· Nov 1, 2018
Pattern Match with Cache

I'm trying to interpret a ObjectScript pattern and I am stumped on the first part. I understand everything else but not sure what 1.A means. I know A stands for Alpha characters just not sure what the 1. means

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,888 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I downloaded and installed the trial version of Caché.
it is installed in c:\intersystems\Trycache
I changed the system environment settings so that
GLOBALS_PATH = c:\intersystems\Trycache
and PATH includes c:\intersystems\Trycache\bin
Caché works, and I can login, use the globals, etc...

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I have an Ens.StreamContainer which holds XML that was received, and I need to validate that against an XSD schema. The schema is very simple, only looking at the root element and maybe a couple other items to ensure the XML is what we expect before continuing the data flow.

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Hello guys,

I want to be able to export a range of messages from my production (from within a specific date interval), but while digging into intersystems documentation, it isn't giving me any details on how to perform this task.

It teases me saying "Ensemble provides a Message Viewer page for HL7. You can use this page to display, transform, and export HL7 messages (either external files or messages from the Ensemble message archives).", but then there are no signs of further information.

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Hi community.

I'm trying to create a "setup" method to be called on a batch script but i'm getting the error <INVALID ARGUMENT> when I pass a string as an argument to this method.

The idea is to call the method with a folder as the parameter, for example:


My class (just for example)

Class test.MyClass

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· Oct 30, 2018
ID vs %ID in tables

What is the difference between %ID and ID in a database table? Both seem to reference the same column labelled ID.

For context, I am trying to create a viewer class for an existing persistent class.

Let us call the persistent class A, with SqlTableName = OldA.

The viewer class will be B with SqlTableName = A and ViewQuery = {select %ID, <other fields> from <some other class with the same fields as A>}

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· Oct 30, 2018
MSSQL Data Warehouse


I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.

I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.

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InterSystems states that Caché supports at least three data models – relational, object and hierarchical (globals). On can work with data presented in relational model in a program written on C# the same way one works with any other relational DB. To work with data presented by object model in C# one needs to use .NET Managed Provider or some kind or ORM. And starting with version 2012.2 one can work directly with globals (or use direct access to hierarchical data) via Caché eXTreme for .NET.

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Here I’ll walk you through the process of creating a simple Node/Express API and connect it to a InterSystems IRIS instance.

I won't go into much detail about how to work with any of the technologies I will mention in this tutorial but I will leave links, in case you want to learn more.

The objective here is to give you a practical guide on how to set up and connect a node.js back-end API to IRIS.

Before we get our hands dirty, make sure you have Node.js running on your machine. So I'll check:

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I'm trying to execute a nodejs process to perform some work on a string from Cache/Mumps over to nodejs, then return the result from nodejs as a string back to the code in Cache and I was looking at the `$ZF` logic - it will let me output the results to a file (i.e. temp.txt) but I dont see a way to just get the output set back to an M variable like (and I know this is not the correct syntax, but just for example)

S myOutput=$ZF(-100, "echo something") ;; wrong syntax but just for example

W myOutput ;; want to write out "something" but of course this doenst work

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· Oct 29, 2018
InterSystems Prague Meetup # 1

We had our first meetup of the Prague Meetup for InterSystems Data Platform last Thursday!

As it was our first such venue, the attendance was not large, but we believe it was a good start. Those who attended could learn about new features that InterSystems IRIS brings to our partners and customers as well as listen to a presentation discussing what it takes to migrate from Caché or Ensemble to InterSystems IRIS and eventually containerizing their applications.

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HealShare 2017

Hi dev community,

I am currently working on an interface that needs to communicate to a SOAP/ITK endpoint.

I am using the EnsLib.ITK.AdapterKit.Operation.SOAPOperation to interface with an ITK
service, but it is proving to be more complex than originally expected to set up the web client
against that particular end-point since I haven't been provided with a WSDL from ITK service side as
the vendor state they are following the ITK standard and no WSDLs are needed.

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I was understanding the cluster configuration supported by the Cache. Have couple of queries around that:

1. In Cache version 2018.2, there is a shrading concept which splits the data of a Master Data server into multiple small data server which store shraded data.

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I'm currently working on a project to run our medical device integration through ensemble.

I've noticed a potential problem with the volume of messages . The feed generates around 474K messages daily( average of 1 message per minute per device from 300+ devices).

We currently keep all our other feeds message data for 90 days and purge automatically. From what I can see is that the purge functions in Ensemble are production wide and cannot set it at the Business Operation, Service or Router level.

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· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From=""
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver=""
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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