I'm trying to set up VS Code for ObjectScript using the instructions found here. I've got both Cache 2018.1.2.309.0 and IRIS 2020. When I try to connect to either one of them the connection fails, and I get a notification in the bottom right corner that says "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0". I've checked the JSON settings file that VS Code uses, and they're fine and formatted properly. All of the settings I've entered are correct.

0 20
0 4.8K

Hey everyone.

I was wondering if anyone had come across a way of reformatting ObjectScript within VSCode.

I have the various Intersystems Extensions installed (InterSystems Language Pack, InterSystems ObjectScript, InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack, InterSystems Server Manager) but a formatter does not seem to be something included within this variety of extensions.

1 18
0 541

Hi all,

I wonder how to sync my server code to my local code using Visual Studio Code.

Previously, using Atelier, you could open a view of server and can copy the code to the current project, also if I change a BP, I could sync the code because I had a signal that It's warning me that there was a change and it needs to be updated.

I thing i shouls opening the ObjectScript: Explorer and select the code directaly, and right click -> Import and compile current file (Ctrl + F7)

If I use this command, the ouptut window shows:

1 16
0 1.6K

Is there an easy way to open classes in VS Code?

In studio you go open and just type the class name and it opens up the class.

In VS Code need to know the full path, is there a quick way? It is probably the one thing preventing from using VSCode full time (apart from not seeing the .luts or csp files)

0 15
0 2.6K

Hi all,
By using VS code, I want to copy multiple files to local directory, then sync them to server, but I can't find where local directory is stored?
In Atelier IDE, I could open a view of server and can copy the code to the project, then code is saved in the local directory. When I copy multiple files to the local directory -> choose sync in Atelier -> the code will be synchronized to the server
How to do this from VS Code?

0 14
0 673

Newly created routines aren't showing up in the list for a namespace, even using the refresh button.

I checked the ^ROUTINE global and the newly created routine is there. Also, I can zload it and zprint it in the namespace.

Is there another global that is not being populated that vscode uses to build the list?

0 14
0 257

Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Visual Studio Code (VSC), and I've been wondering if there's a terminal or a panel within VSC that acts like the Intersystems Studio Output panel, which serves both as an input and output window and allows the execution of ObjectScript commands.

Could anyone help? Thanks :)

1 11
1 305

Hello dear developers,

I am currently doing an internship and learning about InterSystems IRIS and ObjectScript and have downloaded and installed the community version of IRIS.

I have not made any changes in the Management Portal.
In Visual Studio Code I have loaded the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.

If I now want to compile a file, VSC throws an error:
"ERROR #16006: Document name 'x.csp' is invalid"

0 11
0 139
· Jan 17
VSCode New Files

The company I work for have a repository for one of our products which already contains both InterSystems and non-InterSystems source code. I'm in the process of trying to migrate us over to using VSCode to edit the InterSystems source but am stuck on some issues surrounding the files on disk and the routines in the IRIS instance.

0 9
0 121
· Dec 9, 2020
Code migration using VSCode

I am fairly new to using VSCode. I have used VSCode to create some files on our Test Server, now I need to move them to Production.

Looking through the VSCode extension documentation, maybe I missed it but how to I migrate code from one workspace to another. In Studio I was use to exporting the code into an XML and just being able to import it on the Production server version of Studio.



0 9
0 618


Recently I have been tinkering with VSCode and ObjectScript extension to connect to my dockerized IRIS instance. I have configured the instance to use Apache as a Web Gateway as per instructions and it has been working well. Currently I'm using a self-signed certificate for the SSL part of the connection. The browser nags about insecure certs when connecting to Management Portal but that's expected.

However when I try to connect to the instance with VSCode it simply fails with the following error message

0 8
0 521

Hi Developers!

A question to those who use VSCode to code InterSystems ObjectScript.

Suppose you have the ObjectScript code on IRIS server and you want to export it into the desired folder.

And you have VSCode connected to the server.

What is the way to tell VSCode that I want to export classes into some particular folder in /package/class.cls way?

E.g. into:


and project_folder is opened in VSCode as the folder of the project.

1 8
0 874
· Feb 1, 2022
VSCode: Formatter not found


I am using VSCode together with IRIS 2021.1.
When using Shift+Alt+F to reformat a class file, it pops up with the below message. When I select install formatter, it routes me to the extensions page, where it shows the extensions as being installed. Any advice will be appreciated.

0 8
0 818

Is there a straightforward workflow in VS Code for moving a class from one namespace to another on the same server? With Caché/IRIS Studio, it was a (sort of) simple export/change namespace in file menu/import operation. But in VS Code it's not obvious (to me, at least).

I can add multiple namespaces to a workspace, but when using isfs:// paths I see only a "Download" option and no "Upload" or "Import/Compile." When I'm navigating the local file tree, I see Import options, but no way to select the namespace into which I want to import.

1 8
0 1.1K

In the wew versions of IRIS the Studio is going to be deprecated. In the Studio when editing classes there is an option to add information at package level, with the option "Package Information" that shows this dialog:

In VSCode there is the option to add/edit this package information? If no, how can one add/edit this information without the Studio?


0 8
0 276

Hi guys,

Open question for all of you...

We are getting some warnings in our code of a class definition when switching namespaces in the code, because the classes we use in different namespace wouldn't exist in each other's... an example:

ClassMethod DoSomething() {
     set oldNS=$zutil(5)
     znspace "SECONDNS"
     set ok=##class(MyPackage.MyClass).MyMethod()
     znspace oldNS

In that example, the vscode "Intersystems Language Server" extension would tag "MyPackage.MyClass" as a problem because that class only exists in the second namespace.

0 7
0 664

I am currently evaluating Source Control systems that we can use for both MS SQL, MS Visual Studio, and InterSystems IRIS. For both MS SQL and MS Visual Studio we do have the option of either Azure or GitHub. I understand when we upgrade to IRIS 2019.1 we have options for Source Control, and in previous Global Summit's I have heard GitHub discussed. So why can't I user GitHub for both MS SQL/MS Visual Studio and IRIS?

A couple of questions come to mind starting to think about Source Control

0 7
1 1.5K