Hi Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube! Learn about the easy process of migrating to InterSystems IRIS:

Join Us on a Journey from Caché/Ensemble to InterSystems IRIS

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· May 29, 2019 1m read
Simple Remote Server Control

This example is extracted from a long-running installation.
The purpose is to have simple monitoring of several servers at a rather primitive level.
Just slightly more intelligent than a raw PING. But still easy to integrate.
It avoids the overkill of information you are often confronted with while you are just
interested in the number of active processes or similar basic figures.
The example shows a basic skeleton that might be easily filled by your real needs.

It consists of 3 sections:

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· Jan 15, 2022 1m read
Your own webserver logfile analyser

Previously I had published The Article about the dataset from a real webserver, which can demonstrate how can activity and load of the Apache webserver depends on day of week, search engines indexing and some network noise.

Now I want to describe one useful function for most of webmasters and system administrators who are interested in obtaining of exactly information about visitors, hardware usage, and also about errors that gaing to their clients.

Here it is

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· Jun 10, 2019 1m read
more usefull Object Dump

During testing your code you are often confronted with the need to examine
the actual content of an object. Either using ZWRITE or $system.OBJ.Dump()
you get a picture of simple properties as "--- attribute values ---"
while "--- swizzled references ---" are more confusing than informative
and with "--- calculated references ---" you are just left in the lurch.

This small helper class allows you to dump an object to terminal or
e.g in background to some stream for later review.
By default, you see just properties with content,

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· Jun 24, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.677.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.677.0.

I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while and it should come as no surprise that there has been quite a lot of development going on since I wrote about build 632. In fact, there have been almost 300 changes covering most areas of the product.

The accumulated list of fixes to problems found in the field since build 632 includes the following changes:

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The introduction of InterSystems' "Vector Search" marks a paradigm shift in data processing. This cutting-edge technology employs an embedding model to transform unstructured data, such as text, into structured vectors, resulting in significantly enhanced search capabilities. Inspired by this breakthrough, we've developed a specialized search engine tailored to companies.

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Hey Community,

See how cubes are constructed for use in business intelligence, and learn about SQL and MDX query languages. Physical and virtual cubes are used in InterSystems IRIS® Business Intelligence and Adaptive Analytics:

Introduction to Cubes in Business Intelligence

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Hi Everyone!

You're very welcome to watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov in the new format called "Coding Talks":

GitHub Flow with InterSystems IRIS: Edit with VSCode, Test with Docker, Commit, Push, Pull Request

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Hey Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Embed Business Intelligence into your Applications with InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Coommunity,

Learn about InterSystems globals, the data model native to InterSystems IRIS® data platform that makes data storing efficient and provides the flexibility your data needs:

Flexible Data Modeling with InterSystems Globals

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NewBie's Corner Session 16 Introduction to New Concepts

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

A number of new concepts are introduced in this session that will be developed more fully in subsequent sessions. It is necessary to at least introduce these concepts here because they are all interrelated.

Older style of MUMPS Programming

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InterSystems Official
· Aug 24, 2016
Alert: Database Compaction

August 24, 2016 – Alert: Database Compaction

This is an addendum to the Alert published on October 14, 2015 – Alert: Database Defragmentation.

That alert indicated that the database defragmentation utility in 2014.1 and higher, on all platforms except OpenVMS, could cause database degradation and the correction JO2871 is available to clients upon request and would be included in future releases. The correction was included in 2015.1.3, 2015.2.2 and 2016.1.

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Hey Community,

This session provides more detail about the Smart Data Fabric announcement at #VSummit'21:

Introducing the Smart Data Fabric

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