InterSystems Official
· Feb 16, 2021
IAM is now GA (Generally Available)

The GA release is now published for the 1.5 version of the InterSystems API Manager (IAM).

The container for IAM, including all relevant artifacts to upgrade from earlier versions of IAM can be downloaded from the WRC Software Distribution site in the Components area.

The build number for this release is IAM

InterSystems API Manager 1.5 makes it easier to manage your API traffic, integrate with your environment and onboard users of your APIs. It has many new capabilities, including:

  • Improved User Experience
  • Introducing new Developer Portal tools
  • Support for Kafka connectivity
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I would like to know any experience working with OPC UA standard in industry sector or IoT. Currently there is no adaptor implemented in IS IRIS for it but it seems to be pushed as the main standard in industry. Did anyone had to implement their own libraries or adaptors to deal with it? Or do you advice to use any already implemented library in Java, Python,...? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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SQL gateway. 'Locking' problem.

while debugging, is there in Caché a command to 'unlock' the instance of a class ?

close class, and kill class is not enough.

same problem in %Activate link

for each debug I have to exit (Halt) the terminal,

make debug in C#

coming back , and re-load again in Caché.



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Hi All, We have been using DeepSee which has been the integrated Analytic Dashboard built over Cache Cubes. It works fine but it's visual capabilities are limited and most probably is getting phased out. If I am not wrong, Tableau is the suggested alternative to DeepSee . It is expensive and a big and considerable shift from existing technology I wanted to get an opinion of the community as to these few key points - What other BI tools others have been using with IRIS and what have been their experience - For which tools are the best inbuilt support / api's avaialble in IRIS

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We are using the out-of-the-box IHE components to exchange CCDs with an external system. A requirement to audit the outbound CCDs has arisen.

Is there an existing report that will show these ? If not, how can we audit these?

Thank you for reading

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Hello developers, I'm a newbie to Intersystems technologies and I started to work with Caché and Ensemble, and to be more specific I'm working with systems integration. In a scenario where I need to develop new software from scratch, would it be better to develop this new software using REST APIs? Does anyone have any recommendations about courses?

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I have a website where I offer shipping services. I need to implement UPS API in my website. I already did all the basic tasks such as create my UPS developer account, download the packages... Now I want to start with the project but I don't have no idea about how to start. UPS doesn't give any instruction or example about that.

P.S: I have knowledge in the basic language such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS and MySQL...

Please can someone help me with that?

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· Sep 30, 2021
Portal's category.


I’m looking for a way to find out which category of portal a connector belongs to.
I looked at the class ‘Ens.Config.Production’ and ‘Ens.Config.Item’ but without success.

An idea about the ‘ObjectScript’ code to design?

Best Regards.

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· Sep 8, 2021
Arabic Language

Good Day

I have http response comes with strange characters "ليس لديه الØ", but it's normal when i test in postman. Is there any method to read arabic.


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Over the past year or so, my team (Application Services at InterSystems - tasked with building and maintaining many of our internal applications, and providing tools and best practices for other departmental applications) has embarked on a journey toward building Angular/REST-based user interfaces to existing applications originally built using CSP and/or Zen. This has presented an interesting challenge that may be familiar to many of you - building out new REST APIs to existing data models and business logic.

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Hey Developers,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Tell the World About Your REST APIs: The Benefits of a Centralized Developer Portal
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· Sep 14, 2021
P2P OAUTH Recommended Flow


I'm hoping to get some feedback on the OAuth process flow for Payer-to-Payer authorization. It doesn't seem that "Authorization Code Flow" is needed as there will not be a need for a login. I am leaning towards recommending "Client Credentials Flow", but wanted to get some community feedback before making a decision. I prefer to follow what the standard will be if possible. What would you recommend? Thank you in advance for your input.

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Hey Community

A new video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube

Best Practices for InterSystems API Manager
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I have a client that no longer wants to use sftp to transmit their data file to me. Instead they want me to pick it up via a web service.

Email from client:

Here is the postman collection and mocking service to start your development. The API has only one URI parameter {id} for which you need to pass UniqueIdentifier(will let you know exact value later).

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0 538

Hello All,

I am exploring Ens.Alert to generate alerts for Server exceptions.

I noticed that in the business operation, if you have your code inside try/catch and if your catch doesn't explicitly invoke $$$systemerror then Ens.Alert is not invoked.

Similarly, in the Business process if you have <catchall> then Ens.Alert is not invoked on error. How can I invoke Ens.Alert from <catchall> ?

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· Feb 15, 2021 17m read
Four Database APIs

A concurrent session in IRIS:
SQL, Objects, REST, and GraphQL

Kazimir Malevich, "Athletes" (1932)

"But of course you don't understand! How can a person who has always traveled in a horse-drawn carriage understand the feelings and impressions of the express traveler or the pilot in the air?"

Kazimir Malevich (1916)


We’ve already addressed the topic of why object/type representation is superior to SQL for implementing subject area models. And those conclusions and facts are as true now as they have ever been. So why should we take a step back and discuss technologies that drag abstractions back to the global level, where they had been in the pre-object and pre-type era? Why should we encourage the use of spaghetti code, which results in bugs that are hard to track down, and which relies only on virtuoso developer skills?

There are several arguments in favor of transmitting data via SQL/REST/GraphQL-based APIs as opposed to representing them as types/objects:

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4 943

Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching this new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Demo of REST APIs defined in Swagger, built with InterSystems IRIS interfacing with a SQL backend
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In this 3-part series of articles, is shown how you can use IAM to simply add security, according to OAuth 2.0 standards, to a previously unauthenticated service deployed in IRIS.

In the first part, was provided some OAuth 2.0 background together with some IRIS and IAM initial definitions and configurations in order to facilitate the understanding of the whole process of securing your services.

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0 1K

Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems API Manager: Gummy Bear Factories
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I have to create to a web socket client, but I'm unable to read any data from the server, after flushing the buffer. I have no access to the server, only two examples for the client, one in java and the other one in php:

java example:

socket = new Socket("", 2003);

DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());




DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

int orderId = in.readInt();

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InterSystems API Management (IAM) - a new feature of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, enables you to monitor, control and govern traffic to and from web-based APIs within your IT infrastructure. In case you missed it, here is the link to the announcement. And here's an article explaining how to start working with IAM.

In this article, we would use InterSystems API Management to Load Balance an API.

In our case, we have 2 InterSystems IRIS instances with /api/atelier REST API that we want to publish for our clients.

There are many different reasons why we might want to do that, such as:

  • Load balancing to spread the workload across servers
  • Blue-green deployment: we have two servers, one "prod", other "dev" and we might want to switch between them
  • Canary deployment: we might publish the new version only on one server and move 1% of clients there
  • High availability configuration
  • etc.
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