· Apr 27, 2020 1m read


Hi community,

This article to give a description of my small library JSON Filter.

Why JSON Filter?

Search, sort data are common operations.

But … How to do this with JSON data?

You can use a %DocDB, It’s a good way for storing JSON and index the main properties.

However, JSON document is very flexible. It isn’t always possible (and not recommended) to index each properties to process the wished queries. A manual processing on a data subset is may be required.

In my opinion, this is not a funny part of the job. It’s a repetitive code with many loops etc...

JSON filter allows to process these operations easily on a JSON data subset.

Also, there is these additional features :

- Property filter, in order to keep only necessary fields. It can be useful to reduce bandwidth usage and avoid an overload of client applications.

- Pass-through for your REST services. It’s possible to implement search, property filter, sort for your REST services with an Include file and only one macro.

I suggest this lib to help ObjectScript developers to search, property filter, sort on JSON data easily with less code.


See readme file for more information, examples and up to date documentation.
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Thank you.

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