Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn more about the FHIR, how it came to be and the future of the standard:

The Concept of FHIR: A Healthcare Data Standard Designed for the Future

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,822 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We are updating a C# module which creates consumes an OdbcConnection from System.Data.Odbc. This module used to create a DSN-less connection through the InterSystems Cache driver, and we are updating it to call the IRIS ODBC35 driver following migration of the target database.

The Cache connection was formed formatted as follows:

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Hi Community,

Whenever I insert a decimal value with trailing zero(ex:12.0000) value in my JSON object dynamically through %Set method. It truncates the trailing zeros. However If I use literal constructors { } It working as expected. So, In my case the JSON will be generated dynamically. I can't go with "Curly Bracket { } " and the JSON schema not string as well.
Is there any way to fix this?

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As noted in the previous article Native API has some limits.
So I did some research on a more Terminal-like interface that
provides me with access like a console or the IRIS terminal
to allow my $QUERY over a global and other nice commands
that are not supported/mapped in NativeAPI for ObjectScript.

The basic tools are well-prepared and available.

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I have tried many methods from super classes of %CSP.REST but I can't find a method I can override that will run after the %response object is created so I can set a header that is common to each implementation method. It's one line of code in each method to set the header but it would like to make it super easy, simple and just have a method that runs on, before, after the implementation method to set this common header (we want to return the API version in each responses HTTP headers.

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Hi All! For those of you who are early adopters of Health Connect Cloud, you might be interested in our latest video -- a tutorial on how to create firewall rules, as well as obtain important network addresses, in your Health Connect Cloud deployments. Let us know if you have questions or interest in learning more about Health Connect Cloud.

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If you hold the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certification, you can potentially get recertified and have your certification expiration date extended by five years by beta testing our new InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist Recertification project. The project includes hands-on exercises to validate core skills for developers who use InterSystems products to build and test HL7 v2.x productions.

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· Aug 9, 2023
Reports roadmap

We are about to embark on a development where we'll be taking HL7 messages and generating PDF reports from them. We are wanting to future proof our development efforts within the constraints of our currently deployed platform and future upgrade options. We are currently running on Ensemble 2018, though an upgrade to Iris is anticipated - at some indeterminate point in the future. We are aware of Zen Reports and InterSystems Reports (Logi) as technology options, but are also unclear on some details. A roadmap and guidance from those who've done this kind of thing before would be great!

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· Jun 1, 2017
Casting JSON

I'm doing a REST service. A method has as body parameter a JSON corresponding to a class A.

In my production I have class A so that I retrieve the parameters using a dynamic object, such that:

Set body = ##class(%DynamicObject).%FromJSON(%request.Content)
Set myObjectA = ##class(A).%New()
Set myObjectA.Id = body.Id
Set myObjectA.Name = body.Name
Set myObjectA.Date = body.Date
Set myObjectA.Salary = body.Salary

I would like to know if I can avoid doing the manual mapping, doing a casting, since I am sure that FromJSON will return a class A. Something like this:

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· Jul 23, 2019
Routing Rule New Line Syntax

Hi all,

I'm working on a routing rule for Ens.Alert. I'd like to add some text to the email alert but I'm having trouble formatting the text. I want a new line after the original alert with my own text. I will attach a screenshot. Looking at the "assign" line, I'm looking for what I need to use in place of "\r\n" to make a new line.

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· Jul 25, 2023
2FA on REST API with JWT

I successfully setup a REST web application with JWT enabled, which is fantastic. My next configuration 'challenge' is to add 2FA to this REST app. First question first - is this possible with the OpenAPI generated /login? The end goal is to build out a SPA (React) using /login for the JWT and adding the Auth bearer token for api calls. I'd like to prevent the token generation until the 2FA is satisfied - or generate the token, but test if the 2FA is satisfied before allowing calls forward. Hope that's clear.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

※Use this method if you want to compare databases that have been replicated using mirroring, shadowing, or some other mechanism.

You can use the DATACHECK utility to compare global variables. Please refer to the document below.
Overview of DataCheck [IRIS]


Routine comparisons use the system routine %RCMP or the Management Portal.

Below is how to use it in the Management Portal.

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When I open a class in VS Code and I want to save it I'm getting the following error : Non-JSON response to /api/atelier/v7/DEV/doc/API.Mollie.Execute.cls?ignoreConflict=0 request. Is the web server suppressing detailed errors?

Also I always get a popup when I open VS Code "The extension wants to sign in using InterSystems Server Credentials."

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Hey ISC Community!

For a small automation feature I would like to login to the IRIS shell non-interactively, skipping the whole username and password prompts, providing the credentials through other means. Something in the fashion of "iris session <instance-name> --user myuser --pass mypass" would be great, but the session tool itself doesn't seem to be capable of doing this.

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In the discussions at https://community.intersystems.com/post/intersystems-studio-deprecated-starting-20232 one notable topic has been that some Studio users make regular use of its facilities for exporting multiple code artifacts (e.g. classes and routines) into a single XML file on the workstation, then exporting that file into a different server namespace.

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