion is the authentication is not happening via the credentials settings. It needs to be passed in a different way

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0 1K

I'm trying to execute SQL on a EC2 via SSM:

import boto3

instanceid = "i-123456789"
sql = """SELECT path FROM Security.Applications WHERE ID = '/csp/sys'"""
template = """su - irisusr -c 'cat << EOF | iris sql iris -U %SYS
                """ + sql + """
template = [line.strip() for line in template.splitlines()] 
template = """\n""".join(template) 
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm') 
response = ssm_client.send_command(
            Parameters={'commands': template})

0 0
0 187
· Jun 30, 2020
Iris & Buckets

Hi, someone have connected Iris to a Bucket ? like aws, huawei, etc.

I try to use private Bucket as storage for files, and Iris as database & API interface to manage this files, but al SDKs are in another languages, no one have founded on COS.

I have tested some examples, but with bad results

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0 435
· Sep 22, 2020
VSCode and CSP - what did I miss?

Hi -

I'm trying to get my VS Code instance that is connected to an AWS IRIS instance to edit/save/compile .csp files, but it's failing to work and I'm not sure why. The ".csp" is associated with the objectscript-csp code, and the server is connected, but things just don't act like they are enabled.

Should this work? and if so, what might I have missed in configuring things?

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0 881

I want to try out iris-DataViz app to visualize my own data. I cloned the repo and docker-compose up -d in AWS. IRIS portal works, but on port 8051 I get nothing. I checked my AWS security groups. I reversed IRIS webserver port and 8051 and I can connect to Management portal using port 8051. I don't understand what is refusing connection on port 8051 running in iris-DataViz container.

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0 52

Hi, I am new to IRIS and We are planning to setup a CI pipeline on AWS VM deploying the iris data platform container. I am trying to find out which folders needs to be inside the source control and where (exact folder) the updated code needs to be pulled in the container. I would be much obliged if anyone cant point the CI CD related documentation.


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I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

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