· Jul 29, 2020 5m read
SQL for ^ERROR Global

Standard error logs in IRIS / Caché / Ensemble are written global ^ERRORS.
As this piece dates back some decades back to previous millennium its structure
is far from the typical SQL storage structures.

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A lot of developers like to work with Studio and have been looking into source code version control such as GIT or into enabling modern development workflows like CICD or DevOps processes.

This article describe an elementary solution to get you started in CICD and DevOps, even if you are not yet ready to move to Atelier or forth coming VS Code approach which enable client side source code version control.

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· Mar 2, 2020 2m read
SQL -99 error while viewing a listing

This error is sometimes seen while viewing a listing in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence:
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User <USERNAME> is not privileged for the operation (4)

As the error suggests, this is due to a permission error. To figure out which permissions are missing/needed, we can take a look at the SQL query that is generated. We will use a query from SAMPLES as an example.

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Hi Developers!

As you know the concept of ObjectScript Package Manager consists of ZPM client - client application for IRIS which helps you to install packages from the registry. And the code which works "on the other side" is ZPM Registry - server which hosts packages and exposes API to submit, list and install it. Now when you install the ZPM client it installs packages from community package registry, which si hosted on

But what if you want your own registry? E.g. you produce different software packages for your clients and you want to distribute it via private registry? Also, you may want to use your own registry to deploy solutions with different combinations of packages.

Is it possible? The answer is YES! You can have it if you deploy ZPM registry on your server with InterSystems IRIS.

To make it happen you would need to set up your own registry server.

How to do that?

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InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 brings a broad set of improved and new capabilities to help build important applications. In addition to the many significant performance improvements accrued through 2019.1 and 2020.1, we are introducing one of our biggest changes in recent SQL history: the Universal Query Cache. This article provides more context on its impact to SQL-based applications at a technical level.

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ObjectScript Kernel Logo
Jupyter Notebook is an interactive environment consisting of cells that allow executing code in a great number of different markup and programming languages.

To do this Jupyter has to connect to an appropriate kernel. There was no ObjectScript Kernel, that is why I decided to create one.

You can try it out here.

Here's a sneak peek of the results:

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3 782

Keywords: IRIS, IntegratedML, Machine Learning, Covid-19, Kaggle


Recently I noticed a Kaggle dataset for the prediction of whether a Covid-19 patient will be admitted to ICU. It is a spreadsheet of 1925 encounter records of 231 columns of vital signs and observations, with the last column of "ICU" being 1 for Yes or 0 for No. The task is to predict whether a patient will be admitted to ICU based on known data.

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Let's imagine if you would like to write some real web application, for instance, some simple clone of Such sort of application can be written using any different language on the backend side, or with any framework on the frontend side. So many ways to do the same application, and you can look at this project. Which offers a bunch of frontends and backends realizations for exactly the same application. And you can easily mix them, any chosen frontend should work with any backend.

Let me introduce the same application realization for InterSystems IRIS on a backend side.

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Hi Developers!

Recently we released the updated version 0.1.3 of ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) which comes with the support of simplified ObjectScript sources folder structure.

What 'simplified' does mean?

Before 0.1.3 ZPM expected the following structure:


---/cls  - for ObjectScript classes



---/mac - or Mac ObjectScript routines



---/inc - for ObjectScript macro include files.


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Web Crawling is a technique used to extract root and related content (HTML, Videos, Images, etc.) from websites to your local disk. This is allows you apply NLP to analyze the content and get important insights. This article detail how to do web crawling and NLP.

To do web crawling you can choose a tool in Java or Python. In my case I'm using Crawler4J. (

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· Dec 7, 2020 6m read
IRIS Python Native API in AWS Lambda

If you are looking for a slick way to integrate your IRIS solution in the Amazon Web Services ecosystem, server less application, or boto3 powered python script, using the IRIS Python Native API could be the way to go. You don't have to build out to far with a production implementation until you'll need to reach out and get something or set something in IRIS to make your application do its awesome sauce, so hopefully you will find value in this article and build something that matters or doesn't matter at all to anybody else but you as that is equally important.


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1 743

Hi Developers!

"objectscript.conn" :{
      "ns": "IRISAPP",
      "active": true,
      "docker-compose": {
        "service": "iris",
        "internalPort": 52773

I want to share with you a nice new feature I came across in a new 0.8 release of VSCode ObjectScript plugin by @Dmitry Maslennikov and CaretDev.

The release comes with a new configuration setting "docker-compose" which solves the issue with ports you need to set up to make your VSCode Editor connect to IRIS. It was not very convenient if you had more than one docker container with IRIS running on the same machine. Now, this is solved!

Read below how it works now.

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If you are seeing this error during import: ERROR #6301 Line: 2 Offset: 118 This does not appear to be a Cache exported file, unable to import.

This error is caused by exporting from InterSystems IRIS and trying to import into Caché. If you plan on exporting from IRIS to Caché, you can use the following qualifier to export your classes so that Caché does not throw an error on import:

w $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export(<items>,<filename>,"/exportversion=cache2018.1")

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· Apr 26, 2020 5m read
Materialized Views

A VIEW in SQL is basically a prepared SQL statement.
It has to be executed and assembled like any other SQL query.
MATERIALIZED VIEW means that the content is collected before hands and can be retrieved rather fast.
I saw the concept first with my favorite competitor named O* and they made a lot of noise about it.

{ favorite: because I could win every benchmark against them devil }

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A More Industrial-Looking Global Storage Scheme

In the first article in this series, we looked at the entity–attribute–value (EAV) model in relational databases, and took a look at the pros and cons of storing those entities, attributes and values in tables. We learned that, despite the benefits of this approach in terms of flexibility, there are some real disadvantages, in particular a basic mismatch between the logical structure of the data and its physical storage, which causes various difficulties.

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As we all well know, InterSystems IRIS has an extensive range of tools for improving the scalability of application systems. In particular, much has been done to facilitate the parallel processing of data, including the use of parallelism in SQL query processing and the most attention-grabbing feature of IRIS: sharding. However, many mature developments that started back in Caché and have been carried over into IRIS actively use the multi-model features of this DBMS, which are understood as allowing the coexistence of different data models within a single database. For example, the HIS qMS database contains both semantic relational (electronic medical records) as well as traditional relational (interaction with PACS) and hierarchical data models (laboratory data and integration with other systems). Most of the listed models are implemented using SP.ARM's qWORD tool (a mini-DBMS that is based on direct access to globals). Therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to use the new capabilities of parallel query processing for scaling, since these queries do not use IRIS SQL access.

Meanwhile, as the size of the database grows, most of the problems inherent to large relational databases become right for non-relational ones. So, this is a major reason why we are interested in parallel data processing as one of the tools that can be used for scaling.

In this article, I would like to discuss those aspects of parallel data processing that I have been dealing with over the years when solving tasks that are rarely mentioned in discussions of Big Data. I am going to be focusing on the technological transformation of databases, or, rather, technologies for transforming databases.

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· Jun 19, 2020 5m read
Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

With the release PEX in InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 and InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1, customers have a better way to build Java into productions than the Java Business Host. PEX provides a complete set of APIs for building interoperability components and is available in both Java and .NET. The Java Business Host has been deprecated and will be retired in a future release.

Advantages of PEX

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About this article:

In InterSystems IRIS, the default form of access to the management portal is HTTP, which means that if the client is in the office and the server is in the cloud, many clients probably desire to encrypt their traffic in some way.

Thus, we would like to show you some ways to encrypt your traffic to and from the IRIS management portal (or various REST services) running on AWS.

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Some readers of my previous article, Caché eXTreme for .NET - direct access to globals from C#, wondered if you could access information not just from the same instance in which you’re working, but also from another instance on the same computer, or from an instance located on another computer in the same local network. Some theorized, correctly, that this would be possible using the Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP). In this article I’m going to show how it can be done.

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