· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo
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$LIST string format and %DynamicArray and %DynamicObject classes

IRIS, and previously Cache, contain several different ways to create a sequence containing a mixture of data values. A data sequence that has been available for many years is the $LIST string. Another more recent data sequence is the %DynamicArray class, which along with the %DynamicObject class, is part of the IRIS support for JSON string representation. These two sequences involve very different tradeoffs.

$LIST String Format

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Newbie Warning...

I have a DTL which accepts HL7 2.3:ORU_R01 And Transforms to Custom Request Target

the target request contains an array of a custom class named OBXobj with some %string properties which Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

in the DTL i have a for each loop which should copy OBX segments to the the request.

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Hi Developers,

If you are planning to attend the Focus Sessions of InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020, please do not miss the session dedicated to InterSystems Developer Community and Open Exchange!

⚡️ "Developer Ecosystem: Developer Community forum and Open Exchange applications gallery" session ⚡️

🗣 @Anastasia Dyubaylo, Community Manager, InterSystems
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, Startups and Community Manager, InterSystems

What awaits you?

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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite you all to the Virtual Summit 2020 session dedicated to InterSystems online programming contests, best winning projects, and their developers! Please join:

⚡️ "Best applications of InterSystems programming contest series: Best IntegratedML, FHIR, REST API, Native API, ObjectScript solutions" session ⚡️

Please check the details below.

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I have a value in epoch time in which I need convert in order to be able to lookup a table that has dates in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

I thought the below would work but it is not.

select COUNT ('Arrival Time') FROM dbo.table where 'Arrival Time' < DATEADD(ms, CONVERT(int,LEFT(1603173432000, 20)), '1970-01-01 00:00:00')

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Presenter: Anton Umnikov
Task: Identify your slowest SQL queries and tune them for better performance
Approach: Use InterSystems’ query profiling and analysis tools. Discuss how system configuration can affect performance

This session will show you how you identify the weakest link in your application SQL and introduce you to the fine art of tuning those queries. To do this we will take a look at InterSystems query profiling and analysis tools, as well as how system configuration can impact SQL performance.

Problem: Obscurity on how our SQL engine works

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Hey Developers,

Don't miss the new exciting promo video from our Brazilian developers on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🍿 Promo video + Screencast for No Project Mess By IRIS
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Has anyone used Health Connect/Ensemble to receive results directly from POCT devices (Glucose monitors etc)?

I've been looking for information on the POCT01-A protocol, and as far as I can tell it is a HL7v3 XML schema, I should be able to get results from these devices, though I expect I need a webserver endpoint. (though I can't find any reference in the Health Connect documentation)

Does anyone have any knowledge of this?



EDIT: from the silence I'm wondering if this in normally handed off to specialist middleware?

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Hi, I am new to IRIS and We are planning to setup a CI pipeline on AWS VM deploying the iris data platform container. I am trying to find out which folders needs to be inside the source control and where (exact folder) the updated code needs to be pulled in the container. I would be much obliged if anyone cant point the CI CD related documentation.


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InterSystems Official
· Oct 20, 2020
ObjectScript extension for VS Code reaches 1.0

Hello Developer Community!

Once again I'm here to talk about the ObjectScript extension for Visual Studio Code, and this time we are excited to announce the release of version 1.0!

The community has come together in an unprecedented way to deliver this product with InterSystems, and its only fitting that a tool so critical to developer productivity would be built with community testing, feedback and source code from the very beginning.

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Hi Community:

How did Credit Suisse, the VA, and UC Davis advance their digital strategies during the pandemic? Find out on Day 2 of our first-ever InterSystems Virtual Summit. Plus, you’ll hear from our heads of Client Services, Healthcare, and Data Platforms on the ways we’ve adapted, innovated, and built new solutions to help you weather any storm ahead.

To join us:

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