I programmed some server command by my own. That server commands worked fine for a long time.
Suddonly I received
Studio Action "Attempted Edit" not supported on[CTAE01]
by using one of my server commands.
There is an explanation:
Error running command vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther: Running the contributed command: 'vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther' failed.. This is likely caused by the extension that contributes vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther.
A vendor is sending an HL7 message where they are hitting the enter key within the field. I am looking for a way to concatenate the lines. I want to know if there id a way to search the field for a carriage return and piece together the field. This is an example of what they are sending:
NTE|1||Fake Interpretation A Overall Summary. Patient presents with abnormal SR and RHR.
Fake Interpretation B 80/120
Fake Interpretation C - HR 55 BPM|
I recently needed to setup an SSL/TLS configuration in IRIS that supported mutual authentication (where the server IRIS is establish a connection to is verified, and, where IRIS is in turn verified by the remote host). After a bit of research and getting it done, I thought it worthwhile to just go over the process I went through in order to potential help others, and save you some time .
I'm running reviews on Open Exchange since April 2021. I have seen excellent packages, good ones, and some that made me feel just lost. And I started to recognize contributors also by their style and organization of the submitted packages.
Hello, are there any alternative choices for creating forms with a different tool and then integrating them with Intersystems? I want to use Angular to construct forms and integrate the code with Intersystems. Is there anyone out there who might have an idea?
Pouring The Coffee: Creating and scheduling a task
Don't you wish a fresh, hot cup of coffee could be waiting for you right when you get into the office? Let's automate that!
Cache and IRIS come with a built-in Task Manager, which should have a familiar feel to those used to using the Windows task scheduler or using cron on Linux. Your user account will need access to the %Admin_Task resource to use it, and you can access it in the management portal under System Operation -> Task Manager. When first installed, there are roughly 20 types of task that you can schedule.
I've configured IRIS/HealthConnect with an external web server to support TLS encryption. It's installed on the same server as IRIS, but is a different instance and version of Apache httpd. That all works as expected.
I would also like to keep the "private" web server available, but I'm having an issue with using the fully-qualified domain name in the URL vs. just the hostname itself.
If I use http://servername:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp to log on, all is well.
We adore you! And so excited to share with you all that...
We've now reached an incredible milestone of 10,000 registered members on Developer Community! 🎊
At InterSystems, we believe in the power of community. So we really appreciate all of your contributions throughout these 6 years and look forward to the road ahead!
Hello programmers !! I'm learning COS and Ensemble and also I started to work with this technology and I did set up vscode to program, but I don't know how to set up the vscode terminal for COS. Could anyone help me? I'm a beginner with this technology
I'm attempting to use the .NET Entity Framework provider that is provided by InterSystems (see: https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GBMP_eframe). In our environment, the "Support Delimited Identifiers" option is turned off and we are not allowed to turn it on without significant testing effort. When this setting is off, the SQL that is generated by the Entity Framework provider is not considered valid and therefore the provider doesn't work (it DOES work,
I want to switch between different DSNs in business operations to query different servers, but the DO ..Adapter.DSNSet("DSNName") code will report a 15-second connection timeout error when switching DSNs. What should I do?
https://www.youtube.com/embed/km5bKHhtq1k [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.
But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.
To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.
Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.
Intersystems recently announced a partnership with unqork. I would like to know if someone already used this tool, or another tool, and how was the experience. Is there within the intersystems ecosystem (partners) any low-code tool that generates COS? Tks
A permanent job opportunity has arisen for a Caché/Ensemble /Iris developer with at least 2 years experience. My client is a specialist resource provisioner of developers for high profile clients in the finance, healthcare, retail, distribution and credit business that are mainly based in central London. My client is looking for a highly-motivated individual who thrives in an environment where problems are open-ended.
At the recent virtual conference I saw the demonstration on being able to run Python within ObjectScript and run ObjectScript within Python thanks to a feature called Language Bridge. Is this available now? If so, am I able to install it? I am currently running HealthShare 2020.1. I have a little bit of experience using Irisnative with Python but was intrigued with the more seamless-looking features offered by the Language Bridge.
I am trying to create a scheduled task but get not implemented error when I try to run it.
Class PICIS.Core.Tasks.CleanEntry Extends %RegisteredObject {
ClassMethod ClearTasks(pBackupFile As %String = "d:\Temp\BackupTasks.xml", pDelete As %Boolean = 0) { // Create backup file Set tBackup = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New() Set tBackup.Filename = pBackupFile Do tBackup.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>") Do tBackup.WriteLine("<Tasks>")