I'm looking for options to create multiple DFT HL7 messages based on data contained in a ZCO segment in a single inbound DFT message. I have the following ZCO segment:

ZCO|CCC^Charge Code|1306794,1071301,23510,1071424|MFCD^Charge Code|14232,3542|||||

In this example, I need to create a new DFT message based on the data contained in ZCO:2. Each code needs to be in it's own DFT message and put in FT1:7.1. The number of codes will vary for each inbound message, but each code will need to create its own outbound message to the client.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,038 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi all!
I need to call an API that has the following characteristics:

  • Content-Type: application / x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Authorization: (with a "Bearer" token)

In the body the information is given through the form data.

I can not find documentation on how to make this call and how to get the answer (JSON).

Could you help with an example?

Thank you

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0 1.6K


I am new to InsterSystems Cache - having a SQL Server background. However I am dealing with a Third Party who use InterSystems Cache to hold some of our data. To do some analysis I need to view a backup of the database. They are prepared to send me a backup.

My question is - how can I view this backup ( would this be the CACHE.dat file?).

Do I effectively need to have an installation of CACHE on my machine to be able to view this? Is it possible to view it from SQL Server?

Any help would be appreciated.



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0 457
· Jan 18, 2019 2m read
Free IRIS Community Edition in AWS

Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud


It's very common that people new in InterSystems IRIS want to start to work in a personal project in a full free environment. If you are one of this, Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud.

7 15
4 1.5K

Hi All,

I created a Business Operation to Integrate with Amazon S3.
I have used HTTP Outbound Adapter for the same. Used Get method of Adapter Class.
Basically in a request I want to send Unique File Name and File and in Response I want to get Version ID and if operation was successful, then set flag to true.

I have created a class for request in that I have two properties, as shown Below :

Property fileName As %String;
Property file As %GlobalBinaryStream;

This is in my Operation Class

0 8
1 882


We are in process of moving our first Production from development to test. We exported our project from Studio. On test server, we cannot Open the Production because it is not a valid production because nothing exists in Ens. Config.Production class. What are we missing? How do we add our Production in Ens.Config.Production?

0 3
0 659


-- We have our Pivot ready for some data for all accounts. And we want to now filter it by Account


It works fine at the pivot level and it filters the records. We save the pivot with no filter values as we want users to decide the Account they want to filter for

-Now If i save this pivot without a value of a filter , then obviously it has all records and I want to filter it at the Dashboard level on my page.

URL I am passing

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0 249

Hello all,

I have an XSL question and I wanted to see if someone within a community can help me out.

To Summarize: I am working with XSL documents, single and multi-pages.
Inside my style sheet XML document, which is supporting my pages, everything on the page, including a headers, footers and the items are calculated
based on the portrait measurements.
Pages come up on the screen as portrait, but sometimes, depending on dynamic data are wide, they do not print properly in portrait.

0 1
0 422

Hi All,

Can someone help me getting the security features & standards which InterSystmes Cache adheres to ISO 27001 & other security & privacy standards.

Also if you can tell me the algorithm used for database encryption & key strength by default.

This is required for a security audit.

Thanks in advance.

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0 533

Good morning,

I have another question regarding batch files and Ensemble/Healthshare. Is it possible for a batch file to check the status of the mirror monitor and return it as a status or value?

At present, we store the name of the instance in an echo and reference that. In the event we have to use a different echo, is it possible to have that in a different variable at all?

I hope this makes sense. If I can provide any other information please do let me know.

Kind regards, Alexi Demetriou

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0 451


I'm working on exporting data from an Intersystems Cache database through the Cache ODBC Driver. There is a particular table that is giving me an error message. The ODBC Driver crashes and reports an error from the Cache system. I think I was able to trace down where the error is coming from, but I do not know how to debug or fix the error.

The table I am trying to extract is called SEDMIHP.

Here's the Error:

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0 1.4K

When I open a BPL, or DTL class in Atelier it attempts to open a graphical editor using Internet explorer.

Even though I have IE 11 installed it is somehow "stuck" in IE 7 emulation mode when invoked from Atelier (Eclipse).

So I get an error message, and cannot use the graphical editor. This has been true in the Marketplace Atelier 1.3 and also Beta.

I'm running Atelier IDE Beta 1.3.141, on Eclipse Javascript 2018-12-R.

Two questions:

Why cannot the editor work with IE7 anyway?

How can I get Atelier to invoke IE with the right options?

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0 330

Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Certificate Revocation, OCSP Stapling and KMIP

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 463

Hello Cache Developers: I was curious if anyone has ever created a TWAIN interface to their Cache Application? I am new to TWAIN and hence the reason for this question. From what I understand, TWAIN is software used by various digital imaging software and TWAIN provides an API for applications to call to be able to import images into their application. I work with a healthcare application and was wondering what types of things are required for a Cache Web Application to call the TWAIN API to be able to load images into a Cache table. Any input, sample code, or suggestions is apprec

1 4
0 630
· Apr 28, 2016
Git and Atelier


I'm in the process of trying to convert my team to a Git-based workflow for source code version management (we use Ensemble and HealthShare, but build a lot of customizations on top). We are having a hard time working with Atelier in this regard for a few reasons:

2 11
0 1.4K

HI Community,

I would like to store a tablepane currPage variable in %session.Data, and retrieve the value when returning from a detail page back to the tablepane.

My test code so far:

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0 344


I am trying to copy an xml file generated on an Apache server into the Jenkins workspace post-build. I was thinking to use a 'send files over ssh' post-build script, but have not done this before and do not know how to refer to the file location on Apache server vs on Jenkins.

For example, if I want to copy from Apache's location of: "classes/UnitTest/Results.xml" into Jenkin's workspace: "/ReportFiles/Results.xml",

How does the script differentiate between whether the location address refers to the Apache server or Jenkins workspace?

0 2
0 21.2K


Please note, this article is considered deprecated, check out the new revision over here: https://community.intersystems.com/post/tutorial-websockets

The goal of this post is to discuss working with Websockets in a Caché environment. We are going to have a quick discussion of what websockets are and then talk through an example chat application implemented on top of Websockets.

13 28
4 19K

Today in docs I found this example using NULL:



zzdump $LB(NULL)

and NULL can be case-insensitive:

zzdump $LB(null)

seems the same as just:

zzdump $LB()

But if null variable is defined then list would contain value from variable. Case sensitive in that situation.

Does anyone have any Idea what is this? Is NULL used anywhere besides as a list element?

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