· Apr 26, 2022

Webterminal - Error connection to server

Hi all,
We just migrated the new Iris server 2021.2 all our productions in a develop server. It's a Windows 2019 server.
I've installed Webterminal to have a good connection to this server remotly, but it is throwing this error message:
WebTerminal lost connection with server (code 1006).
Attempting to restore session in 10 seconds...
I think it is an issue due a firewall, so I need to know what is the port to open to connect the server.
Do you know what is the port?
Best regards,
Francisco López
Product version: IRIS 2021.2
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) Wed Jun 9 2021 09:39:22 EDT
Discussion (3)1
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Thanks Robert but it wasn't a firewall problem.

The problem was due the instalation didn't compile the code correctly. It doesn't get the version of ISC as expected.

I'm using the version WebTerminal-v4.9.3, in the line 1507 there is a initialization of the parameter iscProductVersion

<Parameter name="iscProductVersion">
In older Cache versions, method "GetISCProduct" does not exists</Description>
        ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledMethod).IDKEYExists("%SYSTEM.Version", "GetISCProduct"),
        1: $CLASSMETHOD("%SYSTEM.Version", "GetISCProduct"),
        : 2

Later, in line 1611, it checks what is the version to set the role required:

set requiredRole = $case(..#iscProductVersion >= 4, 1: "%DB_IRISSYS", : "%DB_CACHESYS")

But, if I check what is my version, the answer is 3, instead of 4, so it was trying to set %DB_CACHESYS instead of %DB_IRISSYS, so the compilation didn't end.

w ##class(%SYSTEM.Version).GetISCProduct() 

Then, I've modified the file and change the comparison  ..#iscProductVersion to check if is equal or upper than 3, and it works.

In the line 1730, there is other comparison to set the dbPrefix, so I've modified this line also.

set dbPrefix = $case(..#iscProductVersion >= 3, 1: "IRIS", : "CACHE")

Now, I have the Webterminal worning fine.

Note: I'm using IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) Wed Jun 9 2021 09:39:22 EDT

Best regards,
Francisco Lopez