Discussion (8)1
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Eduard, are you referring to the Priority property of the Ens.MessageHeader class? That seems to be used exclusively for marking the message for Async vs. Synchronous delivery.

The need for message prioritization within a single message flow (one that would otherwise be FIFO) is valid and has been addressed in other integration products. One healthcare use case that I've encountered in multiple implementations is that the downstream system uses a session-oriented connection ("always on" MLLP) and receives both ADT and lab orders over the same connection. As the patient demographic data and "stat" lab orders should always be prioritized over routine order messages, a "high" priority value would be set for those messages during in-engine routing/transformation processing and would be a primary selection criteria for the process (eWay/Connection Point/Communication Client) to deliver it to the receiving system.

Given modern hardware and software, latency caused by the integration engine itself is rarely an issue. However, not all applications can receive messages as fast as integration engines can send them ...

I currently have a router that feeds a Business Process, however I wish to introduce another router that also feeds the same Business Process but I want the new router to take priority over the existing. Is this possible? Can I set those messages to "Top of the queue"?

I did think about copying the existing process and directing the new router traffic to that but I worry about maintaining the two processes 

Thanks for the help.

Eduard, are you referring to the Priority property of the Ens.MessageHeader class?


That seems to be used exclusively for marking the message for Async vs. Synchronous delivery.

These priorities are available:

#define eMessagePriorityHighSync 1
#define eMessagePrioritySync     2
#define eMessagePrioritySimSync  4
#define eMessagePriorityAsync    6

Sync by default is 2, so specifying priority 1 may indeed help. Cursory glance at Ens.Queue indicates that messages with priority 1 would be processed first.