InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,555 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Oct 29, 2018
InterSystems Prague Meetup # 1

We had our first meetup of the Prague Meetup for InterSystems Data Platform last Thursday!

As it was our first such venue, the attendance was not large, but we believe it was a good start. Those who attended could learn about new features that InterSystems IRIS brings to our partners and customers as well as listen to a presentation discussing what it takes to migrate from Caché or Ensemble to InterSystems IRIS and eventually containerizing their applications.

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Continuing on with providing some examples of various storage technologies and their performance profiles, this time we looked at the growing trend of leveraging internal commodity-based server storage, specifically the new HPE Cloudline 3150 Gen10 AMD processor-based single socket servers with two 3.2TB Samsung PM1725a NVMe drives.

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(Originally posted on Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 10/12/15) The following code snippet outputs all filenames in the file path "dir" in the Cache/IRIS terminal. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.filenamesInDir Extends %RegisteredObject
	classmethod test() {
		// replace dir with file path you want
		set dir = "D:\directory" 
		set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
		set file=$ZSEARCH(dir_"*")
		while file'="" {
			write !,file
			set file=$ZSEARCH("")

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HealShare 2017

Hi dev community,

I am currently working on an interface that needs to communicate to a SOAP/ITK endpoint.

I am using the EnsLib.ITK.AdapterKit.Operation.SOAPOperation to interface with an ITK
service, but it is proving to be more complex than originally expected to set up the web client
against that particular end-point since I haven't been provided with a WSDL from ITK service side as
the vendor state they are following the ITK standard and no WSDLs are needed.

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· Feb 19, 2016 1m read
Simple WorkMgr example

Attached code contains a very basic $system.WorkMgr example.

It uses several jobs (workers) to update different chunks of rows of a table.


  • Creates a table with 100 records.
  • Split table in chunks
  • Initialize WorkMgr and queue chunks to workers.
    • Every worker simply sets its process number in the Job field of the processed row.

In this case, I have tested the example in a 8-core laptop:

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I would like to know if anyone has had some experience in building systems for multiple end-users.

To keep things simple, in a hypothetical example, say an Event Booking System, where a Venue could sign up to use such a system and define it's Venue, costs, calendars, etc.. and then invite their customers to book the Venue on different days/times.

If I wish to offer such a system to many Venues, there are a number of options available.

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· Mar 22, 2017
Unable to sFTP to vendor

We have many sFTP business operations that work successfully. I just modified an existing one to point to a new IP and Port, as well as use new credentials (username and password only). When I attempt to sFTP a file, I receive the following error.

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I'm currently working on a project to run our medical device integration through ensemble.

I've noticed a potential problem with the volume of messages . The feed generates around 474K messages daily( average of 1 message per minute per device from 300+ devices).

We currently keep all our other feeds message data for 90 days and purge automatically. From what I can see is that the purge functions in Ensemble are production wide and cannot set it at the Business Operation, Service or Router level.

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· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From=""
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver=""
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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The context of the rule set contains an ArrayOfDT(I've also tried Collection.ArrayOfDataTypes).

I need to access an element using its key in the rule set using the assign function. I've tried everything I can think of and searched the documentation, but can't find anything. It is probably very obvious.

Can you please help?

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I am trying to find out when a Business Service was created, and by who. I have reviewed the audit trail and it doesn't appear that this information is actually logged there. I am hoping that this might be logged in a SQL table or global someplace. I have reviewed the SQL tables in that namespace and have come up empty. I thought it might be located in Ens_Config.Item, but that table is sparse.

Anyone know where this information might be logged?

Thanks, Jim

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· Sep 6, 2018


I'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.

I set the source to Request and all the other properties.

The error I always get back is Method does not exist...

Could anyone help me out?

Kind Regards


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My main goal is to be able to create reports and alerts in my SIEM based on what individual searched for and accessed what patient records, and when.

Does anybody have any experience with this? I've been ingesting audit logs in to Splunk but I'm having a hard time getting useful data.

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I looking to gain insight on if I can trigger a SMS text to a Clinician

New to HealthShare and trying to get the process for setting up a message.

Simple use case

Alert a Clinician if a patient meets specific requirements via an SMS text message.

I have set up a test physician in our dev environment, and enabled push notification on the Edges fro the MPI update manager.

Based off of the HEPUSH documentation.

Any direction to documentation or steps is greatly appreciated.


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InterSystems IRIS supports publish and subscribe message delivery. Publish and subscribe refers to the technique of routing a message to one or more subscribers based on the fact that those subscribers have previously registered to be notified about messages on a specific topic.

This article demonstrates how several InterSystems IRIS capabilities can work together:

In this article we would send emails about:

  • New workflow tasks
  • Unassigned workflow tasks
  • Uncompleted workflow tasks
  • Ensemble alerts

Email recipients would be determined using Publish/Subscribe operation and each user would receive only digest email whenever possible.

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Hi Community!

Would you like to work on the next big game-changing idea in healthcare? How about partnering with healthcare innovation center where selected projects gain access to a unique pool of worldwide expertise? Or how about redefining usage of big data in diagnostics with the world’s fastest supercomputer? Or you might fancy changing the future of hospitals with your own new company?

So, meet InterSystems at the CEEHACKS Smart Health Hackathon Prague 2018!

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Hi Community!

This year will have a special section on Flash Talks which gives you an opportunity to introduce your tool or solution on InterSystems Global Summit 2018!

What is Flash Talks?

It's 15 min session you have on Technology Exchange scene: 10 min for your pitch, 5 min for Q&A.

The session WILL BE live streamed on Developer Community YouTube Channel.

Developer Community Flash Talks!

Today, 10/02, Flash Talks Scene @ InterSystems Global Summit 2018!

2 pm Open source approaches to work with Documents @Eduard Lebedyuk, InterSystems

2-15 InterSystems IRIS on Kubernetes by @Dmitry Maslennikov

2-30 Visual Studio Code IDE for InterSystems Data Platforms by @John Murray, GeorgeJames Software

2-45 Static Analysis for ObjectScript with CacheQuality by @Daniel Tamajon, Lite Solutions

3-00 InterSystems Open Exchange by @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems

3-15 Q&A Session on Developer Community, Global Masters, and Open Exchange

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Hi Community!

It's time for new videos from Global Summit 2018 on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel! Are you ready?

Please welcome the first session recording from Global Summit 2018:

Accelerating Time-to-Productivity
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From the first glance, the task of configuring LDAP authentication in Caché is not hard at all – the manual describes this process in just 6 paragraphs. On the other hand, if the LDAP server uses Microsoft Active Directory, there a few non-evident things that need to be configured on the LDAP server side. Those who don’t do anything like that on a regular basis may get lost in Caché settings. In this article, we will describe the step-by-step process of setting up LDAP authentication and cover the diagnostic methods that can be used if something doesn’t work as expected.

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