· Feb 28, 2016
Mocking tools for Unit Testing

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of a library that can be used to create Mock objects for Objectscript classes?

Right now, my team has been building mock objects by hand to help circumvent dependencies when writing and executing unit tests, but I always wondered if someone had ever created a Mock library like Mockito to help quicken the process.


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· May 12, 2017
Web Sockets


I am working on a project that will interact with some software called ROS (Robot Operating System). One of the development challenges we have is as follows:

ROS uses web sockets... So one connect with ws://localhost:9090 to the web socket server. It starts off as http, but then "upgrades" to web socket. It then keeps open this "tunnel" for bi-directional communication..

I need something like a HTTP Outbound adapter, but the Web Socket version of it...

Does anyone have any experience in this area?


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Hi Community,

We are not using github or any source safe till now. We have ensemble hl7 interfaces (business services, processes, operations)available in production. Now we want to deploy these interfaces to a brand new cloud server with iris instance.

Here in current production we have studio access but new cloud server iris we have only vscode access.

I have exported all the classes from current production using Studio and I have exported xml file with me.

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I'm attempting to configure VS Code's InterSystems Server Manager to establish a connection to an IRIS for Health server. It has a standalone CSP gateway running on an Apache server with TLS enabled. The port for all IRIS api and browser traffic is 443.

I've configured the webServer section's host, port, and variations on pathPrefix (including no pathPrefix entry), and have the correct user ID set. The password is stored in the server keychain.

The connection simply fails with "Server could not be reached." Nothing in the Output or Problems tabs.

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1 1.3K

I have followed the Article: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab, On our own Linux environment it works well but when I try to run it on a clients windows server; and the following command is run by the runner

irissession IRISHEALTH -U TEST "##class(isc.git.GitLab).load()"

we get the following "error"


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· Jan 12, 2020
Timeout for $zf

In one of the projects, when we have ECP with 10 ECP application servers, from time to time we faced the issue when our journals fail to purge, due to open transactions. While we have about 100-150 GB journal files per day, it quite quickly became a big issue, and with mirroring a very big issue. Mostly we just rebooted our ECP Data server, so it searches rollbacks any transactions, but such process is too long, may steal a few hours. I did not find any way, how to get the list of the open transactions from one place from ECP Data Server. We just migrated our Data server to 2018.1.

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Hello All,

I have a question / issue regarding the calling list.FindOref(<object from indexOpen call>)
Here is a simple way to reproduce the issue:
2 classes: Utility.contacttypes and Utility.person

Class Utility.contacttypes Extends %Persistent
Property description As %Library.String(TRUNCATE = 1);
/// Index for property description
Index descriptionIndex On description [ Unique ];


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Hi Community,

I am receiving a JSON file as input in ensemble and i need to convert the JSON message to HL7 message.

Can anyone share few points how to read a JSON file into Ensemble production by creating a Custom Business service?

I have created a custom business service as below but i am not aware which parameters i need to pass in OnProcessInput method?

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This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

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I'm finding that in a mobile app setting, that Cache is causing the worst User Experience that I have ever seen in a mobile app - I'm just saying this hoping that someone will be able to help me out, my intent is not to criticise Intersystems.

We have a Xamarin Forms mobile app that consumes web pages that are created by Cache. The app compiles into iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Android Tablet, UWP (Windows 10, all of phone, tablet, and desktop), as well as MacOS.

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· Aug 25, 2019
Automation with Ansible

Trying to modernize tasks I have to do on cache like change global variables on different servers, different namespaces....

Actually, I have a bash script doing ssh on each server and running bash script on each server like this

echo "zn \"namespace\"
s ^Var=1
"|csession ensapp

3 3
1 738

How suitable is Docker for standalone deployment of an Ensemble version and Ensemble application together?

The context is deployment by an application partner of an integration application and the supporting Ensemble version as a single package (single file ideally), to multiple environments and to multiple customer sites.

I don't have experience with Ensemble on Docker so I'm wondering what gaps and pitfalls may exist.

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Data transformations can be changed in Management portal, but the modifications are not synced with visual studio code. Classes are synced from VSCode to Iris. VSCode can take care of the git repository.

I am curious to know how people are developing data transformations on Iris with VSCode? Are you editing the DT classes with VSCode and forget about the UI? Are you exporting from management portal the files to VSCode directory? Are you using a source control hook?

Thank you

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