Hi @Ali Chaib !

1. Yes, it can work with POST, GET and PUT out of the box.

2. The data is stored in IRIS database, in global arrays - as any data other stored via InterSystems data products.

3. FHIR server exposes standard FHIR R4 REST API which you can access via HTTP requests.

4. These classes help with development Digital Health Interoperability scenarios, e.g. if you have to establish perpetual processes to read from FHIR server and/or transform the data into other formats (e.g. HL7) and/or send it into different consuming applications.

5. This can be implemented via Digital Health interoperability framework. See the example.

I request @Patrick Jamieson and @Daniel Franco to provide more information.

I'm using VSCode to code on IRIS that starts from Docker. And with this approach you have the Terminal available in a menu - see the screenshot and loom:

Loom video

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Finally, one command to run iris in docker:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community -a "iris session iris -U%SYS '##class(Security.Users).UnExpireUserPasswords(\"*\")'"

And another command to open sql terminal:

irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:9091/USER

Thanks to @Robert Cemper  and @Dmitry Maslennikov 


You can use InterSystems Package Manager(IPM) to list all the members of production and distribute it to another machine (e.g. your client) via the IPM registry, or using zpmhub.

E.g. you can install several EnsDemo productions as one package:

USER>zpm "install irishealth-ensdemo"

Or recently I published an example of a very simple CSV data transformation production that you can install as one line:

USER>zpm "install esh-i14y-csv"

And here is how all the modules of production depicted in a module.xml.