I'm trying to set up VS Code for ObjectScript using the instructions found here. I've got both Cache 2018.1.2.309.0 and IRIS 2020. When I try to connect to either one of them the connection fails, and I get a notification in the bottom right corner that says "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0". I've checked the JSON settings file that VS Code uses, and they're fine and formatted properly. All of the settings I've entered are correct.

0 20
0 4.9K
· May 19, 2021
Error in file handling

When parsing a text file into a mumps routine I get this error


Any idea what can be causing this

Thanks in advance

0 2
0 199
· May 18, 2021
Trakcare using document

Hi, the hospital has deployed a set of TrakCare, but there is no document about TrakCare, including the implementation document of InterSystems installation of TrakCare and relevant management and maintenance documents. Could you please provide them?The hospital bought a complete set of products, should have relevant use documents.At the very least, there should be a relevant basic manual.

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0 502

Hello everyone,

I have a question, I am trying to use xecute command, but something wrong happen when i was using the command, and i don't know why hahahaha.

I created a file .mac with this code:

label(test) public{
       set routine="variable"
       set call="write routine,!"
       xecute call

But when i run the command, show me this message error:

<UNDEFINED>label+3^tstFJR3 *routine

After that i changed the code to:

0 4
0 209

Hello Community,

we read data from an Oracle database. The desired order is created by an 'order by' in the sql statement. The individual elements of the result set are converted into objects and inserted into a parent object using 'insert' on a property, which implements a one-to-many relationship with the result objects. Later, we iterate over the objects in a for loop and process the contents. At this point the order is apparently no longer identical to the order in which the elements were inserted.

0 5
0 294

I have a requirement to update the Ensemble Host Settings Programmatically. Mainly the "AlertOnError,QueueCountAlert,QueueWaitAlert,InactivityTimeout" settings.

I used Ens_Config.Item (persistent) class to get the settings (list object) and then update it. But for some of the Business Host's, I dont see the above settings in the table, but present in Settings of that particular Host in Ensemble Management Portal. So my logic is not working.

1 11
0 499

I'm looking for a SQL function equivalent for SQL server STRING_SPLIT. I have records like this:

join_to_tx_history (key), ss_note_multi_dict_1_value (varchar)

64559.001 Assistant Principal, Case Worker, Client, Dad, Daughter, Mentor, Mom, Other, Principal, Psychiatrist, School Counselor, Teacher

and I like the field ss_note_multi_dict_1_value split to rows for each comma delimited value. So I can get this:

0 2
0 654
· May 14, 2021
SSLConfig with ECC

Hello everyone,
I can choose between RSA and DSA. ECC seems to be unsupported.
Is there any workarounds without using external binary like curl?

Best regards

0 5
0 348
· May 14, 2021
Luhn Mod N in Cache?

Hi all

I'm trying to recreate this method below in Cache/IRIS.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_mod_N_algorithm ISO-7812-1 (LUHN-10)

I've been following the javascript example. It seems simple in theory but i'm struggling with which cache methods to pick.

$LENGTH, $System.SQL.FLOOR() - seem ok

$EXTRACT - I think for .charAt (though may need to correct base)

$FIND - for .indexOf

Any suggestion which would be the best ones for the job?

0 5
0 212


I created a custom business operation to copy PDF files in Intersystems Healthshare. To copy the files I used:

$ZF(-100, "", "cp", "-f", tSource, tTarget)

tSource contains the source file e.g. "/opt/var/data/dir/1821008687135422926_5849146876.pdf".

tTargetSource contains the target file "/opt/targetdir/Müller_Jörg_1821008687.pdf".

Copying files without german Umlaute works fine (e.g Smith_Robert_1821081542.pdf), but when the string contains special characters like "ä", "ö", "ü" or even "ß" copying is not successful.

0 3
0 350

Hello there developers,

As I started to install the IRIS for community editing I came across this interface. (Image attached below)

Is there a major difference in these 2 types of installations and is there a place where I can refer with regard to this in detail please?

Please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

0 2
0 333
· Oct 16, 2020
What is CSPSystem?

Hello Community,

On the installation process of the IRIS Community Edition I came across an interface as below (image attached.)

I would like to know what it means, what is the use of it, what it is and where can i know more on this?

I tried the documentation page but was not successful in finding anything regarding it.

I would like to know more on it please.

Hoping to hear soon.


2 4
0 518

We use the Category drop-down for other IT analysts to quickly see interfaces related to their application/group. This drop0down fails to work (IDs get out of sync with Config Item IDs) if the Production is compiled. There is no fix available (development was started, but stopped in favor of other items).

Has anyone else run into this issue? Any custom work-arounds?


0 3
0 112
· May 12, 2021
$preprocess failure

There is an undocumented command, $preprocess, that can be called as below. In this case it takes the class name and converts its code into a text array. That includes comments as well. Two questions about it if you know:

0 8
0 222

Awhile back the Developer community helped me with a situation I was having... How to loop through a Repeating Segment and Single Filed, example OBX().5, within a Business Process Rule and compare it against a Data Lookup table.

Well now I need to take it a step further. I need a way to loop through OBR() segment, and loop through OBR().4() and the subfield 4.1 and compare it to a Data Lookup table.

So I thought I could copy my existing function code and add another level to it, but its not returning what I would expect.

0 2
0 364
· May 13, 2021
Incoming http messages setup

I need some help. I have a requirement where HL7 messages will be sent through http. I am trying to read through the documentation & want some guidance.

The client is asking for a URL. So should I simply send the Ensemble url to them? Does the message structure change? How does Ensemble handle incoming http messages? Do I just create a http business service and it should come across fine?

Has anyone done a project with http? Would love some information on how it worked for you

0 1
0 242


I have a REST client that calls a REST service and as a response gets a stream containing a JSON structure. The service is placing some weird non-printable characters into some places in the JSON document that is throwing off parsing of a down-stream XML document.

What I would like to do is just remove the non-printable characters from the response stream that comes back from my call to the REST service.

Does anyone have a handy utility or method for removing all non-printable characters from a character stream?

0 10
0 2.2K
· May 12, 2021
Cache sql query

Hi ,

I am trying to retrieve the contact type column data of a patient based on the recent date as shown below.

for instance

contacttype Datefrom

contact 1. 24/03/2020

contact 2. 20/05/2021

i need to retrieve the second contact2 based on the recent date.

i tried like below but not working .

Case max(datefrom) >0 then contacttype

End as contacttype

Can anyone please tell me why this is not working.Any other options?



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