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Does anyone have experience using SCCM or any other enterprise application management tool to deploy updates to a thick client (internally developed standalone app) across the enterprise? I have a client that is attempting to get this working for their customer and running into some trouble. If you have any knowledge or experience you can share it would be greatly appreciated.

I have read some MS Technet pages that appear to indicate this is possible

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We have a situation where we want to save the patient photo (or any other attachment) received via FHIR to a persistent property without decoding it. When it is sent out again using FHIR is is stored in the encoded format and need not be encoded. We do not need to decode it for our application. We always use it on another system that retrieves it or saves it via FHIR and therefore it is always received or sent embedded in JSON.

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I am trying to import a WSDL using the wizard and it outputs:

ERROR #6413: Element 'wsdl:binding:operation:msg': corresponding to message null : http://services.sanidad....

I have tried to find more information:

It is close to this case, however it is not the same error number:

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0 394

I'm trying to create a new Record Map but I keep getting a ZEN Exception error. I actually go this to work the very first time I did it and have a record map. But I need to do more.

I'm working on my local machine so I can grab a CSV (or txt in this case as it's pipe delimited) from the local directory. I pick the file I want to use but when I click OK i get a popup and the following error:

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0 352

I am experiencing a problem with an EDI process that uses a SQL Batch Service to connect to our DEV environment. However, when we point the EDI service to our TEST server, it errors out.

I have checked every single property on our TEST and DEV servers as well as the properties on the associated tables. They are identical. Nothing has changed in the SQL either.

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I'm trying to establish a communication between my edge, which is in one server, with my HUB which is in another one.
In EDGE, when the HS.Gateway.HSWS.WebServices component sends a message to the HUB component, it receives the following error: "Cannot invoke method RegisterGateway; WebServiceClientClass 'HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined".

May someone help me?

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0 410

Trying to map two repeatable fields from a record mapper. The fields are separated by a ^. I've tried a fore each, but still getting an error when testing in the transform.

ERROR #5002: Cache error: <UNDEFINED>XMLLOOP2+414^BHS.RecordMap.PenradConvPath.Record.1 *%SAX("1",23)
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0 291


I am currently working with a "Stem Cell" supplier who do not have any/much Interface capability to push "Bone Marrow" harvest information. But willing to develop an HL7 feed/ WSDL capability.

It will be ideal, if I can get this via HL7 as much as possible and wondering if anyone has used HL7 to transmit bone marrow CD34, CD3 makers, product location and Harvest information? if so can you please advise which HL7 messages are ideal and some sample messages if possible please?

How about

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While HL7 Errors ACKs come back in the soap response, the HL7v2 Error ACK message is not processed.

I used the SOAP Wizard to construct my classes, but the generated code doesn't handle the HL7v2 ACK.
Does health Connect have a class that handles this?

Failing an official solution should I go ahead and make make my own classes based on EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation, but wrapping it with the generated SOAP handling code.

How have others dealt with this?

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When publish my application on the iis server below function not working..

Public Shared Sub Connection()
factory = CreateObject("CacheObject.Factory")
If Not factory.IsConnected() Then
Dim connectstring As String
connectstring = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("con")
Dim success As Boolean
success = factory.Connect(connectstring)
End If

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0 393

Hi, i am trying to transform a mensage HL7 ORUR01. The segmnet OBX.5 is dynamic and i'm calling to subtranform item but fail.

this is the error:
ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zTransform+16 ^es.gra.informes.transformaciones.OBXToInforme.1 *GetSegmentAt,EnsLib.HL7.Segment -- - registrado como '-'
número - @'
Set zSrcOBJz=source.GetSegmentAt("5",.tSC1)'

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0 397
· Mar 30, 2019
X12 Routing - Whole Batch

When a X12 message comes into Ensemble as a Whole Batch how do you search on a segment within the body of the message? For example, a REF segment. It appears the only way is to set the Service to a single session batch, but this doesn't allow you to send the message as a Whole Batch to the Operation.

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· Mar 25, 2019
Error in ebXML SOAP Service

We're moving an Ensemble production from Ensemble 2010 to Ensemble 2017 and in it we have a ebXML SOAP Service. It extends EnsLib.ebXML.Service.SOAPService and just contains one method with a method keyword of SoapAction = ebXML.

We're receiving a SOAP message with a SOAP action = urn:nhs:names:services:pdsquery/QUPA_IN000011UK02 and this is getting rejected with the error message ERROR #6207: Unexpected SOAPACTION value: urn:nhs:names:services:pdsquery/QUPA_IN000011UK02

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I want to edit the the Master viewer /source UI of HealthShare Provider Directory with a property/ element of String type.

There are predefined CodeTables structure by which i can't add the Attributes of the above element because somehow above element attributes are different than the code Table structures .

Can we add a new Customize Code Table other than predefiend Code tables in the HealthShare Provider Directory ?

Is there any way or any tutorial by which we can edit the Master Viewer ?

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· Feb 8, 2019
CCD Filtering

I am new to CCDs and I have a question for you all.

I need to take in a CCD from our EMR, filter out sensitive data then send it on as a CCD.

All feedback is appreciated.


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· Feb 1, 2019
Message Bank Usage


Has anyone implemented the message bank functionality in particular in the UK and if so what are your experiences of it in particular for custom messages? We are thinking of using it as our long term store and would like any feedback on it. We use a mix of REST web services, custom messages, HL7v2 and FHIR messaging within the Health area (NHS Trust to be exact).

I would also be interested in which version you implemented this upon.



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I have been trying to implement SPA using routing between two components in a CSP page.

If i use the line which i commented the page views and gets data from the vue instance (when not using the <route-view> and other 2 vue route functions below).

since i need to implement routing i am using as below, now the property "selectedYear" is not getting data from vue instane and i am getting the below error as well.

I dont know whether i am going down the right path.

please see my code below and help me

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