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Hi! For the Opendataset contest I've build a docker container app stack that use InterSystems IRIS & Openflights Dataset in a container and second container with Apache Zeppelin. You can found details here:

With that you can query the Opendflights Dataset from Apache Zepplin with zero configuration. The containers are on hub.docker so you can use it very easily.

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Hi everyone,

I want to talk about our project and use the dataset theme for this contest.

Our intention never was to be a data curator, especially because sometimes my precious data means a lot for me, but not for the rest of the world.

My Precious

We want to go a step further and empower the user to find the perfect dataset for their needs.

Our project is a bridge between the data science community and the developer's community using InterSystems IRIS to achieve this mission.

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· Jan 15, 2022 1m read
Your own webserver logfile analyser

Previously I had published The Article about the dataset from a real webserver, which can demonstrate how can activity and load of the Apache webserver depends on day of week, search engines indexing and some network noise.

Now I want to describe one useful function for most of webmasters and system administrators who are interested in obtaining of exactly information about visitors, hardware usage, and also about errors that gaing to their clients.

Here it is

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With the release of InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 Preview and all-new LOAD DATA functionality dataset can by added with Objectscript Package Manager (ZPM)

Medical Datasets contains following 12 datasets. For dataset tables and data details please visit ONLINE DEMO by using SuperUser | SYS

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We have now released a new learning path to get you started with FHIR: Building Basic FHIR Integrations with InterSystems IRIS for Health. In this path, you'll learn the basics of FHIR, how to set up FHIR endpoints in InterSystems IRIS for Health, consume data into the FHIR repository and transform FHIR data, manage FHIR APIs with InterSystems API Manager, and query for FHIR resources using a client application.

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· Jan 14, 2022 1m read
Real Webserver Logs Dataset

I'm happy to share with the community a web server log dataset from our longtime customer, an operating company.

Their webserver operates on Apache webserver and contains data which can be useful to analyse a load and search engines activity.

After installing the project, you will get the data for a few months that can show a typical load and activity of clients, robots and also you can see how it depends on day of week, holidays and time of a day.

The Cube is also included in package.

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II try to explore the new SQL LOAD DATA feature in SQL comparing it to SQL INSERT

I'm stuck at this point: INSERT INTO <table> (columns...) VALUES (.....)
allows having not just simple column references but also ALL Standard SQL FUNCTIONS (at least)

INSERT INTO Test (ShortName,DOB) VALUES (SUBSTRING(Name,1,4),TO_DATE(displayDate,'MM-DD_YYY'))

This works perfectly.
BUT the same VALUE clause applied to LOAD DATA fails in various ways:

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Hey Community,
Please check out the 2021 Annual Dev Community Article Digest with the most popular and commented articles. Thank you all for your contributions to the InterSystems Community in 2021!
General Stats
1,687 posts published in 2021:
– 234 articles
– 436 announcements
– 980 questions
– 37 discussions
2,451 members joined the Developer Community in 2021
8,930 posts published all time
10,287 members joined all time
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· Jan 13, 2022 2m read
Predict Maternal Health Risks

Hi community,

Prediction is a critical to the Maternal healthcare. The Health Dataset Application ( has 10 real health datasets to predict the most important diseases and health problems, including Maternal Risk.

This article detail the steps to predict Maternal Risk using the InterSystems IRIS IntegratedML. This is a technology of InterSystems to do predictions using SQL Commnands! Great!

Follow these steps:

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Hi Developers,

It's time to announce the Winners for December 2021! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in December 2021:

🥇 @Muhammad Waseem, HIS Team Lead, International Medical Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabi

🥈 @Sergey Mikhailenko, Chief Specialist, AO Mosvodokanal, Russia

🥉 @YURI MARX GOMES, Software Architect, YM Services, Brazil

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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· Jan 12, 2022
New Kubernetes Exercise!

Hi All! For those of you who attended experience labs at the 2021 Virtual Summit, you may recall that one of the lab sessions was around Kubernetes. We've now converted that lab to be fully on-demand. You can launch a small cluster of VMs and follow the exercise to manage your Kubernetes cluster, deploy InterSystems IRIS containers to it, and watch its self-healing nature when destroying a pod.

It's a great introduction to Kubernetes if you are interested! See here: Achieving High Availability with InterSystems IRIS and Kubernetes

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· Jan 8, 2022
SQL LOAD DATA date values

I have csv date file with date values like this "4/10/2021" for April 10, 2021. I defined a table with this property: Property TranDate As %Library.Date.

I capture error

[SQLCODE: <-104>:<Field validation failed in INSERT, or value failed to convert in DisplayToLogical or OdbcToLogical>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [%msg: <Field 'dc_data_finance.transact.TranDate' (value '4/10/2021') failed validation Field ...

I do not really want to change TranDate to %String. How can I import "4/10/2021" into %Date property?

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You might of seen or might of not seen my earlier post about Exporting a Production from 2018.1 to import it into 2021.1. I was able to get the export working, however I noticed in reviewing the data within the export, our previous Workday XML Schemas that we imported via XSD files were not in the export. When walking through the export process under Message Schema or vDoc Schema I could not find the missing XML Schema structures. Why aren't XML's part of the export process if they are used within the Production?

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We are migrating from AIX to Linux and part of our testing is trying to figure the best method to migrate the code. I am trying to export an entire Production, however I keep running into an error...

Error generating export list for production osuwmc.TestClin and all items may not be listed.
ERROR #5002: Cache error: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>zgetRecordandComplexMapClasses+34^Ens.Config.Production.1 *(No name)

I went through any Complex Record Maps, and recompiled them but I am still getting the same error

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