· Apr 27, 2020 2m read

Multidimensional Property Persistence - Part 2 (New Age)

While the classic solution followed rather close the concepts and design of the ancestors
Caché / IRIS allows a more modern approach to flexible/multidimensional properties

Let's see our demo class as before:

Class DC.Multi Extends (%Persistent, %Populate) [ Final ]
Property Name As %String;
Property DOB As %Date;
Property mJSON As %DynamicObject;
///  Property Multi As %String [ MultiDimensional ];

The JSON object allows us all the flexibility you may need
with the key-value paradigm as a basic concept.

The storage map honors this with a suitable entry.


Storage Default
<Data name="MultiDefaultData">
  <Value name="1">
    <Value name="2">
<Data name="mJSON">


Diagnosis: The storage generator has already foreseen the structure we had previously to add manually.

Issue #1) doesn't exist anymore

The same for issue #2)  no extra fiddling for SQL. Access out of the box.

I admit, my fantasy for test data was rather limited.wink

So what's the price for this improvement ?

Instead of:        
Set obj.Multi("robert")="rcc"
it is now :          Do obj.mJSON.%Set("robert","rcc")
a substructure comparable to obj.Multi("robert",1) might require a dynamic array

instead of navigation by $order() and $query() you now use an iterator and operate full JSON compatible.

retrieving data by         
set var=obj.Multi("robert") 
or similar changes to   set var=obj.mJSON.%Get("robert")

Personally I find this a much cleaner approach and it is independent of registered or persistent objects

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