I have been working on a project in our Dev environment which resulted in processing a few (million) HL7 messages, and I thought it would be a good idea to purge the namespace in a controlled way. My concern was when it hit the day where the scheduled task would purge 'the day of a million messages', it would fill the Journal Drive quite dramatically and would happen overnight resulting in triggering a response from the poor person on out of hours support.
I ran the below query in three different modes. Coordinated Universal Time is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time so there is difference in value from column 1 and column 2 in ODBC, Display mode, but not in Logical Mode. By default the query executes in ODBC mode when we query the data from outside world(via ODBC connection).
I don't know why query 2 and query 3 outputs different from query 1.
Query 1. Ran in Logical mode, DATEPART() took in memory stored timestamp data(stored in UTC)
I have an Ensemble installation and just build my first RestService (using %CSP.Rest that forwards them to my Business Service). This works nice and fine when I use postman to make REST calls over http (port 57772). However when I attempt to make a request using https over port 443 I receive the following error:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/045ub0q3Bqc [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
Hi all! We have just released a new online course, Getting Started with ICM, that provides an introduction to InterSystems Cloud Manager (ICM) -- one of the new technologies coming with the release of InterSystems IRIS!
https://www.youtube.com/embed/TBPWbW4pADE [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
We have an web application accessed using https, that uses CSP technology with frames.
The initial 'login' is via a single CSP page, which then redirects to another CSP page which creates the frames (4 in all) and loads a CSP page in each of those. For the most part the frames load without error, but sometimes when logging in and sometimes while using the system ' 5916 Illegal CSP Request ' errors occur.
I say 'login' in inverted commas as a Cache login is not performed just an application login, I don't know if that's relevant so thought I'd mention it.
Does anyone know how to return the sys.process table with the corresponding configname item for each process? Also, is there a key for the Job Type field?
I have a query that I am attempting to run, but inner query is being rolled up into the overall query - per the optimizer (and jobexam observation). While I know that if the inner query runs first, I will eliminate a number of records (making the result set smaller, and return quicker).
I am looking to send out an email based on a patient's discharge where PID13-4 contains their email. We are currently using something similar with an Email.OutboundAdapter. However, in our current scenario we have a hard coded email in place as the recipient (as this is for order notification to a pager). In the scenario in question, I would need PID13-4 to populate as the recipient of the email. Does anyone have an example of something similar, or a suggestion on where to start?