· Apr 27, 2022

using SSH to connect to IRIS

Has anyone here successfully connected to a community edition version of IRIS through port 22 to localhost? I have been trying for hours and hours to connect a Mobaxterm terminal session to IRIS and am at a total loss. Im not sure if port 22 isnt opening at this point or if its a configuration issue on my part. I am seeing either "Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection" or "connection refused" when i try to run the SSH session. I have tried 22/51773/1972 etc port settings under add/edit server to no avail. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Mobaxterm settings

host = localhost   user = IRIS username,   port = 22

Product version: IRIS 2021.2
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.2 (Build 651U) Mon Jan 31 2022 17:39:04 EST
Discussion (1)0
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IRIS doesn't bundle its own ssh server. Unless your host platform offers ssh (not common on Windows) there'll be nothing for your ssh client to connect to.

For IRIS on Windows you have the option of enabling the %Service_Telnet service and connecting using telnet rather than ssh. You can optionally add extra security to this by configuring it to use TLS.

But as you're talking about localhost why not simply launch Terminal off your IRIS launcher in you Windows System Tray?