Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in October 2019!

New applications in October 2019

simplemirror by Mario Sanchez Macias

This is a very simple docker-compose with a simple class that creates a mirror. It will create 2 folders (mirrorA and mirrorB) with the Iris installation files and mirror database MIRRORDB. Also creates a namespace MIRRORNS.

objectscript-rest-docker-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Very simple template to start development REST API with for persistent data in IRIS using Docker.

IRIS OAuth example by Dmitrii Kuznetsov

This is a template for InterSystems ObjectScript Github repository. The template goes also with a few files which let you immedietly compile your ObjecScript files in InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in a docker container

vscode-multi-connection by Dmitry Maslennikov

Example project, how to configure and use multiple connections in one namespace with VSCode-ObjectScript

iris-datatransform-unittest by Alberto Fuentes

IRIS Data Transform UnitTest Sample

SetEnv by Eduard Lebedyuk

Set Environment Variables

DocumentTemplate by Zenkov Artem

DocumentTemplate allows you to use ODT and DOCX files as templates for rendering reports or letters.

msgpack by Maks Atygaev

Implementation of MessagePack protocol where you need something more compact and speed then JSON. https://msgpack.org

Twitter Sentiment Analysis with IRIS by Amir Samary

Use IRIS Natural Language Processing and its interoperability capabilities to fetch realtime tweets and analyze their sentiment as well as their metadata.

Apache POI by Eduard Lebedyuk

ObjectScript part for apache-poi integration. Allows reading xlsx.

RabbitMQ adapter by Eduard Lebedyuk

InterSystems IRIS adapter for RabbitMQ

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in September 2019!

New applications in September 2019

web HERALD by Martin Weber

web HERALD is a Highly Extensible Rapid Application Development framework, the ultimate server-based platform for Caché Developers created by our inhouse Caché Developers.

objectscript-docker-template by Evgeny Shvarov

A simple template to start coding in InterSystems ObjectScript with preset dockerfile and settings for VSCode to start compiling and debugging.

angular-material-iris-starter by Sergey Shutov

A template project for Angular frontend with InterSystems IRIS. The main goal of this repository is to provide an up to date example of Angular application following all recent best practices

cache-iris-app-tools by Sergey Mikhailenko

Solution for technical support and DBMS administrator. View globals arrays, execute queries (including JDBC/ODBC), sending results to email as XLS files. Viewer class instances with СRUD editing. A few simple graphs on the protocols of the system.

IRIS OData Client by Sean Connelly

A simple IRIS client for connecting and consuming RESTful OData API services.

ObjectScript-Foreach by David Crawford

The beginnings of a foreach function equivalent in ObjectScript.

Kano MDM by Liudmyla Valerko

Kano MDM is an efficient Master Data Management software product with a complete set of features for successful implementation of interoperability solution.

Output-Capture by David Crawford

Captures the output of common objectscript terminal verbs, such as zwrite.

dasha-iris-adapter by Vladislav Chernyshov

Dasha.ai is a platform for designing human-like voice interactions to automate business processes.

This repository includes the first version of Dasha.ai IRIS Interoperability Adapter and demo Interoperability Production to show how to connect IRIS and Dasha.ai platform.

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Hi Developers!

Just want to share the information with you that we support TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon 2019 this year!

It will take place from 2-4 of October in San Francisco, CA.

We introduced InterSystems special prizes for participants which solutions will use InterSystems IRIS $4,000 and InterSystems IRIS for Health 4,000.

Learn more here.

If you happen to participate we wish you luck and hope you'll leverage InterSystems IRIS data platform functionality to win Disrupt Hackathon 2019!

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Hi Developers!

If you happen to visit Global Summit 2019 don't hesitate to stop by Developers Community Booth (table 9 on Tech Exchange, 3rd floor) - we can help to submit your Open Exchange solution to ZPM Package Manager.

One package Output Capture by @David Crawford is already packaged and can be installed with the following command:

zpm:USER>install output-capture

Also, come to chat on your dev experience and collect your GlobalMasters badge from @Anastasia Dyubaylo ;)

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in August 2019!

ToolBox-4-Iris by Richard Zimmermann

API for InterSystems IRIS with a collection of handy and useful tools

iris-history-monitor by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

IRIS History Monitor - monitoring visualization tool for InterSystems IRIS

Nested Set Model by Nikolay Soloviev

Nested Set Model implementation for ObjectScript

SOLID Design with ObjectScript by Sourabh Sethi

Training and Codeset of SOLID Design in ObjectScript

Samples-ObjectScript by Joel Solon

ObjectScript samples for use with the ObjectScript tutorial. Meant for use with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform.

Object Synchronization by Jose Tomas Salvador

Sample project to play with IRIS Object Synchronization feature

Https-Proxy-IRIS-Docker by Guillaume Rongier

Sample of an Https proxy for Intersystems Iris with docker

iris-webgateway-example by Dmitry Maslennikov

Example of containerised IRIS with separate Apache and WebGateway

iris-mirror-with-docker by Dmitry Maslennikov

Docker compose environment with demo IRIS configured with Mirroring

Fast & Informative WEB API/Proxy by Sourabh Sethi

Informative and Fast WEB API VIA ObjectScript and Ensemble/HealthShare

PivotSubscriptions by Peter Steiwer

Subscribe to Pivot Tables in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence to receive scheduled emails

ObjectScript Package Manager by Evgeny Shvarov

Package Manager for InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in July 2019!

New Applications

Metrics example published by David Underhill

A simple example of collating database and license metrics

Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object published by David Crawford

ObjectScript function to convert any SQL query into a dynamic object

Cogs JSON Class published by Sean Connelly

Convert JSON to and from InterSystems ObjectScipt classes

Objectscript Roman Numeral Converter published by David Crawford

Converts numbers into roman numerals using ObjectScript

Random Read IO Storage Performance Tool published by Tony Pepper

Random Read IO Performance Tool for InterSystems IRIS Database

Port published by Rubens Silva

Port is a VCS-agnostic Caché Studio utility to export or import Caché files based on projects instead of namespaces

Forgery published by Rubens Silva

An auxiliary tool used to mimic requests to %CSP.REST and Frontier Router-based classes.

Log Production Queue Counts published by Robert Hanna

A simple scheduled task and persistent table for logging production queue counts.

EnsDemo Iris installer published by Guillaume Rongier

ENSDEMO port to IRIS without HL7 and DICOM examples

Anti CSRF CSP published by David Crawford

A method for mitigating anti CSRF attacks on CSP derived API calls

Frontier published by Rubens Silva

%CSP.REST on steroids. Frontier is a REST framework made with the purpose of reducing boilerplate code and imposing a clean coding style

Python Gateway Samples published by Eduard Lebedyuk

Examples of PythonGateway Usage. Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms

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Hi Developers!

This is an anniversary announcement to celebrate 6,000 members on InterSystems Developers!

There are some other good figures came:

  • we have more than 5,000 posts with almost 1,000 articles. (956 to the moment).
  • Also, we are close to having 20,000 answers and comments and 2,000,000 reads for DC postings.

And we have the Spanish Community for 2 months running! Join Spanish DC!

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in June 2019!

New Applications

Example Backup Task published by @Sergey Mikhailenko

Sample database backup copying task with prior deletion of outdated copies

A more useful Object Dump published by @Robert Cemper

This small helper class allows you to dump an object to terminal or
e.g in background to some stream for later review.

Samples BI published by @Evgeny Shvarov on behalf of InterSystems

This is a technology example of InterSystems Business Analytics tool with Cubes, Pivots, MDX Queries and Dashboards. The Sample is formerly known as "Holefoods "

Interjob communication Demo published by @Robert Cemper

It's internal variant of PIPE

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Hi Community!

I have very good news for the developers, who are using GitHub to host projects with InterSystems ObjectScript. GitHub introduced the support of InterSystems ObjectScript this week!

How does it work?

Now all the .cls files in your repository are considered as InterSystems ObjectScript and highlighted according to the language rules of ObjectScript. For example WebTerminal, Samples-Data.

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in May 2019

New Applications

Background Jobs over ECP published by @Robert Cemper

An internal variant of a PIPE

Simple Remote Server Control published by @Robert Cemper

Simple monitoring of several servers at a lightweight level

iris-nodejs-101 published by @David Reche

This application demo a REST API build in node.js able to receive HTTP GET, POST and DELETE of custom JSON

Sea Battle published by @Evgeny Shvarov

Simple terminal game an approach to "Sea Battle". Example of simple ObjectScript method calls and terminal interaction The code is an ObjectScript remake of Python example in CodeAcademy

PHP-module for Caché published by @Sergey Kamenev

This is PHP-module for InterSystems Caché. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

PHP-module for IRIS published by @Sergey Kamenev

This is PHP-module for InterSystems IRIS. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running IRIS or Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

TSQL Checkers v.1.0.0 published by @Anton Umnikov

Demonstration of TSQL support in InterSystems IRIS. Checkers game

isclib v.2.1.0 published by @Kyle Michel

Go library for interacting with InterSystems Corporation products like Cache and Ensemble<--break->

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