Hey Developers,

Please welcome the new video by @Ron Sweeney on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Hands Off HealthShare Deployment Workflow with GitLab Runners

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Gitlab Runners and InterSystems Healthshare Code Deployment and VSCode oh my. More details in this post.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Visual Studio Code for ObjectScript: Server-Side Source Control

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Hi developers,

We have just published an update to the Deltanji version control extension for Visual Studio Code.

When used in certain Deltanji workflows, triggering an automatic checkout on first keystroke could result in the developer working on an outdated copy of the code and only being notified of this later when saving their changes. In order to prevent this from happening checkout now reloads the document immediately.

Error messaging has been improved in two areas - when attempting to cancel code that is not checked out, and when trying to register new code onto a withdraw system.

We have also improved interoperability between the Deltanji extension and the InterSystems ObjectScript one, as well as its handling of multi-component objects.

If you're already a user of Deltanji then your extension with automatically update. You can find out more information on Deltanji and the latest release here.

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gj :: locate was the entry from George James Software for the Developer Tools competition back in April 2021. When an ObjectScript error is reported, gj :: locate takes the .int line location and navigates you directly to the line in the source file where the error originated. Over the past few months we've found it a very useful tool when it comes to debugging, especially when used alongside the Serenji debugger in Visual Studio Code.

Our first update, version 1.1.0, now includes support for multi-root workspaces. This enables gj :: locate to be used with every workspace folder. If your VS Code workspace has more than one root level folder, connecting to different namespaces or perhaps different servers, then gj :: locate will determine which workspace folder is current and locate the source code in that folder. If your workspace doesn't have any files open then gj :: locate will prompt you to select a folder from a pick-list.

This will particularly benefit VS Code power users who have workspaces with simultaneous connections to multiple namespaces, on multiple different IRIS and Caché servers.

If you would like to try it out then you can download it from the VS Code marketplace. Or if you’re already a user, then gj :: locate will automatically update. Let us know how you're getting on with it!

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Announcing gj :: locate. A simple extension for VS Code that will help you get to the source of your errors.

In VS Code, using either the Serenji extension or the basic InterSystems objectscript extension, this small add-on will open the appropriate class or routine and position you at the exact line where an error occurred.

No more tedious counting of lines to find <UNDEFINED>zCredit+206^Ledger.Invoice.1. Instead, with gj :: locate you can get there with just a couple of clicks.

This 20 second video tells it all:

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In Atelier I can click File --> New --> Class File, and File --> New --> Custom File etc to launch various wizards and templates to help me quickly create DeepSee KPI classes, %Installer manifests, Web Services and the like. Of course, all these are available through Studio as well. Is there anything similar in VSCode? If so where? I've looked at several videos and the documentation, but I haven't seen anything.



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Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming "Enterprise-grade Source Code Management" webinar on May 21st at 11:00 AM EDT.

You will learn how Deltanji from George James Software can control large scale InterSystems applications throughout the development, testing, deployment and maintenance cycle.

@George James, CEO, George James Software
@John Murray, Senior Product Engineer, George James Software

What is Deltanji and what will be demonstrated at this webinar?

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Integrated Development Environments on May 19 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this edition of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talks, we put the spotlight on Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). We'll talk about InterSystems latest initiative with the open source ObjectScript extension to Visual Studio Code, discussing what workflows are particularly suited to this IDE, how development, support, and enhancement requests will work in an open source ecosystem, and more.

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Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Enable Docker and VSCode to Your InterSystems IRIS Solution

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In time for InterSystems Global Summit 2019 we at George James Software are pleased to offer a cloud-hosted evaluation environment where you can work with Serenji in Visual Studio Code, editing and debugging ObjectScript in a sandbox running InterSystems IRIS 2019.3 Community edition.

You can do it all from your web browser. Nothing will be installed on your workstation, nor will any settings have to be changed on it.

To take Serenji for a test drive please visit https://georgejames.com/dc-gitpod

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Hi Community,

As you may know, we successfully held InterSystems Developers Meetup in Boston at Global Summit 2019. And now it's time to find out which solutions development on InterSystems IRIS have been discussed!

Please welcome the Meetup video recording on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems Developers Meetup - Global Summit 2019

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Hi Everyone!

You're very welcome to watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov in the new format called "Coding Talks":

GitHub Flow with InterSystems IRIS: Edit with VSCode, Test with Docker, Commit, Push, Pull Request

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I am just recently announced my project isc-tar. But sometimes it is not less interesting what’s behind the scene: how it was built, how it works and what happens around the project. Here is the story:

  • How to develop this project
  • How to test it
  • How to release new versions for publishing
  • And finally how to automate all above
  • Continuous integration

So, I would like to tell all about it.

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Hey everyone.

I was wondering if anyone had come across a way of reformatting ObjectScript within VSCode.

I have the various Intersystems Extensions installed (InterSystems Language Pack, InterSystems ObjectScript, InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack, InterSystems Server Manager) but a formatter does not seem to be something included within this variety of extensions.

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In cache studio there are features, dialog boxes, that help map data from a global to class properties.
I have used %CacheSQLStorage quit a bit, or have in the past, to map globals to classes.

I haven't been able to find a similar feature in VisualStudio.
Do I need to upgrade to IRIS to be able to use VisualStudio to map global properties to classes?

Thanks for your time,

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In VSCode using the InterSystems extensions, I now have an almost working environment where routines can be created or modified on disk and these are pushed to the developer's IRIS instance.

One issue I'm finding whilst testing is that if I rename or delete a routine from disk, the change isn't pushed to IRIS and I can't work out how to make this happen.

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I begin to work with VSCode and all is ok but i have just one problem with ObjectscriptQuality plugin. I have no feedback in the problem tab using the objectScriptQuality plugin.

I only have feedback from InterSystems Language Server plugin. Where could the problem come from?

My goal is to use objectscriptQyality with the basic rules at first

I work with iris 22.3

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We have some custom tools that do project based deployment from environment to environment. In VS Code, we're struggling to find the best way to export PRJ files that contain the contents of a project the way we were able to in Studio. We can edit existing projects, and in server side editing we can create projects, but we can't seem to extract the project files (Not the classes, the wrapper) to store in our source control solution for deployment purposes.

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Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Visual Studio Code (VSC), and I've been wondering if there's a terminal or a panel within VSC that acts like the Intersystems Studio Output panel, which serves both as an input and output window and allows the execution of ObjectScript commands.

Could anyone help? Thanks :)

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I have a problem. Occasionally, I am getting locked out of IRIS because of password failures. However, the failures aren't necessarily related to my password. We are using VSCode, and I have installed one or two proposed APIs for use with the software (because that's just how I am; I want to learn the new stuff).

Today, I had that problem again. The step that caused the problem was most likely when I was trying to switch the branch I was using and updating within VSCode. Let's say I was switching from branch "1A" to branch "2B". When I did this, IRIS caught two password errors:

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Dear community members!

A very common problem of our users is to use an external database as data source in an IRIS production. As many of you already know, we have two ways to connect directly to an external database, the first one is using an ODBC connection, the second is using JDBC.

In our example we are going to create a connection using JDBC, and we are going to build a simple Docker's project, in this way you will be able to modify the example as you wish.

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