· Oct 30, 2019
SQL query index using

Hi guys,
I ran into a strange (for me) situation, when I run same query but change the WHERE clause the plan is different and is not connected to the additional condition.
Query that doesn't use the necessary index:

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,251 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Team,

I want to save image/file using inter system iris web api.

I am sending file as Base64 formate in JSON object to api .and I want to save it at D/Images folder.

please refer below code that i was tried.

Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64--> has base64 value of image

Set decode = $System.Encryption.Base64Decode(Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64)

set file = ##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()

do file.Write(decode)

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· Apr 12, 2019
Timing of Database look up

We use a lot of external MS SQL calls to look up numerous things when it comes to HL7. I am running into an issue where the outbound calls are queued but the message is sent onto the next process before it gets a response. How do I get it to wait till the response gets back from the MS SQL call before sending it onto the next process?

Below is a screen shot of what I am trying to explain...Select Research Study executes at 8:33 the message is sent to the next process at 8:34, but the response of the MSSQL call doesn't come till 9:31.

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· Jun 4, 2019 1m read
Favourite editor for programming

There are many projects which work on InterSystems products, and they are not always written only in ObjectScript. I think some of you working with different programming languages and already have some experience with other editors, and hope you already have a favourite online editor.

My current choice is VSCode, whereas you may already know I have added an extension to support ObjectScript.

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So I have an interesting problem. I am going to be using a process and rule to determine if an HL7 message qualifies to be sent out, then using a record map to write certain aspects of that HL7 message to disk (with an HL7 to record map DTL). This is simple enough but the recipient of this file is requiring a single record map entry per DG1 segment in the HL7 message.

For instance if said HL7 message for PATIENT^TEST has 3 DG1 segments, I would need to write three lines (or records) like so:


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Hi Developers!

A question to those who use VSCode to code InterSystems ObjectScript.

Suppose you have the ObjectScript code on IRIS server and you want to export it into the desired folder.

And you have VSCode connected to the server.

What is the way to tell VSCode that I want to export classes into some particular folder in /package/class.cls way?

E.g. into:


and project_folder is opened in VSCode as the folder of the project.

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I need to open a Windows explorer window by pressing button on a Zen page.

Is this possible.? I

performed a search but I did not find anything.

The command I used in the terminal was D $zf(-2,"START C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32").

I am not sure how to use this in a Zen application.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Hey Developers!

Please join the upcoming InterSystems Developers Meetup in Boston which will be held on September 25th, 2019!

It will take place in Boston Marriott Copley Place from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

We meet to discuss solutions development on InterSystems IRIS. Come to tell your stories and share experience with InterSystems data platforms, for networking and developer conversations. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

The format is usual: 15 min for a session, 5 min for Q&A.

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· Sep 10, 2019
%OpenId Query

I am new to cache programming language . I am facing below issue . please assist.

Question: One persistent class ID column is a combination of its properties (Roll No and Marks) [ Exact: RollNo||Marks]. When i am running the query from Management portal it is displaying data in the same format and data is there. But in the code if i am making below statement, i am getting null value.

Set ExistsID=##Class(User.School).%ExistsId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

set ID=##Class(User.School).%OpenId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

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NodeJs(v0.10.0) to Intersystems Cache2014( using cache0100.node) network connection Not working .

This is error msg i'm getting

"{ ErrorMessage: 'Error loading Cache Library: _SYSTEMcache.dll; Error Code : 126 (The specified module could not be found.)',
ErrorCode: 1009,
ok: 0 } "

My Code ->{ip_address:"",tcp_port:57772,username: "_SYSTEM",password: "SYS",namespace: "USER"},function(err,res){

console.log("Error : ",err);console.log("Result : ",res);


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0 275
· Dec 19, 2019
%New error handling


On a persistent class, I have defined an %OnNew method that validate some properties with appropriate status code for each kind of error.
Question is: how do you catch the specific error when %New is called on this class?

Surrounding %New method with a try-catch not seems to work.


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0 486

Hello everyone smiley

I have a server configuration in a CSP Gateway installed on a PC (let's call it S2) different from the main one (let's call it S1). This configuration allows me to access a web application that is installed on S1, from a client C asking S2 for this webapp. But for now it works only in HTTP between C and S2, and we would like to use HTTPS (as it already works between S2 and S1).

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I'm getting this compilation error:

Kompilieren der Klasse digi.packet
FEHLER #5002: Caché-Fehler: <FUNCTION>zLockUse+5^%ExtentMgr.GlobalRegistry.1
> FEHLER #5030: Während der Kompilierung von Klasse 'digi.packet' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten

when importing one of my classes on the production server into one particular namespace:

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0 665
· Apr 4, 2019
ODBC Drivers

Hi All,

I would like to download odbc drivers for Cache database to be able to install it on our SQL server.

I am trying to create a linked server to Cache database.

I couldn't find a link for the drivers, there was one post with FTP reference to download but it doesn't seem to work.

I will be grateful for any help.

Thank you


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0 17.4K

Hi, I am trying to transform a message to meet a third party specification, and would like to know if you can advice me on how to separate a single OBX segment into several segments based on a '.'

I would like to separate the segment where the . [marked in red] is into another OBX segment. So the next segment would be:

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0 955

I am reviewing some code where the % sign has been used liberally to name arrays that are worked on by different methods within the same class. Apparently it is not good practice to name variables with a "%" sign as the first character because this could overwrite other similarly named variables from other developers, including ISC! Is there another way to make a variable public ?

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· Feb 23, 2019
FileSpec wildcard question

For the FIleSpec on a file service can you use a multiple wildcard values like *CLINICALENCOUNTER*.xml?

It seems like you are restricted to a single wildcard value.

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0 723

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use @() and SYSTEM() from Cache Terminal. I am searching for blinking text . I have found -5 as a Screen Display Option but not aware like how to use on terminal.
Can any one please help ?


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· Apr 22, 2019
Docker container error

Dear team,

I am trying to experiment the Docker container in our development environment. I have successfully build an image and running the container. When I access the CSP portal home page ( http://<host-ip>:57772/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen?$NAMESPACE=%25SYS), I am getting the following error:

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0 491
· Jul 1, 2019 2m read
Transaction suspencion

It’s often useful to make changes inside the current transaction, that would not be rolled-back if transaction is rolled-back. For example to do some logging.

This can be achieved by using global that is mapped to temporary database -- IRISTEMP. All globals that start with ^IRIS.Temp* are mapped to IRISTEMP by default. Problem with such approach is that IRISTEMP is cleaned on InterSystems IRIS restart, so this log is lost.

What else you can do is -- suspend transaction temporarily, do the logging, and then resume the same transaction.

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1 470

Hi All,

I created a Business Operation to Integrate with Amazon S3.
I have used HTTP Outbound Adapter for the same. Used Get method of Adapter Class.
Basically in a request I want to send Unique File Name and File and in Response I want to get Version ID and if operation was successful, then set flag to true.

I have created a class for request in that I have two properties, as shown Below :

Property fileName As %String;
Property file As %GlobalBinaryStream;

This is in my Operation Class

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