· May 4, 2016
Atelier and overriding

I'm used to using Class/Refactor/Override in Studio to override methods, properties, xData blocks, etc regularly.

I can't see how to replicate that in Atelier at the m moment. Is this possible ?

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0 404

On the Mac...

I've defined a Cache Connection to my local server. It worked for the last two days, but after an uninstall/reinstall of Atelier, it stopped working. The stack trace has these entries:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't read from secure storage node /com.intersys.eclipse.connmgr/ensrc

Caused by: No password provided.

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0 738

I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

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0 589
· Apr 20, 2016
Open Declaration for macro

Is is possible in Atelier to open a macro declaration? Using the context menu results in a "Current text selection does not resolve to a Script element" error in the status area at bottom of window.

Also the arguments for the macro are not shown on hover.

Doesn't seem to matter if the associated include file is added to the project.

(Version: 1.0.142, Mac OS X)

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0 359
· Apr 15, 2016
SQL Parsing error

Found in:

  • atelier-1.0.0AT.142.0
  • Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 636U) Wed Apr 13 2016 21:07:40 EDT

Breaks on FOR SOME when using a table reference:

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0 413


In every Atelier project you can find following hidden files:





Should I include all of them into commit?

I understand that .project is mandatory. But what about the rest? Is there any general rule?

F.e. if we work in team and everybody has their own connection on locale machine .connection should not be included. Yes?

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0 373

Presenter: Clayton Lewis
Task: Use a modern, powerful tool for developing applications
Approach: Demonstrate how Atelier leverages the capabilities of Eclipse

In this session we will show you how we have leveraged the capabilities of Eclipse to create a modern, powerful tool for developing solutions.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 682

Presenter: Bill McCormick
Task: Migrate your development environment from Studio to Atelier
Approach: Give examples of various migration paths. Provide guidance for dealing with issues such as source control, source format, distributing code to previous versions, etc.

Moving from Studio to Atelier Session Code: ATMOVE In this session we will show you a variety of paths for migrating your development environment from Studio to Atelier. We will cover Source Control, Source Format, Distributing code to previous versions and more.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 431

In Atelier when resolving conflicts with the server the screen shows the Local copy and Server copy and the differences, but depending on where the difference is you cannot tell what what the document is, you need to scroll to the top to see what it is before deciding what to do. It should indicate the class or routine name beside "Conflicting Server documents"

2 3
0 297

Version: 1.0.123

Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 619U) Thu Mar 17 2016

After deleting a class on the server, Atelier still wants to believe it exists. I even deleted the project and the server. After re-creating them, it still believes the class exists. I log in with studio and it shows the class has been removed.

If I attempt to open the class in the server explorer, I get a null pointer exception, but I can open any other class.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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0 325
· Mar 17, 2016
Atelier Debugging

I am trying to debug a class on Atelier and it is not stopping at the defined breakpoint.

Atelier IDE Version: 1.0.107 - Cloud Connection

I have already taken a look at the Community´s Atelier Debugging Video and followed the steps without success.

Can anybody help me on that?


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0 392

Some thins I have noticed, which I am not sure are bugs or features to come.

1.) Go to type declaration (F3 or ctrl+click on a class/variable/method)

It doesn not work on object variables and methods

Where it does work, it opens the related class but it is not editable.

2. )There is no code indentation correction/ctrl+L ?

Is this planned?

I would very much prefer to have formatting even if it means loosing some COS "functionalty".

1 4
0 277
· Mar 9, 2016
project syncing issues

I have 2 projects in atelier, A and B which map to namespace A and B on the same server.

Namespace B has some classes mapped from namespace A.

I then edit a mapped class in project A and save it(I can see the changes in cache studio as well).

atelier A:


However in project B the class does not change, even if I click the "syncronize all files with associated namespace " button.

atelier B:

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0 295
· Feb 26, 2016
No Namespaces found


I'm trying to use iKnow but I get the following error "No iKnow-enabled namespaces found" in the Management Portal.

It was working on the 2015.2.2 version but now on 2016.2.0 it doesn't. I very new to Caché and iKnow so it's probably a simple problem.

I was able to create a iKnow domain using the terminal and I can view it in the learning portal (http://localhost:57772/csp/sys/exp/_iKnow.UI.IndexingResults.zen).

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0 470
· Feb 19, 2016 4m read
Why Atelier? And what about Studio?

I have been meaning to make a post about this topic for a few weeks and the other day an issue came in through the WRC about it so it seems this is a conversation we should be having. I want to begin by taking a few moments to explain "Why Atelier" then we can talk about what this means in the general sense for Studio and Atelier and Caché developers. We have wrestled with what to do with Studio for years. When I moved to Product Management in 2008 this was already a "thing". At the time we could not reach a consensus. Some felt Studio was fine as is.

9 2
0 3.7K


I'm trying to make a simple hello world program for iKnow but the documentation only shows examples using the scripting language or XML XData.

The domain is already created and configured, what I hope for is to be able to work with the data in some high-level language.

Is it possible to do something like this:

int domainId = 1;
IKnow iknow = new IKnow( domainId );
List concepts = iknow.getTopConcepts();

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!

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