When making a synchronous request to a custom business process and there's an error and 0 is returned, it seems that the response is not sent back to the custom business service. Rather, a Ens.MessageHeader with IsError=1 is returned without a message body (which would normally be the response object).

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,551 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I have set up a Docker image with IrisHealth Community Edition and created a backup of all databases with the Management Portal. Obviously, the restore requires a different way, i.e. a terminal or session needs to be started to use a "Do ^DBREST".

Due to the manual first a session (which is probably same as iristerm terminal) needs to be started:

docker exec -it iris iris session iris

If I enter "DO ^DBREST", I get the answer:


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Hello! I just had a quick question for anyone out there with more experience on deploying Ensemble productions.

I'm currently trying to export my Ensemble production WITH the Business Partners so I don't have to rebuild or add to that table after I import my Ensemble Production. I know that this is a small thing and doesn't actually affect anything in the production in terms of performance, but I like to have it for better documentation.

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I am trying to extract GMHeap, Locksiz values form Config.config using python (imported irisnative for Python) but the below python progam is not returning any value. Please suggest if i am doing any mistake -

Also, plese suggest how i can set values for GMHeap and Locksiz to a different value through Python.

import irisnative

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Hi Developers,

Join us at the upcoming Developer Roundtable on April 25th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET. 📍
We will have 2 topics covered by the invited experts and open discussion as always.

Tech Talks:
Practical Usage of Embedded Python - by Stefan Wittmann Product Manager, InterSystems


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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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I don't have a current project where I am needing to create a new operation that uses SOAP at the moment but as someone who still has some SOAP connections in her Production, I was curious if VSCode had an equivalent to the SOAP Wizard that helped create all of the SOAP classes needed based on the provided WSDL? Does anyone know? Or has this become a manual process?

Thanks in advance for help curbing my curiosity!

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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Working with InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL

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Why to use it

This app offers an easy interface to analyze storage:

  • Filter by database (namespace), global name, used size, or allocated size;
  • View a sum of the used and allocated sizes for the filters applied;
  • Export the table to JSON, CSV, or XML.

How to use it

Follow the instructions on the README file from the GitHub repository, and configure the settings to connect to your instance.

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Hi everyone.

Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?

I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.

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What I find really useful about IRIS when teaching my subject of Postrelational databases is the fact that it is a multi model database. Which means that I can actually go into architecture and structure and all that only once but then show the usage of different models (like object, document, hierarchy) using the same language and approach. And it is not a huge leap to go from an object oriented programming language (like C#, Java etc) to an object oriented database.

However, along with advantages (which are many) come some drawbacks when we switch from object oriented model to relational. When I say that you can get access to the same data using different models I need to also explain how it is possible to work with lists and arrays from object model in relational table. With arrays it is very simple - by default they are represented as separate tables and that's the end of it. With lists - it's harder because by default it's a string. But one still wants to do something about it without damaging the structure and making this list unreadable in the object model.

So in this article I will showcase a couple of predicates and a function that are useful when working with lists, and not just as fields.

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how UC Davis Health uses InterSystems API Manager to satisfy business-partner demand for access to both custom and FHIR APIs:

How UC Davis Health Uses InterSystems API Manager @ Global Summit 2023

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