· Oct 28, 2024

IIS Routing Question

I have a question about the routing of IIS.

If I have a javascript application that has a single entry point app.html. Is it possible to configure the IIS server such that both the urls



to provide the same app.html and let the javascript code from application decide what component to load next, depending on the path of the URL ?

My IIS server is configured such that when I do a GET url1, ir tries to send entry1.html , respectively entry2.html when I do GET url2.

In Intersystems documentation I did not find how to configure IIS to route to the same application from multiple paths.

Could somebody help me, please ?

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
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Thank you very much.  Googling and browsing some pages I had arrived at the same idea but I could find no documentation and examples on the Intersystems site.  Searching "URL Rewrite Module" on community I found 11 pages of results but by opening the conversations I see none that provides examples.

Making some random tests I managed to redirect the url to my application entry points but I do not understand how it works in general, to be able to use all its capabilities.  I am not able to redirect as I expect to happen.  It does something, but unexpected for me.