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· Dec 17, 2018
Adding fault to a wsdl


The fault message definition is missing from my service WSDL. I would like to add these bold styled text to my WSDL. How can I do that? The aim is when I get the WSDL of MyService with ?wsdl URL the response contains the bold styled text.

For example:

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,822 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

In the previous article, we've seen the structure of one of the most used types of HL7 message - ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) and an example of ADT^A04 with the description of all its fields. Now let's look at another flow of data having to do with ordering and fulfilling the orders of tests. I'm talking about ORM (as of version 2.5 you should use specific messages to order tests, like OMG, OML, OMD, OMS, OMN, OMI, and OMP), ORL and ORU messages. In a very simplified case, the exchange of data may look like this.

Let's look at these messages in more detail.

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Apache Spark has rapidly become one of the most exciting technologies for big data analytics and machine learning. Spark is a general data processing engine created for use in clustered computing environments. Its heart is the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) which represents a distributed, fault tolerant, collection of data that can be operated on in parallel across the nodes of a cluster. Spark is implemented using a combination of Java and Scala and so comes as a library that can run on any JVM.

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· Sep 8, 2016
Cache for Raspberry Pi?

Some may think it's a strange / daft idea, but just today the Raspberry Pi folks have announced that they've now sold more than 10 million of them..and counting. That's a huge potential marketplace, and a great platform for getting people to hear about Cache and try it out. Given its focus on the education sector, another great way of getting heard about.

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Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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· Nov 4, 2022 9m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in AWS, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

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· Apr 11, 2017
Authentication with REST

We are building a bunch of rest based services using Ens 2016.2 to serve our browser based application (Angular 4).

Two questions:

1. The initial authentication seems only work if credentials are placed in the url parameters. Trying to use the Authorization header instead, the client code immediately complains about Access-Control-Allow-Origin. How can I resolve this?

2. After initial authentication, what is the proper way to send subsequent rest calls without having to include credential every time?

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DTL Transformations and GetValueAt/SetValueAt calls on HL7 messages will truncate any fields longer than 32K. To avoid this, the methods GetFieldStreamRaw and StoreFieldStreamRaw must be used when dealing with fields that might be larger than 32K. OBX:5 is a frequent example. These methods have some subtleties and must be used carefully.

This can't be done by simply dragging from left to right in a DTL. It must be done with a code action. Also, the StoreFieldStreamRaw call must be the last edit made to the segment because the segment becomes immutable after that.

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· Apr 1, 2017
XML to Json conversion


Are there any utilities/api in HealthConnect 2016.2.1 that will allow conversion of XML virtual document to Json format? We were thinking to convert HL7 ADT message to XML via Ensemble DTL and then send it to another BP to convert to Json format for transmission via Web Services. To my understanding there isn't anyway to represent Json as a virtual object so it can be use for direct mapping of HL7 2.x message to Json via Ensemble DTL.



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Some time ago I got a WRC case transferred where a customer asks for the availability of a raw DEFLATE compression/decompression function built-in Caché.

When we talk about DEFLATE we need to talk about Zlib as well, since Zlib is the de-facto standard free compression/decompression library developed in the mid-90s.

Zlib works on particular DEFLATE compression/decompression algorithm and the idea of encapsulation within a wrapper (gzip, zlib, etc.).

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InterSystems products (IRIS, Caché, Ensemble) already include a built-in Apache web server. But the built-in server is designed for the development and administration tasks and thus has certain limitations. Though you may find some useful workarounds for these limitations, the more common approach is to deploy a full-scale web server for your production environment. This article describes how to set up Apache to work with InterSystems products and how to provide HTTPS access. We will be using Ubuntu, but the configuration process is almost the same for all Linux distributions.

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· Sep 23, 2016 6m read
Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

This is a detailed guide to develop RESTful services using InterSystems Ensemble. The goal of this guide is to make you understanding the basic concept and building blocks of a RESTful service. The service is going to provide a very basic functionality (a “Hello world!”).

You will learn how to create required components as Ensemble classes, configure the run-time as an Ensemble Production and create a service configuration as a web application.

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In this post, I am going to detail how to set up a mirror using SSL, including generating the certificates and keys via the Public Key Infrastructure built in to Caché. The goal of this is to take you from new installations to a working mirror with SSL, including a primary, backup, and DR async member, along with a mirrored database. I will not go into security recommendations or restricting access to the files. This is meant to just simply get a mirror up and running.

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I am trying to create a simple example of allowing binary (tiff) files to be selected and uploaded asynchronously to an IRIS for Health back-end. I have managed to write the HTML and Javascript which works great with regular text / ascii files, but fails with binary files.

When I upload a binary file (tiff) image I get garbage like this on the database server

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There have been a few use cases recently within InterSystems where we've needed to connect to Caché-based web services from PHP. The first of these was actually the Developer Community itself, which uses web services as part of Single Sign-On with other InterSystems sites/applications. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a Caché-based web service (particularly, the web service in the SAMPLES namespace) from PHP, using password authentication.

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404 Not Found

"error": {
 "errors": [
   "domain": "global",
   "reason": "notFound",
   "message": "Not Found"
 "code": 404,
 "message": "Not Found"

I want to do something like the above sample from a Google Storage JSON API. I have a call to Write obj.%ToJSON() followed by return ..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) however the HTTP Status code is always 200. If I remove the Write obj.%ToJSON() statement it returns a 404 status with no body. How do I return both?

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I have a process that is importing lots of data from an external file, but every now and then I come across a STORE error.

I know that the STORE error is occurring in the %Save method of the class but I know very little else and I think its something to do with a lage amounts of Related Objects.

Is there a method of finding out more information regarding this error i.e. which actual object was being saved etc etc.



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Spring Boot is the most used Java framework to create REST API and microservices. It can be used to deploy web or executable web or desktop self-contained apps, where the application and another dependencies are packaged toghether. Springboot allows you do to a lot of functions, see:

Note: to learn about SpringBoot see official site -

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· Sep 2, 2016 2m read
Advanced URL mapping for REST

By now it's a commonplace how to implement a basic REST API in Caché and there is good documentation about it here: REST in Caché

A question that comes up from time to time is:

How can I make a parameter in my REST url optional?

Simply put, is it possible to create a URL map in Caché that maps a URL like this:

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