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Member since Jul 25, 2017
Your screenshot says (last line, "ДОСТУП ..." ), access denied. So please check your connection details (hostname, port) and check the Windows firewall too. I assume, you want to connect to port 1972 or 5x77x, those ports are not open by default. For the next time, please translate that error messages, not everybody is fluent in russian.
I don't see any difference between SolutinA and SolutionB.
First, $$$OK is converted at COMPILE time into 1 and second, your test code neither has an execute nor an indirection - or do I miss something? But you can try the below code for timing difference
ClassMethod XTime()
f i=1:1:3 d ..exc()
w !
f i=1:1:3 d ..ind()
ClassMethod exc()
s arg="s x=1234_(1/2)"
while $zh["." {} s t=$zh f i=1:1:1E6 { x arg } w $zh-t,!
ClassMethod ind()
s arg="x=1234_(1/2)"
while $zh["." {} s t=$zh f i=1:1:1E6 { s @arg } w $zh-t,!
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Just as an info, I can read cyrillic, I can talk serbian, consequently I understand a little bit (the emphasis is on little) Russian, and Ukrainian but I can't make the difference between the two. By the way, we try to solve problems and not language differences... 😉